Following the earlier updates, Hong Kong Disneyland’s Disney’s Storybook Theater is undergoing its annual refurbishment and maintenance from March 10 to March 28, 2025. During this period, the Broadway-style musical “Mickey and the Wondrous Book” has been temporarily suspended.
A refurbishment notice has been placed in front of the entrance to Disney’s Storybook Theater.
* 此禮遇適用於持有銀聯認可的香港和澳門指定機構發行之銀聯鑽石Prestige卡、鑽石卡和白金卡信用卡(「合資格卡」)之持卡人(「持卡人」)。持卡人須透過銀聯禮賓服務熱線預約,香港熱線(852)2169 0108 / 澳門熱線(853)6262 6324,方可享受禮遇。預約於七日前開放登記,並於到訪日前一天下午3時截止預約。
* The Privilege applies to cardholders who possess UnionPay Diamond Prestige, Diamond, and Platinum credit cards (“Cardholders”) issued by UnionPay-approved designated institutions in Hong Kong and Macau (“Eligible Cards”). To enjoy the Privilege, Cardholders are required to make reservations through the UnionPay Concierge Hotline at (852) 2169 0108 for Hong Kong / (853) 6262 6324 for Macau. Reservations will be open for registration up to seven (7) days in advance and will be closed at 3:00 PM on the day before the visit day.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort