


香港迪士尼首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神|Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo" Fostering Equal Opportunities & Inclusion

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神, Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo",

香港迪士尼樂園度假區(香港迪士尼)於2024年9月4日假 香港迪士尼樂園酒店 舉行首屆「多元化供應商會議及展覽」,邀請各行各業的領袖和合作夥伴齊聚一堂,聚焦供應商多元化議題。活動吸引超過700名嘉賓,來自300多間機構共同參與,旨在透過合作推動真正意義上的改變。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) hosted its first-ever Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo on September 4, 2024 at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel, bringing together leaders and partners from various industries to highlight the importance of supplier diversity.  With a mission to promote inclusion, over 700 guests representing more than 300 organizations participated, all united by the belief that collective action can drive meaningful change.


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在迪士尼,包容屬於每一個人。這一價值觀可追溯到華特迪士尼先生對迪士尼樂園的初衷。自1955年迪士尼樂園開幕時,華特 就已說道:「歡迎所有來到這個快樂之地的每一個人。」時至今日,香港迪士尼繼續延續這一傳統,為各個年齡層和不同國籍的賓客帶來難忘且具文化特色的奇妙體驗,並堅守「多元共融」這一核心價值。

At Disney, inclusion is for everyone—a value that dates back to Walt Disney's vision for Disneyland. When the park first opened in 1955, Walt famously declared: “To all who come to this happy place: Welcome.”  Today, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort continues this legacy by providing unforgettable experiences to guests of all ages and nationalities, reinforcing that diversity and inclusion are core values integral to the Disney magic.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 莫偉庭 表示:「我們致力於營造一個讓所有員工都能發揮所長的職場文化,並提供多種計劃和資源,來培養包容的領導者。無論是內容創作還是賓客體驗,我們都盡力確保能反映環球賓客的多樣性。」

Michael E. Moriarty, Managing Director of HKDL, stated, “We foster a workplace culture where everyone can do their best work and are committed to nurturing inclusive leaders.  Our goal is to ensure that the stories we tell and the experiences we create reflect the diversity of our global audience.”

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神, Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo",


Supplier diversity is a crucial part of HKDL’s business ecosystem, ensuring that its supply chain includes traditionally underrepresented businesses, such as those owned by women, ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, and the LGBTQIA+ community.  By including diverse suppliers, the resort is not only fostering innovation and high-quality solutions but also promoting economic empowerment and community inclusion.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神, Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo",

華特迪士尼公司 在2021年設定目標,在2024財政年度年底前每年投入至少10億美元予多元化供應商。公司更提早一年,在2023年便實現了這一目標。香港迪士尼樂園度假區首席財務總監 施楠 指出:「我們盡力在招標項目中引入多元化供應商,為他們提供公平的競標機會。隨着合資格的供應商數量增加,這項工作將變得更加容易。」

The Walt Disney Company had set a target of spending at least $1 billion annually with diverse suppliers by the end of fiscal 2024, a goal reached a full year ahead of schedule in 2023.  Lesz Banham, chief financial officer, HKDL, emphasized that the company strives to include diverse suppliers in tender projects, providing them equal opportunities.  “As the pool of qualified suppliers grows, these opportunities will expand,” Banham noted.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神, Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo",


Currently, HKDL collaborates with more than 20 diverse suppliers across various sectors, from entertainment and costumes to food and technology.  The Resort continues to advocate for supplier diversity and encourages its business partners to do the same.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區服裝經理 陳錦秀 分享了與女性擁有的機構合作的意義。「與本地充滿熱情與才華的女性合作,對我來說意義深遠。比如我們與『Practical Hat』合作20年,這家女性擁有的公司專門為我們的演出者製作獨特的頭飾,能夠一直保持合作,證明她們的卓越品質。」

Eva Chan, manager of costuming, HKDL, emphasized the significant impact of working with women-owned businesses.  “These talented women bring so much value to our performances, and we’ve been fortunate to partner with companies like ‘Practical Hat’ for over 20 years.  Their dedication to quality is what keeps them as our suppliers.”

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神, Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo",


While there are challenges in expanding supplier diversity in Hong Kong, HKDL is committed to identifying and nurturing potential suppliers, particularly smaller organizations unfamiliar with working with multinational companies.  By providing detailed guidance on contracts, payments, and logistics, HKDL ensures that these suppliers can succeed and grow.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區餐飲總監 黃慶龍 表示:「 我們一直與非牟利機構購買定制食品,並由少量開始,逐年增加訂單數量,循序漸進,以確保他們成功經營。」

Manfred Wong, director of F&B, HKDL: “We have been engaging NGOs in supply of tailor-made food products. We started with small volume and grew them over the years. In this case, we can make sure they are successful.”

Josephine Tang, director of Strategic Sourcing & Supply Chain, HKDL concluded, “By engaging NGOs as suppliers, we not only provide training and job opportunities for individuals with disabilities but also help build their self-esteem.  They take pride in knowing their products are used by our guests, which is a true reflection of community inclusion.”

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神, Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo",

最後,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 策略採購及供應鏈管理總監 鄧玉霞 總結道:「與非牟利機構合作,不僅為殘疾人士提供培訓和就業機會,還能提升他們的自信心,並讓他們感到自己是社會的一部分。看到他們的產品被賓客使用,他們會感到無比驕傲,這就是社區共融的最佳體現。」儘管已有許多多元化供應商穩步發展,但仍有更多的供應商等待被發掘。讓我們攜手合作,為社區帶來改變。

As the conference wrapped up, the message was clear: HKDL is dedicated to advancing diversity and inclusion, not only within its resort but throughout its entire business ecosystem.  The journey continues, with many diverse suppliers yet to be discovered.  Together, we can make a difference.
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神, Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo",

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神, Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo",

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神|Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo" Fostering Equal Opportunities & Inclusion
香港迪士尼首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神|Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo" Fostering Equal Opportunities & Inclusion
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 首辦「多元化供應商會議及展覽」推動平等機會與共融精神, Hong Kong Disneyland Hosts First-Ever "Supplier Diversity Conference & Expo",
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