位於 香港迪士尼樂園「美國小鎮大街」上的「歌劇院」(Opera House),自2008年8月31日起正式呈獻「動畫藝術廊」(Art of Animation),並在過去16年經歷了不少改動。
Located on "Main Street, U.S.A." in Hong Kong Disneyland, the "Opera House" has officially presented the "Art of Animation" since August 31, 2008, undergoing numerous changes over the past 16 years.
「動畫藝術廊」以迪士尼動畫歷史嘅中心理念,並透過將1920年代末至近代的畫作草稿、設計圖和互動體驗結合在一起,讓賓客加深認識迪士尼動畫的創作過程。當中最令人懷念的相信就是已經完成了任務的「反斗奇兵幻影箱」(Toy Story Zoetrope),當中將動畫製作概念在三維空間中呈現在賓客眼前。
The "Art of Animation" showcases the core concepts of Disney animation history, blending artwork drafts, design sketches, and interactive experiences from the late 1920s to modern-day creations. Among the most memorable features was the now-retired "Toy Story Zoetrope," which vividly brought the animation process to life in a mesmerizing 3D display.
「動畫藝術廊」設於「動畫藝術教室」(Animation Academy)旁,兩項設施均蘊含豐富藝術創作理念。原先安排為,賓客在「動畫藝術教室」完成學習繪畫「迪士尼朋友」後,透過與「動畫藝術廊」相連的出口大門,步入「動畫藝術廊」展覽以加深對動畫製作的了解。
The "Art of Animation" is located next to the "Animation Academy," and both attractions are rich in artistic and creative concepts. Initially, guests could learn to draw Disney characters at the "Animation Academy" and then exit directly into the "Art of Animation" exhibition to deepen their understanding of animation production.
2016年10月26日,全新的「奇妙處處通」會員服務中心 由「會客室」原址搬遷,正式進駐「歌劇院」位置,與「動畫藝術廊」共享這個空間。隨着會員服務中心進駐至今,「動畫藝術廊」的展覽內容與昔日安排相比,未能完整地呈現,而相連的出口大門亦都被遮蓋。或許是時候考慮重整展覽內容,或者研究新的體驗。
On October 26, 2016, the new "Magic Access Member Service Center" relocated from its original location (The Annex) to the "Opera House," sharing the space with the "Art of Animation." Since the center’s move, the exhibition content of the "Art of Animation" has not been displayed as comprehensively as it was before, and the adjacent exit doors have also been covered. Perhaps it's time to consider refreshing the exhibition content or exploring new experiences.
「歌劇院」(Opera House)這座建築物由樂園開幕至今,先後為賓客呈現過不同的服務與體驗,當中包括:於2005年登場的「迪士尼樂園的故事」(The Disneyland Story presenting How Mickey Mouse Came to Hong Kong)、有多位壞蛋於2006年進駐的「迪士尼壞蛋大本營」(The Villains' Lair)、於2011年登場的「香港迪士尼樂園擴建預覽中心」(The Magic Continues… Gallery)、於2012年登場的「黑色聯盟報到中心」("Choose Your Dark Side" Interactive Booth)、於2013年登場的「怪獸大學行政大樓」("Monsters University Administration Building")、於2015年打開通往《玩轉腦朋友》「大腦總部」的大門、於2016年打開通往 濱田廣(阿廣)屋企車房的大門與「醫神」(Baymax)近距離會面、於2016年起限時推出的各類座位區(已完結),同埋於2024年限時呈獻的「創夢家預覽館」("Dream Makers Preview Gallery")。小小的空間,變化出無限的可能。
Since the park’s opening, the "Opera House" has offered guests a variety of services and experiences, including "The Disneyland Story presenting How Mickey Mouse Came to Hong Kong" in 2005, "The Villains' Lair" in 2006, "The Magic Continues… Gallery" in 2011, the "Choose Your Dark Side" Interactive Booth in 2012, "Monsters University Administration Building" in 2013, the gateway to enter Inside Out's Headquarter in 2015, a meet & greet experience with Baymax in Hiro Hamada’s garage in 2016, different versions of seating areas introduced from 2016 (Concluded), and the limited-time "Dream Makers Preview Gallery" in 2024. Despite its small size, the space has shown remarkable versatility.
There is still available space at the back of the "Opera House" building, which could be considered for further development, providing more room for member services and exhibitions. This additional space could also offer opportunities to create new exclusive experiences for Magic Access members. 🤔What are your thoughts on these potential developments?
The content of this article includes the editor's personal opinions and is shared for reference only.
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