


由「大街詭異酒店」到「怪誕城之旅」:重温香港迪士尼樂園各大「驚」歷|From the “Main Street Haunted Hotel” to the “Journey to Halloween Town”: Revisiting Iconic Halloween Storytelling Experiences at Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

「大街詭異酒店」、「森魔詭域」、「宇宙深寒」、「黑色馬戲班」、「詭墳學院」、《亞馬遜驚魂》演出、「詭影迷離莊園」、「詭迷灰熊山谷」、「森林河流之旅 ─咒石迷蹤」、「詭夢實驗室」、「詭迷宮:詭夢實驗室新篇」及「怪誕城之旅」...... 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(香港迪士尼)由「迪士尼黑色世界」(Disney's Haunted Halloween)時代至「Disney Halloween Time」時代,為賓客呈獻不同的「鬼屋」、故事體驗和「詭魅體驗館」,這些香港迪士尼獨有的「驚」歷為香港和海外的粉絲留下了深刻的印象。這篇文章將與大家重温各大「驚」歷。

The “Main Street Haunted Hotel”, “Demon Jungle”, Cosmic Chill," “Alien Invasion”, “Revenge of the Headless Horseman”, “Graves Academy”, the “Horrors of the Amazon” show, “Mystic Point Cycle of the Spirits”, “The Haunting of Grizzly Gulch”, “Jungle River Cruise: Curse of the Emerald Trinity”, “The Nightmare Experiment”, “Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues”, and “Journey to Halloweentown”…... From the era of “Disney's Haunted Halloween” to “Disney Halloween Time”, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort has offered guests a unique array of haunted houses, storytelling experiences, and Halloween walkthrough attraction to the Park.  These thrilling experiences have left lasting impressions on fans from Hong Kong and beyond.  This article revisits some of the iconic “chills and thrills” in Hong Kong Disneyland history.

迪士尼黑色世界 (Disney's Haunted Halloween)時代

「大街詭異酒店」(Main Street Haunted Hotel
2007 – 2011

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

「大街詭異酒店」(Main Street Haunted Hotel是迪士尼樂園中首個步行式體驗的「鬼屋」遊樂設施,帶賓客進入身臨其境的驚悚冒險。此遊樂設施分別借鑒了「The Haunted Mansion」及「Tower of Terror」的最初設計概念和經典元素,藉此向這兩個經典遊樂設施致敬。

The Main Street Haunted Hotel was the first-ever walk-through haunted house in a Disney theme park, providing an immersive horror experience. It paid tribute to The Haunted Mansion and Tower of Terror, incorporating many iconic elements from these two classic attractions.


有一天,「美國小鎮大街」上出現了一道神秘入口,通往一座擁有130年歷史的「大街詭異酒店」。這間酒店昔日聲名遠播,吸引無數住客前來,但不久後便接連發生詭異失蹤事件,包括一對新婚蜜月的夫婦。據說,這些神秘事件與酒店東主 James Maxwell 及其妻子 Victoria Maxwell 有關…… 



進入電梯時,電燈突然熄滅,門一開便是一個陰森花園,抬頭竟見一具懸掛的身影。賓客被引導至長廊,遠端衣櫥前出現 Victoria Maxwell 的鬼影,轉角進入臥房,床鋪猶如陷阱,一具屍體躍然而出。浴室內,浴缸中的屍體猛然撲向賓客。離開浴室後,賓客步入封閉的烘焙室,鬼魂廚師忽然從窗戶冒出嚇人一跳。你能順利回到「美國小鎮大街」嗎?


Background Story:

One day, a mysterious entrance has appeared on Main Street, U.S.A., leading curious guests into the 130-year-old Main Street Haunted Hotel.  Once renowned and bustling with visitors, the hotel soon became infamous for a series of eerie disappearances, including a honeymooning couple.  Rumor has it that these strange events are linked to the hotel’s original owner, James Maxwell, and his wife, Victoria Maxwell…...

For those daring enough to enter, this journey through a dark and haunted space offers spine-chilling encounters at every turn.  Within, hidden passages and secret rooms await, transporting guests into a series of hair-raising scenes.  You may catch a glimpse of the hotel’s original opulent decor, but beware—if you're not careful, you might just get trapped with spirits of guests from a hundred years ago…...

Upon entering, guests pass through a narrow hallway with two changing portraits before arriving in the lobby, where a piano plays by itself and an empty rocking chair sways eerily.  Passing the front desk, a ghostly concierge and a plant containing a human head give guests a start.  As they move through the hotel bar and into the library, a corpse suddenly lunges from behind a portrait, revealing a hidden passageway where a hotel staff invites guests further in.

As guests enter the elevator, the lights suddenly go out, and when the doors open, they find themselves in a chilling garden where, above, a shadowy figure dangles from the ceiling.  Guests are guided into a long hallway, where the apparition of Victoria Maxwell appears near a wardrobe at the far end.  Turning into a bedroom, they encounter a bed that opens like a trapdoor, releasing a corpse that springs forward.  In the bathroom, a corpse in the bathtub lunges at guests.  Exiting the bathroom, they step into an enclosed bakery where an angry ghostly chef startles guests by appearing suddenly at the window.  Will you make it back to Main Street U.S.A. unscathed?

In the 2007 version, before leaving the hotel, guests had one final chilling encounter: an eerie laboratory.  There, a man was trapped in a metal cage, striking the bars with a rod as electric flashes flickered within.

「森魔詭域」(Demon Jungle)
2008 - 2010

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman



Background Story:

Years ago, a pair of explorers ventured deep into the jungle to establish a base, unknowingly awakening ancient demons who had been sealed away for centuries.  The entire expedition vanished without a trace.  Now, countless dark forces have reawakened in Adventureland, released by ancient incantations to wander the earth once more.  An ominous presence fills the air, with spirits and creatures lurking, waiting for the brave souls daring enough to cross into their forbidden domain.  Tread carefully on this eerie jungle journey—mysterious beings lie hidden in every shadowy corner, ready to meet you.  Are you bold enough to take on the challenge?

「宇宙深寒」(Alien Invasion)

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman


This “haunted house” was located in Tomorrowland, with half of the Starliner Diner transformed into a mysterious alien spaceship setting.  Notably, in 2009, Hong Kong Disneyland featured three haunted houses — Main Street Haunted Hotel, Demon Jungle, and Alien Invasion — making it the largest lineup of haunted attractions in park history and delivering an unprecedented thrill experience.


香港迪士尼樂園 委託專家調查外星生物活動時,發現了一艘神秘的太空船正向地球飛來,並將抵達「明日世界」,帶來一場不可思議的「宇宙深寒」!在發佈會上,由「外星生物情報局」(Alien Intelligence Agency)總指揮官 任達華(Simon Yam)揭露外星生物即將入侵的証據。


香港迪士尼樂園 現正邀請有膽識的賓客進入探索「宇宙深寒」的謎團,但請記住,成功逃生並非易事。請盡量...... 保持鎮定!

Background Story:

During an investigation led by experts in extraterrestrial activity, Hong Kong Disneyland uncovered a mysterious spaceship heading toward Earth, soon to arrive in Tomorrowland and bringing with it an eerie “Alien Invasion!”  At the press conference, Alien Intelligence Agency Commander Simon Yam revealed critical evidence of an imminent alien incursion.

Latest reports confirm that this out-of-control spaceship has crash-landed in Tomorrowland’s Starliner Diner.  Preliminary investigations show a maze-like interior filled with danger, featuring sections like the cockpit, dissection room, laboratory, and incubation chamber.  Initial intelligence indicates that some aliens may be attempting to capture humans, though their motives remain unclear.  Survivors from past encounters describe the ship as filled with terrifying scenes and unknown horrors, lying in wait for any brave visitor.  The first team of agents found protective suits onboard, hinting that the aliens might be preparing for a full-scale invasion.  Most unsettlingly, they uncovered numerous alien cocoons on the verge of hatching, but their investigation was cut short as aliens pursued them, preventing a thorough exploration.

Hong Kong Disneyland now invites daring guests to uncover the mysteries of “Alien Invasion”, but remember, escaping safely may be harder than you think.  Adventurers, try your best… to stay calm!

「黑色馬戲班」(Revenge of the Headless Horseman
2011 – 2014

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman


在全新的「黑色馬戲班」「戲」班主 奧士華(Thaddeus Oswald)竟然大膽聲稱擁有傳說中的「斷頭騎士」的頭顱,並邀請賓客前來「探險世界」參觀他那些古怪的展品與詭異奇人。然而,這個行為激怒了「斷頭騎士」,他決心闖入馬戲班尋找自己失蹤的頭顱,展開報復。賓客們不幸捲入其中,成為追逐的目標。此時,「斷頭騎士」和他的「咒怨黑馬」從叢林中衝出,賓客們必須迅速穿過小木橋,逃離這場危機!

Background Story:

Introducing the all-new “Revenge of the Headless Horseman”, where the audacious ringmaster Thaddeus Oswald boldly claims to possess the head of the legendary Headless Horseman.  He invites guests to explore his bizarre curiosities and peculiar oddities in Adventureland.  However, this daring act provokes the wrath of the Headless Horseman, who seeks vengeance by storming the sideshow in search of his missing head.  Unfortunate guests find themselves in peril, becoming targets of the relentless chase.  As the Headless Horseman and his cursed black steed charge through the jungle, guests must quickly cross the wooden bridge to escape this thrilling crisis!

「『斷頭騎士』驚心出巡」(Headless Horseman's Procession

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

配合於2011年首次推出的「黑色馬戲班」,首次駕臨 香港迪士尼樂園 的「斷頭騎士」(Headless Horseman)騎着「咒怨黑馬」,帶同十多名隨從一同驚心現身,穿越消失近百年的「舊美國人間鬼鎮」,看看兩旁的賓客有否偷走他的頭顱。

In conjunction with the debut of “Revenge of the Headless Horseman” in 2011, the Headless Horseman also made his first appearance at Hong Kong Disneyland! Riding his cursed steed, he will be accompanied by over a dozen minions, hauntingly emerging in the long-lost Ghost Town, where he will scan the guests on either side to see if anyone has stolen his missing head.

「詭墳學院」(Graves Academy)
2012 – 2014

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman


曾幾何時,「詭墳學院」是一所卓越的高尚學府,然而隨着歲月流逝,學院逐漸被黑暗力量侵蝕。「詭墳校長」Alistair Graves 因其獨特的教學方式而聲名遠播,他能夠將最棘手的問題學生變成看似乖巧的模範生。但他的真正理想卻暗藏着不可告人的邪惡。乖學生獲得怪異的獎勵,而那些不聽話的學生則面臨恐怖的懲罰。自從校長釋放了他的黑暗一面,「詭墳學院」轉變為邪惡的溫床。教授們相繼被逼瘋,學生全部下落不明,而 Alistair Graves 則透過各種手段,繼續吸引更多學生自投羅網。如今,「詭墳學院」開設了史上最驚悚的全新課程,專注於培養未來的魔界巨頭。

Background Story:

Once a prestigious institution, Graves Academy has succumbed to the encroaching darkness over the years.  Principal Alistair Graves gained notoriety for his unique teaching methods, capable of transforming even the most troublesome students into seemingly well-behaved models of discipline.  However, his true ambitions concealed a sinister evil.  Obedient students received bizarre rewards, while those who disobeyed faced terrifying punishments.  Since unleashing his dark side, Graves Academy has transformed into a breeding ground for malevolence.  Professors have been driven to madness, students have gone missing, and Alistair Graves continues to lure more students into his web by any means necessary.  Now, Graves Academy offers the most spine-chilling new curriculum ever, focusing on nurturing the villains of tomorrow.

《亞馬遜驚魂》演出(“Horrors of the Amazon” Stage Show)

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman


香港迪士尼樂園 首次邀請本地藝人參與演出,《亞馬遜驚魂》演出由著名藝人 陳國邦(Power Chan Kwok-pong)擔任探險家兼「森林河流之旅」的船長 Jonas Brisbane,與賓客分享他在神秘亞馬遜森林的冒險故事,期間發生了無數離奇事件,神秘角色和情節更是引人入勝。

在座的所有觀眾都是「探險家•冒險家學會」(Society of Explorers and Adventurers;簡稱S.E.A.)的成員,而 Jonas 在分享開始前,也希望大家能向「迷離莊園」的主人 亨利爵士 推薦他加入學會,成為新一屆成員。

Jonas提到,他因為找到失蹤多年的叔公 埃比(Ebenezer Brisbane)的筆記和地圖,才展開了對他的搜尋之旅。這次的亞馬遜探險帶他來到一個名為巫術島的地方。在探險途中,他捕捉了許多珍稀異獸,這些生物將在「黑色嘉年華『異』演」中展示,特別安排了「蝙蝠紳士」(The Amazing Bat-Boy)和「黑鳥夫人」(Siren of the Skies)在學會成員面前表演。

此外,Jonas 還捕捉了幾隻「河妖」和「樹怪」,但有些在途中不幸死去或逃脫了。而他展示的最後一隻「樹怪」在過程中也成功逃脫了。


表演的重頭戲來了!Jonas 的部下們多次請求他不要揭露「她」的真實身份。同時,Jonas 強調這次的發現會讓 哈里遜·海陶偉(Harrison Hightower)佩服,Harrison Hightower III 是「Hightower Hotel」的主人,這家酒店正是 東京迪士尼海洋(Tokyo DisneySEA)中的「驚魂古塔」(Tower of Terror)。

不幸的是,Jonas 無視部下的勸告,揭露了巫術女祭師的遺體,這位女祭師的身世原來隱藏著驚天秘密。雖然 Jonas 試圖與巫術女祭師展開對決(甚至用一位觀眾當作「擋箭牌」),但最終卻以失敗告終。在表演結尾,族人提醒觀眾:「要尊重亡靈,行開咪親近,否則就冇命」!

Background Story:

In a thrilling debut at Hong Kong Disneyland, the stage show “Horrors of the Amazon” stage show features local talent Power Chan as Jonas Brisbane.  Jonas Brisbane was a Jungle Navigation Company skipper who wanted to join the Society of Explorers and Adventurers.  He captivates the audience with tales of his enigmatic journey through the Amazon rainforest, where bizarre happenings and mysterious characters await.

All present are members of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.), and before the sharing, Jonas encourages the audience to recommend him to Henry Mystic, the owner of the Mystic Manor, for membership into the Society.

Jonas shares that his quest began when he discovered the long-lost journal and map of his uncle, Ebenezer Brisbane, who was fascinated by the Amazon and documented many perilous adventures. During his exploration, Jonas ventured to a mysterious place known as Witch Island, capturing a variety of rare creatures to showcase in the “Sideshow Carnival Extraordinaire”.  Special performances include “The Amazing Bat-Boy” and “Siren of the Skies”, thrilling the society members.

Additionally, Jonas managed to capture several river creature and tree monster, although some tragically perished or escaped during the adventure.  The final tree monster showcased also managed to evade capture during the demonstration.

Next, Jonas unveiled a severed head of a zombie warrior, only for it to mysteriously vanish before the audience’s eyes.

The main event soon unfolds!   Jonas's assistants urge him repeatedly not to reveal "her" true identity.  He emphasizes that this discovery would surely impress Harrison Hightower III, the proprietor of the Hightower Hotel, which is featured in the "Tower of Terror" at Tokyo DisneySEA.

Regrettably, Jonas disregards his assistants' warnings and unveils the grave of a powerful witch doctor, revealing her hidden secrets.  Although he attempts to confront her (even using a guest as a human shield), he ultimately fails.

As the show draws to a close, tribal members remind everyone, "Respect the spirits, stay away or you might not survive!"

「詭城玩失蹤」(Lost in Ghost Town)項目

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

2015年為最後一年的「迪士尼黑色世界」,「黑暗力量」以「詭城」作為焦點,將「鬼屋」概念延伸至戶外三個不同的互動演出內容。歡迎 按此 了解各背景故事。

In 2015, Disney's Haunted Halloween reached its thrilling conclusion, featuring “Ghost Town” as the focal point, the concept of “haunted houses” was transformed into an outdoor adventure, offering three distinct interactive performances that provided guests with an unparalleled experience of fright and excitement.  Click HERE to explore the captivating backstories!

「詭影迷離莊園」(Mystic Point Cycle of the Spirits

「詭迷灰熊山谷」(The Haunting of Grizzly Gulch

「詭魂劇場」」(Ghosts Rising

「森林河流之旅 ─咒石迷蹤」

Jungle River Cruise: Curse of the Emerald Trinity

「Disney Halloween Time」時代

「詭夢實驗室」(“The Nightmare Experiment”)

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

樂園的「展藝館」搖身一變成「詭夢實驗室」,大名鼎鼎的 伍智德教授(Professor J. T. WU)帶領賓客走進詭異的機關,穿過隧道和迷宮步入疑幻似真的連場詭怪夢魘。賓客穿梭於《公主與青蛙》的黑暗世界、《魔盜王 ── 決戰鬼盜船》的監獄 和《反斗奇兵》中 阿薛 的玩具箱之餘,亦會遇上《愛麗斯夢遊仙境》的「瘋帽子」和走入「紅心皇后」的迷宮。大家只有緊緊跟隨 怪異教授,才可以安全走出連場詭怪夢魘。在最後一個房間,賓客們來到了實驗室的內部運作,四周是轟鳴的齒輪和碰撞的機械聲,濃煙緩緩上升。走在金屬天橋上,賓客們可以透過螢幕看到教授正在研究的多位「迪士尼壞蛋」角色。就在賓客準備繼續觀看時,門突然打開教授 的助手匆忙闖入,急促地告訴賓客必須迅速撤離,因為機械過熱引發了火災。賓客們匆忙返回實驗室,伍智德教授 在控制台上正努力讓機械降溫,直到所有賓客安全離開。賓客要份外留神,「迪士尼惡人」及 詭異夢境 隨時嚇你一驚。歡迎 按此 了解各背景故事。

The Pavilion is commandeered for The Nightmare Experiment and turned into a mind-bending dreamscape of laboratory, tunnel and labyrinth leading to the dark realm of The Princess & The Frog, the jail of Pirates of the Caribbean, the mutant toys box of Toy Story and Mad Hatter’s lunatic asylum and step into the Queen of Hearts' enchanted maze in Alice in Wonderland.  Ominously, there is only Professor J. T. WU to guide the dreamers out of the nightmare.  In the final chamber, guests find themselves amidst the inner workings of the Laboratory, where the clanking of clockwork machinery fills the air and smoke rises ominously. As they stroll across a metal catwalk, they can glimpse on the screen the notorious villains that Professor Wu has been studying. Just as guests are about to see more, the door swings open, and Professor Wu’s assistant rushes in, frantically urging everyone to exit quickly due to a fire sparked by overheating machinery.  Guests hurry back into the laboratory, where Professor Wu frantically working at his console to cool down the equipment as they make their swift exit from this thrilling experiment.  Click HERE to explore the captivating backstories!

「詭迷宮:詭夢實驗室新篇」(Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues) 

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman

延續2016年第一章的故事內容(「詭夢實驗室」),失踪多時的 伍智德教授(Professor J. T. WU)召集了新一幫亦邪亦惡的朋友。教授於「美國小鎮大街」的「皇家靈異現象科學研究所」重置他的「詭夢實驗室」,繼續利用其發明的神奇機器,將人類帶到實驗對象的惡夢裡。 可是,伍智德教授 因「涉嫌教唆受害人進入惡夢」,以及「令部份受害者已喪失溝通能力,或陷入瘋癲狀態」,而正被警方和夜間活動安全部門搜捕。有一天,教授的助手需要大家協助,將他由惡夢裡,帶回現實世界。 「詭迷宮:詭夢實驗室新篇」設置在大街的「廣場匯」(Plaza Grounds),入口正是「皇家靈異現象科學研究所」的所在位置。

In the first chapter (2016), the presumably missing Professor J.T. Wu recruited villains in “The Nightmare Experiment”.  He stated this in “The Royal Supernatural Phenomenon Research Station” on the Main Street U.S.A..  Now, he continues his nightmare experiment and bring human as test subject.  Participated people lost their communication ability and control, they became mad.   The Professor was captured by police.  One day, his assistant asked for guests to bring these victims back to reality by entering their nightmares.  Main entrance of the “Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues”  is set in Plaza Grounds.

賓客每踏前一步,都會遇上不同的詭異惡夢,探索疑幻似真場景。來到第二章,大家將登上《木偶奇遇記》中的怪誕篷車、闖進《怪獸公司》的驚嚇部遇上「兒童搜索特工隊」(CDA;Child Detection Agency),並穿梭於《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的瘋帽子店。隨後,賓客來到《美女與野獸》的「野獸」城堡,一套盔甲活了過來,告訴他們必須在最後一瓣花瓣落下之前找到「魔法玫瑰」,可惜已經太遲,盔甲又重新變得無法動彈。接着,煙囪打開了一道通往新夢境的入口。最後的夢境是「冥界」,在此遇上《大力士》中的「冥王」凱帝斯(Hades)與 蜜格拉(蜜兒)(Megara; Meg),凱帝斯 告訴賓客他已經抓住了 伍智德教授。當 凱帝斯 說服賓客相信教授的所作所為是有罪的時候,伍智德教授 變身為惡魔,並企圖將賓客們永遠囚禁在「冥界」,凱帝斯 在此釋放賓客,並束縛着教授,賓客及時離開,途中還會遇到一名演藝人員隨機跳出來嚇一嚇賓客,增添最後的驚嚇體驗。

In this second chapter, Pinocchio, Monster Inc., Alice in Wonderland are three of the main inspirations of “Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues”, whare guests can step into Stromboli's Caravan, the Scare Floor F with CDA, and the Hightopp's Hat Shoppe.   Soon, guests arrive at the Beast's Castle from Beauty and the Beast, where a suit of armor springs to life, urging them to find The Enchanted Rose before the final petal falls. Unfortunately, it's too late, and the armor becomes inanimate once more.  A chimney then opens a passageway to a new dream realm.  The final dream realm is the Underworld, where guests encounter Hades and Megara (also known as Meg) from Hercules.  Hades informs the guests that he has captured Professor Wu.  As he persuades them to believe that the professor is guilty of his actions, Professor Wu transforms into a demon, attempting to imprison the guests in the Underworld forever.  However, Hades releases the guests and restrains the professor instead.  Just as the guests make their timely escape, they will encounter a performer who suddenly leaps out to give them one last fright, adding an extra thrill to their adventure.

「怪誕城之旅」(“Journey to Halloween Town”) 
2018 & 2019

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

適逢2018年是經典動畫《怪誕城之夜》(Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas)上映25週年,賓客可在香港迪士尼感受以該電影動畫為主題的多款詭怪體驗。首度登場的詭魅體驗館「怪誕城之旅」(“Journey to Halloween Town”)設於「展藝館」(The Pavilion),細緻地重現《怪誕城之夜》 動畫中的多個經典場景及詭異配樂。「南瓜王」骷髏積(阿積)(Jack Skellington)會聯同縫布公仔 莎莉(Sally),和一眾怪誕好友籌備鬼馬的萬聖節詭怪事件。而旅程上亦會邀請賓客協助主角 骷髏積(阿積)對付邪惡大壞蛋 惡巫先生(Oogie Boogie)和他的手下。

In 2018, as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the classic animated film Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, guests at Hong Kong Disneyland can immerse themselves in a variety of whimsical experiences inspired by this beloved movie.  Making its debut is the all new Halloween walkthrough experience, “Journey to Halloween Town”, located in The Pavilion, which beautifully recreates several iconic scenes and eerie soundtracks from the film.  Here, guests will join Jack Skellington, The Pumpkin King, along with his stitched-up companion Sally and a cast of quirky friends, as they prepare for a delightfully spooky Halloween celebration.  Throughout the journey, guests will also be invited to assist Jack in facing off against the nefarious Oogie Boogie and his minions, embarking on an adventure full of thrills and excitement!

2018年11月9日至11日期間,香港迪士尼為「奇妙處處通」白金卡及金卡會員舉行「怪誕城之旅」導賞團(Guided Tour of Halloween Town),導賞員為會員講述《怪誕城之夜》的經典場面,及由電影所啟發出來的怪誕旅程。

From November 9 to 11, 2018, Hong Kong Disneyland hosted a special “Guided Tour of Halloween Town” exclusively for Platinum and Gold Magic Access Members.  During this unique tour, a guide shared captivating stories about the classic animated film The Nightmare Before Christmas and led members through a whimsical journey inspired by the beloved movie.


Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween,  Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

「怪誕城之旅」(“Journey to Halloween Town”於2019年升級登場,城內將惡分兩路,一邊通往在「萬聖鎮」(Halloween Town)內的全新「Trick-or-treat」大派糖果體驗;另一邊廂,製作團隊運用「展藝館」(The Pavilion)更多空間,讓賓客可到鎮上參與「南瓜王阿Jack 與好友怪誕聚會」(“Jack Skellington and Friends Halloween Time Character Greeting”)。

In 2019, the “Journey to Halloween Town” was upgraded to offer guests an enhanced experience. The path divides into two routes: one leads to a brand new "Trick-or-Treat" candy giveaway experience in Halloween Town, while the other utilizes the larger space of The Pavilion, allowing guests to join the “Jack Skellington and Friends Halloween Time Character Greeting”.

2019「南瓜王阿Jack 與好友怪誕聚會」

(“Jack Skellington and Friends Halloween Time Character Greeting”)

「阿Jack怪誕大餐」(Jack Skellington’s The Nightmare Before Dinner) 
2022, 2023 & 2024

製作團隊延續「怪誕城之旅」精神,於2022年、2023年和2024年舉行迪士尼故事餐飲體驗 ──「阿Jack怪誕大餐」。這三年來不斷改良體驗內容,而今年(2024)還有萬聖鎮村民「巨獸」(Behemoth)加入這場盛宴。

The production team continues the spirit of “Journey to Halloween Town” with the Disney In-Story Dining Experience, “Jack Skellington’s The Nightmare Before Dinner”, held in 2022, 2023, and 2024.  Over these three years, the experience has been refined, and this year (2024), the Halloween Town resident Behemoth has joined the feast.





As we wrap up this journey, we’d love to know— which of these “chills and thrills” do you miss the most?  And if given the chance, which Disney story would you be most excited to step into?


The content of this article is shared for reference only.

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由「大街詭異酒店」到「怪誕城之旅」:重温香港迪士尼樂園各大「驚」歷|From the “Main Street Haunted Hotel” to the “Journey to Halloween Town”: Revisiting Iconic Halloween Storytelling Experiences at Hong Kong Disneyland
Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼黑色世界, Disney's Haunted Halloween, Disney Halloween Time, Haunted Maze Attractions, Headless Horseman
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