


香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Welcomes More International Guests with Muslim-Friendly Amenities and Festive Highlights

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) continues to shine as a global attraction, recently recording significant growth in visitors from Southeast Asia and Muslim travelers. To cater to diverse cultural needs, HKDL has introduced various Muslim-friendly amenities and festive programs to celebrate Christmas and welcome the upcoming spring travel season.

Growth in Southeast Asian Markets

香港迪士尼樂園度假區銷售及客戶體驗策略總監 馬嘉倩(Phyllis Ma)表示,印尼、新加坡、馬來西亞、菲律賓、泰國及印度等東南亞國家一直是樂園的主要市場。在過去三個月,來自這些國家的旅客人數比去年同期上升約15%,更比疫情前增長超過20%。此外,海外賓客的酒店入住人數(尤其是日本旅客)更錄得接近50%的增長。

Phyllis Ma, Director of Sales Strategies & Customer Excellence at HKDL, shared that countries like Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and India remain key markets for the resort. Over the past three months, guest numbers from these countries increased by 15% year-on-year and over 20% compared to pre-pandemic levels. Additionally, international hotel stays, especially among Japanese visitors, have surged by nearly 50%.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights
馬嘉倩 – 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 銷售及客戶體驗策略總監
Phyllis Ma, Director of Sales Strategies & Customer Excellence, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

10K Weekend and Snowy Christmas Highlights

剛結束的「香港迪士尼樂園 10K Weekend」活動吸引創紀錄的跑手參與,並首次讓參賽者跑進「魔雪奇緣世界」。為迎接聖誕節,樂園於即日起至2025年1月1日推出「A Disney Christmas」聖誕主題活動,預計吸引大量內地及海外旅客,尤其是日本遊客,體驗包括夢想成真聖誕樹亮燈禮」連無人機表演)及其他節日傳統活動。

The recently concluded 10K Weekend event set new records for participation, allowing runners to explore the World of Frozen for the first time.  To celebrate Christmas, HKDL is introducing its “A Disney Christmas” celebration from now until January 1, 2025.  This festive highlight is expected to attract many mainland and international visitors, particularly from Japan.  Guests can enjoy the holiday experiences include the “A Holiday Wish-Come-True” Tree Lighting Ceremony (with drone show), and other traditional festive activities.

Muslim-Friendly Amenities for a Global Audience

為迎合不同賓客,樂園及酒店提供多項穆斯林友善設施,包括:清真認證餐飲、靜修室(設於「大冒險家餐廳」旁)、酒店內提供可蘭經、指南針及祈禱毯等宗教用品。馬嘉倩 補充:「香港迪士尼將持續吸引全球賓客,為他們帶來獨特、貼心的體驗。」

To meet the diverse needs of guests, HKDL and its hotels offer: Halal-certified à la carte menu options, a Quiet Room for prayer or meditation (located near the Explorer’s Club Restaurant), Religious items such as Qurans, compasses, and prayer mats upon request.  Phyllis Ma emphasized, “Hong Kong Disneyland will continue to attract guests from around the world by offering unique and thoughtful experiences”.


Halal-certified à la carte menu options

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights


A Quiet Room is located next to Explorer’s Club Restaurant in Mystic Point

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights

Muslim-friendly hotel accommodations

香港迪士尼樂園度假區 歡迎來自各個背景和宗教的賓客。為到訪的穆斯林旅客,香港迪士尼在三家酒店可應要求提供指南針、祈禱毯和可蘭經。以下酒店餐廳均有提供清真認證的單點菜單:

  • 迪士尼好萊塢酒店「藝彩廚」
  • 迪士尼好萊塢酒店「留映廳」
  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店「華特餐廳」
  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店客房服務
  • 迪士尼探索家度假酒店「雲龍軒」
  • 迪士尼探索家度假酒店「芊彩餐廳」
  • 迪士尼探索家度假酒店客房服務

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort welcome guests and visitors from all backgrounds and religions.  For the Muslim guests, we offer compasses, prayer mats, and Qurans upon request at our three hotels.  Additionally, a halal-certified à la carte menu is available upon request at the following hotel restaurants:

  • Ink & Plate at Disney's Hollywood Hotel
  • The Archivist at Disney's Hollywood Hotel
  • Walt's Cafe at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel
  • Room Service at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel
  • Dragon Wind at Disney Explorers Lodge
  • World of Color Restaurant at Disney Explorers Lodge
  • Room Service at Disney Explorers Lodge

Muslim-friendly facilities and menu at the Park


  • 位於「迷離莊園」的「大冒險家餐廳」旁邊的靜修室,賓客可自由使用進行祈禱或靜修。
  • 靜修室內設有方向指示標誌(朝拜方向),以便賓客在祈禱時知道朝向何處。
  • 在樂園內亦有一家清真認證的餐廳,是位於「探險世界」內的「碧林餐廳」。

Our Muslim-friendly facilities and services at the Park:

  • A Quiet Room is located next to Explorer’s Club Restaurant in Mystic Point. Guests may take the liberty to use the room for prayer or meditation.
  • There’s a directional sign (Qibla direction) inside the Quiet Room so that guests will know where to face during their prayers.
  • HKDL have a halal-certified restaurant (Tahitian Terrace) in Adventureland inside the park.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Welcomes More International Guests with Muslim-Friendly Amenities and Festive Highlights
香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Welcomes More International Guests with Muslim-Friendly Amenities and Festive Highlights
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區迎接更多海外賓客,推廣穆斯林友善設施及聖誕特備節目,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, International Guests , Muslim-Friendly Amenities, Festive Highlights
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