


香港國際主題樂園有限公司 委任獨立非執行董事(2024年9月1日起生效)|Appointment of Independent Non-Executive Directors to Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited (Effective September 1, 2024)

Disney, HKDL, JHK Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園,

香港國際主題樂園有限公司(下稱「主題樂園公司」)股東 ── 即 香港特別行政區政府(下稱「政府」)及 華特迪士尼公司,宣佈委任 羅盛慕嫻女士 及再度委任 楊美珍女士 為主題樂園公司獨立非執行董事,為期兩年,並由 2024年9月1日起生效。

The shareholders of Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited (HKITP), i.e. the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the Government) and The Walt Disney Company, announced the appointment of Mrs. Law Shing Mo Han, Yvonne and the re-appointment of Ms. Yeung Mei Chun, Jeny as HKITP’s Independent Non-Executive Directors (INEDs) for a term of two years with effect from September 1, 2024.


Mrs. Law is currently the Chairperson of Yinn Advisory Services Limited, and was a partner of Deloitte China. She is a Founding Member and Past President of the Association of Women Accountants Hong Kong and the former Chairperson of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Taxation Committee. She also holds services as member of the Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board and Court Member of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Disney, HKDL, JHK Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園,

楊女士現為香港鐵路有限公司常務總監 ── 香港客運服務及八達通控股有限公司的非執行主席。她亦在不同政府法定組織及公營機構擔任公職,包括香港房屋委員會及碳中和及可持續發展委員會。楊女士於2021年起獲委任為主題樂園公司獨立非執行董事。

Ms. Yeung currently serves as Managing Director - Hong Kong Transport Services of MTR Corporation Limited and Non-Executive Chairperson of Octopus Holdings Limited. She also holds a number of appointments in different government statutory and public bodies, including the Hong Kong Housing Authority and Council for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development. Ms. Yeung was first appointed as INED of HKITP in 2021.

Disney, HKDL, JHK Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園,


Both Mrs. Law and Ms. Yeung have extensive experience in the business and public sectors which will be beneficial to the strategic and continuous development of HKITP.


Board of Directors Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited (with effect from September 1, 2024)

主題樂園公司是政府與華特迪士尼公司於1999年為發展和營運香港迪士尼樂園度假區而成立的 聯營公司。連同是次委任的兩位獨立非執行董事,主題樂園公司董事局共有 11 位董事。

HKITP is a joint venture established by the Government and The Walt Disney Company in 1999 for the development and operation of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. Together with the two INEDs, there are 11 Directors on the Board of HKITP.








艾書琳女士(Ms. Jill Estorino)


霍安迪先生(Mr. Andrew Hopkins)

Mahesh Samat 先生




Directors appointed by the Government

Mr. CHAN Mo Po, Paul

Mr. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin

Mr. HUI Ching Yu, Christopher

Ms. LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette

Mrs. CHEUNG FUNG Wing Ping, Angelina

Directors appointed on behalf of The Walt Disney Company


Ms. Yvonne PEI

Mr. Andrew HOPKINS

Mr. Mahesh SAMAT

Independent Non-Executive Directors appointed by shareholders of HKITP (i.e. on behalf of the

Government and The Walt Disney Company)

Mrs. LAW SHING Mo Han, Yvonne

Ms. YEUNG Mei Chun, Jeny

Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港國際主題樂園有限公司 委任獨立非執行董事(2024年9月1日起生效)|Appointment of Independent Non-Executive Directors to Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited (Effective September 1, 2024)
香港國際主題樂園有限公司 委任獨立非執行董事(2024年9月1日起生效)|Appointment of Independent Non-Executive Directors to Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited (Effective September 1, 2024)
Disney, HKDL, JHK Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園,
Disney Magical Kingdom Blog
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