米奇老鼠(Mickey Mouse)在今個聖誕佳節展開環球旅程,為世界各地有需要的小朋友送上玩具。而 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(香港迪士尼)聯同 米奇老鼠 於今年再度舉辦「分享禮物.分享愛」聖誕玩具捐贈活動,攜手超過20間非牟利機構,為基層兒童精心準備超過18,000份禮物,總值約港幣400萬元。作為 華特迪士尼公司「Disney Ultimate Toy Drive」全球計劃的一部份,是次活動讓更多家庭感受到佳節的溫暖與奇妙力量。
Mickey Mouse is traveling around the world to deliver toys to children in need. This holiday season, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) and Mickey once again hosted its signature “Give A Toy, Share the Love” Christmas Gift-Giving event. Partnering with over 20 non-profit organizations, HKDL prepared over 18,000 personalized gifts worth approximately HK$4 million, bringing warmth and wonder to underserved families. The initiative is part of The Walt Disney Company’s global “Disney Ultimate Toy Drive,” aiming to spread holiday magic worldwide.
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Spreading Magic: Over 18,000 Christmas Gifts Deliver Hope and Joy
是次活動於2024年12月7日假 救世軍田家炳學校 舉行,香港迪士尼 聯同 救世軍 在活動場地準備好由揀選禮物至完成包裝的整個流程。
The event was held on December 7, 2024, at The Salvation Army Tin Ka Ping School, where HKDL teamed up with The Salvation Army to organize the entire process, from selecting the gifts to carefully wrapping them, right at the venue.
香港迪士尼行政總裁 莫偉庭(Michael E. Moriarty)與領袖團隊,聯同 米奇老鼠 及熱心的迪士尼義工隊,在孩子們的願望清單上挑選禮物,並一一包裝,為他們締造難忘的佳節體驗。
With Mickey Mouse leading the way, HKDL’s managing director Michael E. Moriarty, leadership team, and dedicated Disney VoluntEARS carefully selected and wrapped gifts based on children’s wish lists, ensuring each gift brought a smile.
在救世軍田家炳學校的活動中,7歲半的 梁芷瑩(Leung Tsz Ying)分享,她昨晚已睡不着,期待出席是次由「迪士尼義工」舉辦的聖誕派對。活動上,芷瑩收到了一個勞蘇毛公仔,興奮地表示:「這是我最想要的禮物!今年聖誕真的非常難忘!」
Seven-and-a-half-year-old Leung Tsz Ying from The Salvation Army Tin Ka Ping School shared that she could hardly sleep the night before, eagerly anticipating the Disney VoluntEARS’ Christmas party. During the event, she received a Lotso plush toy and exclaimed with excitement, “This is the best Christmas ever! Meeting Mickey and getting the toy I dreamed of makes this unforgettable!”
締造奇妙回憶 傳遞歡笑與鼓舞
Creating Magical Moments of Laughter and Inspiration
Beyond delivering toys, Disney VoluntEARS hosted a festive Christmas party filled with fun games and engaging stories, creating unforgettable memories for the children.
Mickey also made a surprise appearance at the Christmas party, where 32 invited children’s excitement reached new heights.
救世軍內閣業務行政部長 龐格倫少校(Major Glenn Price)表示:「對有需要的家庭來說,這些玩具象徵著希望、愛與歡笑。感謝香港迪士尼義工隊的不懈努力,讓佳節充滿溫暖。」
Major Glenn Price, Secretary for Business Administration of The Salvation Army, shared, “For families in need, these toys symbolize hope, love, and joy. We’re deeply thankful to HKDL and the Disney VoluntEARS for their dedication to spreading warmth during the holidays.”
香港迪士尼樂園度假區傳訊及公共事務副總裁 黎珮珊(Anita Lai)指出,是次聖誕玩具捐贈活動別有心思盡備, 香港迪士尼 聯同 救世軍 合作,於事前準備卡紙,以鼓勵小朋友在聖誕有主動性,寫下自己希望收到的禮物。迪士尼義工隊有如聖誕老人,根據小朋友的願望清單精心挑選及包裝每一份禮物。
Anita Lai, Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, highlighted the thoughtful preparations behind this year’s Christmas toy drive. In collaboration with The Salvation Army, HKDL provided children with paper cards in advance, encouraging them to actively write down their desired Christmas gifts. Acting like Santa Claus, Disney VoluntEARS meticulously selected and wrapped each gift based on the children’s wish lists.
“Giving is a part of who we are at Disney, and during the holiday season, we give even more” Lai said. “We believe that everything we do to make magic can make a difference.” Hong Kong Disneyland welcomes more collaborations with non-profit organizations to bring hope and happiness to communities in need.
今年聖誕,香港迪士尼每售出一樽《魔雪奇緣》主題角色迷你公仔,會捐出 港幣$ 50 予「願望成真基金」,而賓客亦可以免費隨機獲得特別版《魔雪奇緣》主題角色迷你公仔一個。
This Christmas, the resort will also donate HK$50 to Make-A-Wish Hong Kong for every bottle of “Frozen” mini figurine sold, with guests also receiving a complimentary special edition “Frozen”-themed mystery mini figurine.
此外,賓客可連續第六年參與香港迪士尼的聖誕傳統,於「百貨店」、「馬迪小店」或各間酒店的商品店選購全新設計的「聖誕心願慈善明信片」(Holiday Wishes Charity Postcards)。慈善明信片銷售所得的款項將不扣除任何成本,全數撥捐「愛心聖誕大行動」。讓賓客向親友送上窩心祝福的同時,向社區傳遞關愛。
Additionally, for the sixth consecutive year, guests can continue the tradition of sending season’s greetings to their loved ones and share joy with the community by purchasing newly designed Holiday Wishes Charity Postcards at Emporium, Marty’s General Store and shops at the resort hotels, with all proceeds going towards Operation Santa Claus, an annual charity campaign.
Creating Magical Memories Together
迪士尼透過永恆經典的故事,與人們建立深刻的連繫。藉此締造歡樂,送上慰藉並啟發思考,更賦與人們力量面對生命中的挑戰。較早前,迪士尼義工隊把奇妙魔法和歡樂傳遞予 香港兒童醫院 的病童,稍後亦會把魔法星粉帶到位於沙灣的 大口環根德公爵夫人兒童醫院。屆時 米奇 將會探訪病童,送上歡笑和祝福。
Through timeless stories, Disney creates a deep connection with people, bringing them joy, comfort, inspiration and the strength to face life’s challenges. Earlier this year, Disney VoluntEARS brought magic and happiness to patients at the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital. Next, they will sprinkle pixie dust at The Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital in Sandy Bay, with Mickey meeting hospitalized children.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort