「迪士尼探險號」(Disney Adventure)遊輪 將於2025年12月15日如期從 新加坡 揚帆啟航。「迪士尼遊輪」(Disney Cruise Line)於今天公佈遊輪上的全新體驗和表演項目,包括:
🚢全新《魔盜王》主題舞台演出:《Captain Jack Sparrow and the Siren Queen》
✨全新Duffy與好友主題舞台演出:《Duffy and The Friend Ship》(當中包含海鷗 TippyBlue)
🚢全新Duffy與好友主題商店及體驗:「Duffy and Friends Shop」及「Duffy and Friends Discovery Quest」
✨全新迪士尼公主餐飲體驗:「Royal Society for Friendship and Tea」
🚢全新MARVEL主題體驗:「Marvel Style Studio」(相關地點將於指定時間轉為成人尊享酒廊)
歡迎追蹤本網的 Instagram、X 及 YouTube,與你分享各類資訊及內容。
Be sure to follow us on Instagram, X, and YouTube for the latest updates and content.
Disney Cruise Line today unveiled an array of all-new entertainment and experiences coming to the Disney Adventure when it sets sail from Singapore as scheduled on December 15, 2025. Get ready for an unforgettable journey featuring:
🚢 New Stage Show – "Captain Jack Sparrow and the Siren Queen"
✨ New Duffy & Friends Stage Show – "Duffy and The Friend Ship" (featuring seagull TippyBlue)
🚢 All-New Duffy & Friends-Themed Experience – "Duffy and Friends Shop" & "Duffy and Friends Discovery Quest"
✨ A Royal Dining Experience Fit for a Princess – "Royal Society for Friendship and Tea"
🚢 A MARVEL-ous New Adventure – "Marvel Style Studio" (which will transform into an exclusive adults-only lounge at select times)
Stay tuned for more magical updates as we countdown to the maiden voyage of Disney Adventure!
《Captain Jack Sparrow and the Siren Queen》
《Duffy and The Friend Ship》
「Duffy and Friends Shop」及「Duffy and Friends Discovery Quest」
「Royal Society for Friendship and Tea」
「Marvel Style Studio」
Disney Cruise Line