香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2025年「Duffy與好友同萌遊」現正舉行, 而全新「『香港迪士尼樂園鐵路』Duffy與好友春日主題列車」主題明信片亦現已發售。
2025 “Duffy and Friends Play Days” is happening now at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and the all-new "Duffy and Friends-themed Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad" themed postcard is now available for sale at the Resort!
歡迎追蹤本網的 Instagram、X 及 YouTube,與你分享各類資訊及內容。
Be sure to follow us on Instagram, X, and YouTube for the latest updates and content.
✉️ 位於「市鎮會堂」外的全新郵箱經已在2025年1月25日登場,大家在香港迪士尼樂園商店選購指定明信片,可享免費郵寄服務。
✉️ A brand-new mailbox has been set up outside the City Hall on January 25, 2025. When you purchase selected postcards at Hong Kong Disneyland shops, you can enjoy complimentary mailing services.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort