


「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024 – AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」賽事資料及報名安排|The Race Information & Registration Arrangements For 2024 "Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend – Presented by AIA Vitality"

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

全城期待的奇妙跑步盛事「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024  – AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」將於11月2日至3日正式開跑!今年推出全新「魔雪奇緣探索家3公里跑」,跑手將首次跑入全球首個及最大型的《魔雪奇緣》主題園區 ──「魔雪奇緣世界」。


Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Get ready for the most magical fun run in town with "Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2024 - Presented by AIA Vitality" on November 2 and 3!  This year, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDLR) are introducing the brand new "Frozen Explorers 3K", where runners will get the chance to race through the world's first and largest "Frozen" themed land – World of Frozen.

Additionally, this year’s event will bring even more awards and joy for the runners!  This year, the resort is introducing the 5K champion, 1st and 2nd runners-up with attractive prizes for the "Pixar Pals 5K", and the all-new Disney-Style Runway Awards, which adds to the excitement and celebrates runners in style with the most creative and outstanding Disney-inspired outfits!

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

The All-New Disney-Style Runway Awards

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

跑手可以個人名義或組隊(最多 8 名參賽者)爭奪「迪士尼跑手造型獎」,以獨特迪士尼風格展現友誼力量。有意欲參加「迪士尼跑手造型獎」比賽的參加者,請於參賽當天提早到「會場中心」登記,並由大會協助拍攝相片*。登記時請提供參加者號碼布以茲識別。相片一經提交不設更改。參加者需以登記造型完成相關賽事。

Runners can participate as individuals or even team up (maximum of 8 participants) to compete and showcase the power of friendship in Disney style.  Participants who want to enter the competition in “Disney-Style Runway Awards” *, please enroll at Event Center, and The Officials will assist in taking photo*. Please provide your running bib for identification when registering. The photo cannot be changed or adjusted after submission. Participants must complete the relevant competition in the registered appearance.








  • 創意與舒適(適合跑步)的融合
  • 引人注目
  • 能夠展示個人特質
  • 團隊合作〔個人 / 2-8人(最多8人)〕


大會將把「迪士尼跑手造型獎」 入圍者名單張貼於「會場中心」之活動資訊板。而所有參加者需於當日上午8時30分至8時45分到「會場中心」查閱比賽結果。大會將不會個別通知入圍者。入圍者需於同日9時30分穿著整齊造型戲服出席頒獎典禮。




  • 星航圖全日美食套餐乙份
  • SKECHERS鞋履禮券乙張


  • SKECHERS配飾乙份


  • 「迪士尼跑手造型獎」比賽的參加者必須為「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024 – AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」中任何一項賽事的參加者。
  • 請瀏覽常見問題查閱更多關於「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024 - AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」衣著指引。
  • 圖像僅作說明用途,未必代表真實活動狀況。主辦方保留因應情況需要而更改活動內容任何部分的權利,恕不另行通知。

Competition format

The competition will be divided into: Individual Competition(One Person) and Group Competition (Two to Eight People).

Regardless of Individual or Group, each participant can only enroll once per event day. Any duplicated application will be cancelled by the Organizers without prior notice.

Application Deadline

Enrollment starting from Event Center open until 08:00 AM on Participants’ Race Day. There is no late enrollment after 08:00 AM.

Selection Criteria

Participants will be judged based on, but not limited to the following:

  • Merging of creativity and Comfortableness (suitable for run)
  • Eye catching
  • Demonstration of personality
  • Team collaboration [1 unit /2-8pax (enrollment max. 8)]


Selected Finalists of “Disney-Style Runway Awards”, will be announced and displayed on the result board in the Event Center. Participants are required to check the result from 08:30 AM – 08:45 AM of the event day and attend the Ceremony with the costume on at 09:30 AM that day if shortlisted. The Officials will not notify the finalists individually.


Each winner and finalist in each category will win the following prizes:


  • One “All day menu” Combo Set at Chart Room Cafe , Disney Explorers Lodge
  • One SKECHRES Free Shoes Voucher

Rest of Finalist

  • One SKECHERS Accessory


  • Participants of the " Disney-Style Runway Awards " competition must be participants in any races in the "Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2024 - Presented by AIA Vitality".
  • Visit the Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2024 – Presented by AIA Vitality” dress code.
  • Images are for illustration only and may not represent the location or condition of the event. The organizers reserve the right to change any part(s) of the event without prior notice if circumstances require.

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Registration Arrangements


Magic Access Early Bird Registration will be available from July 23, 2024 till July 26, 2024. Members may refer to Magic Access Member Site for registration access.


Public Registration will be open from July 30, 2024 10:00 AM till September 2, 2024 11:59 PM.  Guests can register to participate on the event page of the official website.


Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

* 以上賽事資料正等待政府審批,賽事安排或會因為政府之要求而更改。 

**「奇妙處處通」早鳥優惠由7月23 – 26日接受報名,「奇妙處處通」會員可參閱會員專頁,以指定連結報名參加。早鳥優惠須受有關條款及細則約束。每位「奇妙處處通」會員可獲享「早鳥優惠」一次,名額有限,先到先得。所有日跑賽事均不包括香港迪士尼樂園門票。於非「早鳥優惠」期間登記之賽事,其價錢將以正價發售。 

^ 未年滿12歲的參加者必須由一名18歲或以上參加者陪同參與。 

* The above race information has been submitted for Government’s approval; arrangement maybe changed in accordance with the Government’s requirements.

** Magic Access Early Bird Offer registration will be available from July 23-26. Members may refer to Magic Access Member Site for registration access. This offer is subject to Terms and Conditions. Each Magic Access Member may use this offer once to enroll in the races — limited quota available, first come first served. All the Day Run Offers do not include any Hong Kong Disneyland Park admission tickets. Any enrolment after the Magic Access Early Bird Offer period will be based on the original price.

^  Participants under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a participant aged 18 or above.

Disney Themed Runner Packs

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024 – AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」參賽費用已包括參與相關賽事、主題T裇、號碼布、號碼布扣、運動護腕(兒童跑賽事除外)、A4貼紙(僅限兒童跑賽事)和電子證書。完成賽事的參賽者可獲獎牌一枚。 

The “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2024  - Presented by AIA Vitality ” fee is inclusive of race participation, a themed T-shirt, a race bib, bib buttons, a themed sports wristband (except Mickey and Friends Kids Races), an A4 sticker (for Kids Races only), and an electronic certificate. Participants will receive a medal upon completion of the race.

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Race Information

Marvel Super Heroes 10K

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

賽事路線圖  Route Map


Step into the action-packed Marvel universe as you tackle the Marvel Super Heroes 10K.  Runners will use their heroic running skills while racing through the resort, with Marvel characters and thrilling surprises along the way.  It’s a race fit for a Super Hero!  The event is co-organized by Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates Limited (HKAAA) and the results of the Marvel Super Heroes 10K will be recognized in the Hong Kong rankings (Only for Race group)!



  • 早上6:15(比賽組)
  • 早上7:00(歡樂組)






「中國香港田徑總會」繼續成為「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024 - AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」活動的合辦伙伴。「Marvel超級英雄10公里跑」(比賽組)的優勝者更可獲得豐富獎品!賽事將分為四個年齡組別(男子組/女子組):16–19歲、20–34歲、35–44歲及45歲或以上。每個組別最快完成賽事的首三位健兒將會贏得以下獎品:


  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店國賓廳「仙杜瑞拉」主題套房 或「國賓廳《魔雪奇緣》主題套房住宿一晚


  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店「翠樂庭餐廳」自助午餐(2位)


  • 迪士尼好萊塢酒店「藝彩廚」自助午餐(2位)



Race Date: November 3, 2024 (Sunday)

Race Time:

  • 6:15 AM (Race Group)
  • 7:00 AM (Fun Group)

Package price is HK$650.

Participant must be 16 years old or above (on the day of event).

Package includes 1 Disney-themed running tee, running bib, a bib button and a sports wristband.

Participant will receive a “Marvel Super Heroes 10K” medal with lanyard at finish line upon race completion.

“Marvel Super Heroes 10K (Fun Group)” is not available for awards or rankings.

Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates Limited continues to be the co-organizer for this year’s “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2024 – Presented by AIA Vitality”. Wonderful prizes await runners of “Marvel Super Heroes 10K (Race Group)”! Runners will be separated into four age categories (male / female): aged 16 to 19, aged 20 to 34, aged 35 to 44 and aged 45 or above, and the top three runners in each category will be awarded with the prizes below:


  • One night hotel accommodation in Kingdom Club Cinderella Suite OR Kingdom Club Frozen Suite at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel

1st Runner-up:

  • Lunch Buffet for 2 persons at Enchanted Garden Restaurant, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel

2nd Runner-up:

  • Lunch Buffet for 2 persons at Ink & Plate, Disney's Hollywood Hotel

All Entries are not transferable. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration ends on September 2, 2024.

Schedule information are provided for your reference only and may subject to change.

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Pixar Pals 5K

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

賽事路線圖  Route Map


Join Pixar friends on a fun-filled adventure through the Pixar Pals 5K, where every step will be filled with magic and excitement as lovable Pixar characters cheer runners on.  The event is co-organized by Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates Limited (HKAAA) and first time the results of the Pixar Pals 5K will be recognized in the Hong Kong rankings.







新增設:「中國香港田徑總會」繼續成為「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024 - AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」活動的合辦伙伴。「彼思好友5公里跑」的優勝者更可獲得豐富獎品!賽事將分為四個年齡組別(男子組/女子組):14–19歲、20–34歲、35–44歲及45歲或以上。每個組別最快完成賽事的首三位健兒將會贏得以下獎品:


  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店國賓廳客房住宿一晚


  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店翠樂庭餐廳自助午餐(2位)


  • 迪士尼好萊塢酒店藝彩廚自助午餐(2位)



Race Date: November 2, 2024 (Saturday)

Race Time: 7:00 AM

Package price is HK$650.

Participant must be 14 years old or above (on the day of event).

Package includes 1 Disney-themed running tee, running bib, a bib button and a sports wristband.

Participant will receive a “Pixar Pals 5K” medal with lanyard at finish line upon race completion.

NEW: Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates Limited continues to be the co-organizer for this year’s “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2024 – Presented by AIA Vitality”.  Wonderful prizes await runners of “Pixar Pals 5K”!  Runners will be separated into four age categories (male / female): aged 14 to 19, aged 20 to 34, aged 35 to 44 and aged 45 or above, and the top three runners in each category will be awarded with the prizes below:


  • One night hotel accommodation in Kingdom Club Room at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel

1st Runner-up:

  • Lunch Buffet for 2 persons at Enchanted Garden Restaurant, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel

2nd Runner-up:

  • Lunch Buffet for 2 persons at Ink & Plate, Disney's Hollywood Hotel

All Entries are not transferable. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration ends on September 2, 2024.

Schedule information are provided for your reference only and may subject to change.

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Duffy and Friends 3K

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

賽事路線圖  Route Map


Embark on a heartwarming adventure with Duffy and Friends in the Duffy and Friends 3K. It’s bound to be an uplifting race as runners experience the magic of friendship with every step.


比賽時間:早上7:30 及 早上8:20








Race Date: November 2, 2024 (Saturday)

Race Time: 7:30 AM and 8:20 AM

Package price is HK$650.

Participant must be 3 years old or above (on the day of event).

Participant who is aged below 12 must be accompanied by a Participant aged 18 or above.

Package includes 1 Disney-themed running tee, a bib button and a sports wristband.

“Duffy and Friends 3K” is not available for awards.

Participant will receive a “Duffy and Friends 3K” medal with lanyard at finish line upon completion.

All Entries are not transferable. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration ends on September 2, 2024.

Schedule information are provided for your reference only and may subject to change.

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

NEW: Frozen Explorers 3K

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

賽事路線圖  Route Map


Experience the enchantment of Arendelle like never before in the Frozen Explorers 3K.  This family-friendly 3K will be filled with enthusiastic support from Queens Anna and Elsa, and all the citizens of Arendelle.  Participants will also feel the icy magic through the first-ever “Frozen”-themed runner pack!


比賽時間:早上7:30 及 早上8:15








Race Date: November 3, 2024 (Sunday)

Race Time: 7:30 AM and 8:15 AM

Package price is HK$650.

Participant must be 3 years old or above (on the day of event).

Participant who is aged below 12 must be accompanied by a Participant aged 18 or above.

Package includes 1 Disney-themed running tee, a bib button and a sports wristband.

“Frozen Explorers 3K” is not available for awards.

Participant will receive a “Frozen Explorers 3K” medal with lanyard at finish line upon completion.

All Entries are not transferable. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Registration ends on September 2, 2024.

Schedule information are provided for your reference only and may subject to change.

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Mickey & Friends Kids Races

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

賽事路線圖  Route Map


Little ones can join in on the fun too with the Kids Races, featuring Mickey and Friends.  These races feature specially designed courses and special play area (including giant bubble fun, soft playgrounds, go-karts, balance bikes, scooters, mini-golf, and more) with a touch of Disney magic, making it the perfect choice for families and young runners.


比賽時間:早上9:30 – 10:15、早上10:20 – 11:05及早上11:10 – 11:55(分時段起步)











Race date: November 2 (Saturday) or November 3, 2024 (Sunday)

Race Time: 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM or 10:20 AM - 11:05 AM or 11:10 AM - 11:55 AM (Separate starting times)

Race distance is approximately 200 meters.

Package price is HK$395.

Participants must be 5 years old or below (on the day of event).

Package includes 1 Disney-themed running tee, running bib, a bib button, an A4 sticker.

“Mickey & Friends Kids Races” is not available for awards.

Participant will receive a “Mickey & Friends Kids Races” medal with lanyard at finish line upon completion.

This race will not run into the Park.

One adult companion is allowed to join the “Mickey & Friends Kids Races” for each entry.

All Entries are not transferable. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration ends on September 2, 2024.

Schedule information are provided for your reference only and may subject to change.

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney-Themed Costumes And Event Limited Edition Pins

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL


During the enrolment period, runners can check out the online Hong Kong Disneyland e-store and pre-order your Disney-themed outfits, featuring character run pins and newly launched dress-up items spanning hair clips, socks, and cooling towels as special add-ons throughout the registration period!

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

參加者亦可在報名後於網上商店憑指定網上商店代碼訂購「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024 - AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」活動的特別版限量徽章。

In addition, participants can order a range of limited edition pins created specially for “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2024 - Presented by AIA Vitality” on eStore by specific code.

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL


Runners can participate as individuals or even team up (maximum of 8 participants) to compete and showcase the power of friendship in Disney style. Enroll for the chance to win this award at the event center before the race and join the award ceremony to celebrate with all the stylishly dressed runners!

Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL

關懷社區 共同體驗跑步樂趣
Caring For The Community

參與「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024  – AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」的跑手,更可為有需要的人士帶來特別意義,跑出多一層意義!香港迪⼠尼樂園度假區會將活動的部份收益捐贈予「香港傷殘⻘年協會」及「香港復康聯會」,以⽀持「傷⻘動⼒學堂」計劃及「殘疾青年人才培訓計劃」。透過「香港傷殘⻘年協會」及「香港復康聯會」,不同能⼒包括視障、聽障和肢體殘障的跑⼿亦可參加「10K Weekend」,促進傷健共融,共同體驗奇妙無比的跑步樂趣。 

Participants at the “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2024 – Presented by AIA Vitality” will help make a difference for people in need, all thanks to the charity link-up with Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth and Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities. The resort will donate a portion of the proceeds from the event to Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth in support of their “HKFHY Momentum Academy” and  Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities to support the “Talent Development Program for Young People with Disabilities”. Runners with various disabilities, including those with visual, hearing and physical disabilities can also take part in this magical fun run.


This November, follow the magically mapped routes that wind through iconic lands and attractions within the resort.  From the enchantment of Main Street, U.S.A., and the futuristic Tomorrowland, to the fun of Toy Story Land and now the stunning landscapes of World of Frozen, soak in captivating sight after sight. And with Disney Friends, Super Heroes, and other beloved characters cheering you on, you'll swiftly float on to the finish line.


Images are for reference only. The organizers reserve the right to change any part(s) of the item(s) without prior notice if circumstances require.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024 – AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」賽事資料及報名安排|The Race Information & Registration Arrangements For 2024 "Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend – Presented by AIA Vitality"
「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024 – AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」賽事資料及報名安排|The Race Information & Registration Arrangements For 2024 "Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend – Presented by AIA Vitality"
Disney, 香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2024, AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持, 賽事資料及報名安排, Race Information & Registration Arrangements, Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend, HKDL
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