位於「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」內的「夢想家小店」(“Dreamer’s Lookout”)於2019年10月22日正式開業,而酒店餐飲團隊於今天(2024年7月20日)在「夢想家小店」增設威士忌酒吧,將此地打造成為一個分享故事與美酒的精緻輕酒吧。
Located within Disney Explorers Lodge, “Dreamer’s Lookout” officially opened on October 22, 2019. Today, July 20, 2024, the hotel's dining team has added a whiskey bar to "Dreamer’s Lookout," transforming it into a cozy lounge where guests can share stories over a sip of whisky.
Background Story
「夢想家小店」是由一位南美植物學家的研究中心改建而成,夢想家小店珍藏了豐富多樣的草本植物與儀器設備。來自五湖四海的探索家都曾相聚於此,交流尋幽探秘的冒險故事,更帶來充滿異國風味的珍饈佳餚,一同分享品嚐,度過了無數個愉快晚上。 這個在探索家之間相傳的傳統,今天亦已一脈相承下來。
Converted from a South American botanist’s research camp, the “Dreamer’s Lookout” features an eclectic collection of plant specimens and equipment. Explorers once gathered at this spot each evening to trade stories about their adventures as well as exotic ingredients used in delectable treats, which they would share together.
A New Whiskey Bar
營業時間:下午3時 至 晚上10時
Operating Hours: 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM
「夢想家小店」提供特色威士忌雞尾酒及各類威士忌,售價為 HK$ 90 至 HK$ 125。
"Dreamer’s Lookout" offers signature whiskey cocktails and a variety of whiskeys, priced between HK$90 and HK$125.
另外,「夢想家小店」展示櫃內擺放了幾個日本 NIKKA 余市蒸餾所酒桶裝飾。
Additionally, the display cases at "Dreamer’s Lookout" feature several barrel decorations from the NIKKA Yoichi Distillery in Japan.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort