「有啲人係值得你為佢溶化。」Hot Toys 於2024年冬季推出 迪士尼《魔雪奇緣》COSBI 盲盒迷你人偶(第二彈),是次 COSBI 迷你人偶的造型取材自動畫電影《魔雪奇緣》(Frozen)以及動畫短片《魔雪奇緣:小白的驚喜任務》(Olaf's Frozen Adventure)。
"Some people are worth melting for." Hot Toys is bringing the magic of Disney’s Frozen to life again with the launch of the Disney's Frozen Cosbi Collection (Series II), arriving this winter 2024! It comes sealed in a foil bag and is blind boxed to preserve the rarity and collectability of the series. This enchanting series features designs inspired by the beloved animated film Frozen and the short film Olaf’s Frozen Adventure.
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每款 Cosbaby 迷你人偶的尺寸約為 7 – 9 厘米,並配上精緻配件。
Each Cosbaby mini figure measures approximately 7–9 cm and comes with exquisite accessories.
Every box also includes a special collection card.
迪士尼《魔雪奇緣》COSBI 盲盒迷你人偶(第二彈)包含8個基本款和1個隱藏款式,每盒售價為 HK$79,現貨現於本港各大 Hot Toys 專門店發售中,並將於全線 LOG-ON 以及迪士尼產品授權專賣店 IDEAS 陸續上架。
The Disney's Frozen Cosbi Collection (Series II) offers 8 standard designs and 1 MYSTERY design. Priced at HK$79 per box, these adorable figures are now available at all major Hot Toys specialty stores across Hong Kong and will soon arrive at LOG-ON stores and Disney-authorized retailers, IDEAS.
- 愛莎 - 穿着毛毛領口藍色禮裙在冰上起舞
- 安娜 - 戴着毛毛頭巾溜冰造型
- 小愛莎 - 用心堆了雪人小白⛄
- 小安娜 - 和精緻雪雕玩耍中
- 小雪人Snowgies與小白 - 層層疊着準備親親💕
- 烤棉花糖的小白 – 小雪人Snowgie也在一起烤喔
- 小白與森林貓 - 戴着藍色冷帽的幸福雪人
- 圍巾小白 - 被紅色溫暖牌🧣重重包裹着
🎄 The 8 standard designs include:
- Elsa - Gliding on ice in a fur-lined blue gown
- Anna - Ice skating in a cozy fur scarf and hood
- Young Elsa - Lovingly building Olaf ⛄
- Young Anna - Playing joyfully with intricate snow sculptures
- Olaf (With Snowgies) - Stacking up for a sweet smooch 💕
- Olaf (Eating Marshmallows) - Joined by a Snowgie buddy
- Olaf (With Kittens) - Wearing a cozy blue winter hat
- Olaf (With Scarf) - Snuggled up in a thick, warm red scarf 🧣
🩵✨ MYSTERY design: Olaf (With Christmas Tree Scarf)
Christmas tree, enhanced with metallic paint and glitter details.
Disney|Hot Toys