香港迪士尼樂園度假區 於今天公佈最新「奇妙處處通」會員尊享換領活動,會員只需達到以下指定條件,即可於指定日子在樂園內換領「奇妙處處通」會員獨家「Duffy與好友珍藏版徽章套裝」。數量有限,換完即止。
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort has just announced an exciting new Magic Access Member Exclusive Redemption Offer! Members who meet the designated requirements can redeem an exclusive limited-edition Duffy And Friends Collectible Pin Set on selected dates inside the Park. Availability is limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last.
Redemption Arrangement
由2025年4月12日至5月7日,每位會員可憑以下方法親臨 香港迪士尼樂園「奇妙處處通會員服務中心」換領徽章套裝一套。
- 於2025年2月21日至5月7日期間累積4次或更多合資格入園記錄^(包括換領當天的入園紀錄);及
- 持有換領當天於香港迪士尼樂園度假區內一張滿港幣$ 200 合資格消費* 的即日實體收據換領徽章套裝一套。
From April 12 to May 7, 2025, each Magic Access Member may redeem one Duffy and Friends Collectible Pin Set in person at the Magic Access Member Service Center in Hong Kong Disneyland by presenting:
- A record of 4 or more accumulated Eligible Admission^ during the period from February 21 to May 7, 2025 (including park admission on the day of the pin set redemption); and
- One original on-day physical receipt for an Eligible Purchase* of HK$ 200 or more in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort on the day of pin set redemption.
^「合資格入園」指由 香港國際主題樂園有限公司(「本公司」)根據會員使用其有效的個人會員卡由樂園正門進入樂園的入園記錄。以當日有效之樂園門票升級為會員亦會計算為一次合資格入園記錄。以其他方式入園或升級的記錄將不會被視為此換領活動的合資格入園。每天不多於一次合資格入園記錄被計算(包括但不限於同日多次進入樂園)。本公司所持有的合資格入園記錄將是最終和決定性的。
^ "Eligible Admission" means admission to the Park by an Eligible Member using either (a) his/her Magic Access membership card, or (b) an eligible Park ticket upgraded to his/her Magic Access membership card at the turnstile at the Main Entrance of the Park, in each case as recorded by Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited ("HKITP"). Admission or upgrade by other means will not be counted as an Eligible Admission for the purpose of this program. No more than one Eligible Admission will be counted on each day (including, without limitation, multiple entries on the same day). HKITP's determination and record of Eligible Admission shall be final and conclusive.
* "Eligible Purchase" means an on-day spending of HK$200 or above in one single transaction made by the Eligible Member on the date of Pin Set redemption on (a) any merchandise product(s) (except for shopping bags) at any merchandise store in the Resort or (b) any food and beverage item(s) at any restaurant (except outdoor vending carts and mobile order) in the Resort.
- 如需退貨,會員於退貨時必須把「徽章套裝」及貨品一併退還。如未能以原包裝退還徽章套裝,恕不安排退貨。
- 不論任何原因,會員若未能於指定期間換領徽章套裝,恕不補發或更換、而本公司亦毋須作任何賠償。
- 此活動的禮遇不能用作轉售、轉讓、退款,並不能或作全部或部份換取現金或其他禮品。
- In case of refund for any spending such that it no longer meets the requirements for an Eligible Purchase, the redeemed Pin Set shall be returned at the time of refund. No refund will be made if the redeemed Pin Set is not returned in its original condition.
- HKITP shall not be responsible for exchanging or replacing any Pin Set, or providing any compensation if the Eligible Member is unable to redeem any version of the Pin Set for any reason.
- The Pin Set and any benefit in this program are not for re-sale, non-transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable, either in whole or in part, for cash or any other item.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort