


「2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典」假 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 隆重舉行|The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024" was grandly held at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

🏆🎉「2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典」,於今天(2024年9月1日)假 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 隆重舉行。近1,000名受邀賓客(包括代表團成員及其親友)齊聚一堂,表揚並慶祝運動員的出色表現和體育精神。



🏆🎉 The “Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024” was grandly held today (September 1, 2024) at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.  Around 1,000 invited guests including members of the delegation, along with their families and friends, gathered in honor and celebration of the outstanding performances and sportsmanship of their compatriots.

An exclusive, joyful grand ceremony and processional were arranged for the athletes and their supporting teams, who joined Mickey Mouse and his friends in a lively street celebration, receiving cheers and congratulations from thousands of park guests.  The delegation enjoyed their day at the park, savoring a delightful feast at Explorer's Club Restaurant, and meeting their favorite Disney characters.

At the celebration party, unsung heroes including the medical team, coaches, and team managers were also honored.  Additionally, local sports media who reported on the Paris Olympics were invited to the park in appreciation of their hard work.


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A Grand Ceremony With 13 Hong Kong Athletes

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

凱旋慶典的首個項目,為假「迪士尼故事劇場」舉行的祝捷儀式,香港特別行政區政府文化體育及旅遊局體育專員 黃德森、立法會功能界別(旅遊界)議員 姚柏良、香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 莫偉庭,以及 香港迪士尼樂園度假區營運高級副總裁 施保添,親臨主禮。

The first event of the Homecoming Celebration was the Grand Ceremony held at the Disney's Storybook Theater.  The ceremony was officiated by Sam Wong (Commissioner for Sports in the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region), Perry Yiu Pak-Leung (Legislative Council Member (Tourism) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region), Michael E. Moriarty (Managing Director, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort), and Tim Sypko (Senior Vice President, Operations, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort).

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland


Thirteen Hong Kong athletes took the stage to kick off the celebration ceremony. They are:

  1. SHEK Wai-Hung石偉雄- Artistic Gymnastics競技體操
  2. TANG Chun Man鄧俊文– Badminton羽毛球
  3. TSE Ying Suet謝影雪– Badminton羽毛球
  4. YEUNG Pui Lam楊霈霖– Badminton羽毛球
  5. YEUNG Nga Ting楊雅婷– Badminton羽毛球
  6. LEE Sze Wing李思穎– Cycling – Road & Track自行車 – 場地單車、公路單車)
  7. HO Wai Hang何瑋桁– Fencing劍擊
  8. Akira Luke SAKAI阿輝– Sailing帆船運動
  9. MA Kwan-Ching馬君正- Sailing – Windsurfing滑浪風帆
  10. CHENG Ching-Yin鄭清然– Sailing – Windsurfing滑浪風帆
  11. AU Hoi Shun Stephanie歐鎧淳– Swimming游泳
  12. TAM Hoi Lam譚凱琳– Swimming游泳
  13. CHIU Hin-Chun趙顯臻– Rowing賽艇

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland


Video: Grand Ceremony

香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 莫偉庭 在迪士尼故事劇場祝賀代表團奪得驕人成就,他表示:「迪士尼樂園一直是大家慶祝人生重要里程碑的首選之地。這次的凱旋慶典是對運動員及其團隊卓越成就的肯定,他們展現了堅毅不屈的香港精神。我希望他們的經歷能夠啟發年輕一代,以同樣的熱情追尋夢想。」

Michael Moriarty, managing director, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort celebrated the delegation’s achievements at Disney’s Storybook Theater.  “Disney is one of the best places to celebrate life’s incredible milestones,” he said.  “This homecoming celebration is in recognition of their incredible achievements, showcasing the unwavering spirit of Hong Kong. I hope their journey will inspire our younger generation to pursue their dreams with the same passion.”

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

文化體育及旅遊局體育專員 黃德森 擔任慶典主禮嘉賓時表示:「中國香港代表團再次創造了歷史佳績實在令人振奮!運動員堅定的決心、不屈的精神及過人的毅力值得我們每一個人學習我很感謝香港迪士尼特別舉行這個慶典與市民和旅客一起為香港運動員的成就喝采。」

Joining the event as guest of honor was Commissioner for Sports in the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau Sam Wong.  “Seeing the Hong Kong, China Delegation achieved historic results is really invigorating.  The determination, resilience and perseverance shown by the sportsmen are great qualities that everyone should learn.  I would like to thank HKDL for arranging this event to celebrate the achievements of Hong Kong athletes,” said Wong.

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

繼於今年7月27日的「迪士尼明星運動學堂」霹靂舞工作坊後,一班本地及少數族裔霹靂舞學生,聯同 奧夢成真教練及中國香港霹靂舞代表隊成員 張麗怡(Ivy Cheung),再次與迪士尼大明星 米奇老鼠,登上樂園的大舞台,在凱旋慶典的祝捷儀式上,向大家大展舞技! 🤸‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️

Following the “Disney All-Star Sports Academy” Breaking Workshops on July 27, local and ethnic minority breakdancing students, along with Ivy Cheung, a coach of SLS from the Hong Kong, China breaking team, joined forces with the ever-stylish Disney star #MickeyMouse to take the big stage at the Resort, showcasing their dance moves at the exclusive ceremony! 🤸‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

三度代表香港參加奧運的資深體操運動員 石偉雄(石仔),十分興奮能再次在香港迪士尼與其他運動員一同慶賀,包括羽毛球雙打組合 謝影雪 及 鄧俊文、游泳健將 歐鎧淳,以及單車運動員 李思穎。

Artistic gymnastics veteran Stone Shek, who is a three-time Olympian, was thrilled to be at HKDL to celebrate together with other athletes, including the badminton duo Tse Ying-suet and Jordan Tang, swimmer Stephanie Au, and cyclist Ceci Lee.

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

石仔 表示:「若沒有我的團隊和香港市民的支持我不可能三度站在奧運的舞台上。雖然追求夢想的旅程並非一帆風順,但我很感恩每次都能突破自我兌現為自己許下的承諾。我希望與每一位支持者分享這個特別的時刻及喜悅尤其是在香港迪士尼這個充滿奇妙魔法與歡樂的地方。」

“Without the continuous support of my team and Hong Kong citizens, standing on three Olympic stages would not have been possible.  The journey of pursuing my dreams has not been plain sailing, but I am grateful that I was able to break through each time and fulfill the promises I made to myself.  I would like to share this special moment and joy with every one of my supporters, especially on an occasion filled with magic and happiness like here at HKDL,” Shek said.

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

羽毛球混雙組合 謝影雪 和 鄧俊文 也特別抽空來到香港迪士尼,與家人朋友一起放鬆,充滿電後再向下個冒險旅程進發。

The pair of shuttlers Tse and Tang, who have been long-time partners on the court, also took some time off to relax in the happiest place in the world with families and friends, recharging themselves before embarking on their next adventure.

謝影雪 指:「羽毛球在我的生活中佔了重要的一席位,我很開心能有這個機會與大家分享我對這項運動的熱愛!今日特別能夠在奧運後,與家人一起在香港迪士尼好好放鬆,也會是一個難忘的回憶。」

“Badminton holds an important place in my life, and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to share my passion for this sport with everyone here! It was a memorable experience to relax with my family at Hong Kong Disneyland, especially after the Olympics,” Tse added.


Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy, along with the talented Cast Members of Hong Kong Disneyland, delivered a show-stopping finale performance during the exclusive ceremony, delighting all the guests in attendance.

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Hong Kong, China Delegation Processional”

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

凱旋慶典的第二大項目為「中國香港代表團慶祝巡遊」,港隊運動員接受賓客夾道祝賀,以表揚他們的傑出表現和體育精神,米奇與好友亦與大家一同慶祝。慶祝巡遊使用了純音樂版本的度假區5週年慶典主題曲《飛躍奇妙》(Celebration in the Air),作為背景音樂。

The second highlight of the celebration was the “Hong Kong, China Delegation Processional,” where the Hong Kong, China athletes were honored with a festive procession, receiving warm congratulations from guests in recognition of their outstanding performance and sportsmanship.  Mickey and Friends also joined in the celebration with everyone.  The processional features an instrumental version of the Resort's 5th Anniversary theme song, "Celebration in the Air," as its background music.

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland


Video: Processional

Hong Kong Athletes Inspire Young People To Pursue Their Dreams

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

慶祝活動結束後,港隊賽艇運動員 趙顯臻,和劍擊運動員 何瑋桁 與一班來自「香港基督教服務處」及「香港小童群益會」,完成了「迪士尼明星運動學堂」的本地及少數族裔學生交流互動。兩位運動員分享了他們克服挑戰,並成為運動員的心路歷程,希望以此激勵年輕一代追求體育夢想。

Following the celebration, rower Chiu Hin-chun and fencer Cedric Ho interacted with a group of underserved students from Hong Kong Christian Service and the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, who completed sports training workshops at the “Disney All-Star Sports Legacy Academy.”   By sharing their experience of overcoming challenges and the journey to becoming athletes, both of them hoped their stories would inspire and motivate the next generation to pursue their athletic dreams.

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland
(左起  From Left)蕭子揚 Leo、賽艇運動員 趙顯臻 Chiu Hin-chun、梁偲齊 Carl

出席了上述交流活動的學生 蕭子揚(Leo)和 梁偲齊Carl)分享,很開心於今天能夠親眼看到喜愛的運動員,運動員啟發到他們要勤力練習,並知道「輸咗一球波都要繼續努力」,不要放棄。

Leo and Carl, students who attended the sharing session, shared their excitement about seeing their favorite athletes in person today.  They felt inspired by the athletes to practice diligently and learned the important lesson that even if you lose a game, you must keep pushing forward, and never give up.


Delegation members and their families gathered together to enjoy a magical day.

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland


The Omnibus, specially decorated for today's processional, remains available for guests to take photos with after the Homecoming Celebration.

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland


Following Hong Kong’s continuous sporting successes, HKDL remains committed to strongly supporting local sports development.  The resort has been collaborating with the Sports Legacy Scheme, a charitable institution run by the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, to host the “Disney All-Star Sports Legacy Academy” since 2022.  This program has provided over 300 hours of professional sports training, conducted by local retired and retiring athletes to Hong Kong children and youth.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



(000) Disney Magical Kingdom Blog,7,(001) The Walt Disney Company,165,(002) The Walt Disney Studios,804,(003) Disney Channel & Media Networks,109,(004) Disney Consumer Products,Games and Publishing,440,(005) Walt Disney Archives,6,(006) D23 Expo,58,(007) Walt Disney Imagineering,102,(008) 美國迪士尼,549,(009) 東京迪士尼,169,(010) 巴黎迪士尼,192,(011) 香港迪士尼,2342,(012) 上海迪士尼,245,(013) 迪士尼遊輪 及 其它度假區項目,56,(014) 未來動向 及 擴建資訊,401,(015) 細說樂園系列,43,(016) 週年紀念 與 慶典 (香港迪士尼),151,(017) 舞台劇及其它娛樂表演,16,(018) Disney Pin Trading,52,(019) Walk Around the Kingdom,6,(020) Welcome Posters (HK Disneyland),6,(021) 迪士尼餐飲特輯,34,(022) 奇妙遊記 Magical Trip Report,5,(023) Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment,20,(024) Walt Disney Animation Studios,79,(025) Pixar Animation Studios,97,(026) MARVEL,315,(027) MARVEL Studios,158,(028) MARVEL Animation,2,(029) MARVEL Television,2,(030) Lucasfilm,137,(031) Star Wars,189,(032) Indiana Jones,6,(033) The Muppets,7,(034) Disney+,110,(035) Disney Theatrical Group,7,(036) 20th Century Studios | 21st Century Fox,29,(037) National Geographic,1,(038) 商場推廣項目,61,(039) Mickey 90,23,(040) Disney Magic Moments,147,(041) Disney100 | Disney 100 Years of Wonder,32,(042) Disney Experiences' Music Albums,10,Featured Stories,6,
Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典」假 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 隆重舉行|The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024" was grandly held at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
「2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典」假 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 隆重舉行|The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024" was grandly held at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Disney, HKDL, 2024年巴黎奧運中國香港代表團凱旋慶典, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, The "Homecoming Celebration for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to Paris 2024", Hong Kong Disneyland
Disney Magical Kingdom Blog
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