為積極配合政府打擊非法商業活動,上海迪士尼度假區 公佈將於2024年底前正式推行全新實名制購票政策。
In support of government efforts to crackdown on illegal commercial activities, Shanghai Disney Resort has announced that a new real-name ticketing policy will be officially implemented by the end of 2024.
Once effective, each guest will be required to use their own government ID to book their own ticket, and one valid government ID can only be used to purchase one ticket on the same date of visit.
此實名制購票政策同樣適用於購買上海迪士尼樂園年卡,即新政策正式生效後,每位賓客均必須憑本人有效官方身份證件購買本人年卡, 且一張有效身份證件僅可購買一張年卡。
The aforementioned real name policy is also applicable to guests purchasing Shanghai Disneyland Annual Pass. Once effective, each guest will be required to use their own government ID to purchase their own Annual Pass, and one valid government ID can only be used to purchase one Annual Pass.
Shanghai Disney Resort