在全球迪士尼樂園及度假區,員工會稱呼為「演藝人員」(Cast Members),並穿上相應主題的「戲服」,在樂園的「舞台」上呈現「完美演出」的品質標準。香港迪士尼樂園度假區 於今天透過 行政總裁 莫偉庭(Michael E. Moriarty)、度假區親善大使及「演藝人員」通訊平台《米通》(Magic Post)的專頁官方帖文,分享「森林河流之旅」(Jungle River Cruise)的專題內容。
At Disney Parks and Resorts worldwide, employees are referred to as "Cast Members" and don themed "costumes" to deliver a "perfect show" on the park's "stage." Today, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort shared a special feature on the "Jungle River Cruise" through an official post by Managing Director Michael E. Moriarty, the HKDL Ambassador page, and the "Magic Post" Cast Member page.
The feature reveals that the skippers' costumes have received some extra magic for this special content, including the addition of two new neckerchiefs in red and dark green.
《米通》(Magic Post)精選圖片:
Selected images from Magic Post:
迪士尼 於2021年推出《幻險森林奇航》(Jungle Cruise)電影,當中取材自迪士尼樂園經典遊樂設施「Jungle Cruise」,此經典遊樂設施在美國兩岸、日本和香港的樂園以不同形式呈現。Dwayne Johnson 和 Emily Blunt 在電影故事中分別飾演 船長法蘭(Skipper Frank Wolff)和研究員 莉莉博士(Dr. Lily Houghton),他們的造型也加上領巾。香港迪士尼於是次配合專題內容加入領巾的「戲服」安排,與主題互相呼應。
In 2021, Disney released the movie "Jungle Cruise," inspired by the classic Disneyland attraction of the same name. This iconic attraction is presented in various forms at Disney Parks in the U.S., Japan, and Hong Kong. In the film, Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt portray Skipper Frank Wolff and Dr. Lily Houghton, respectively, and their costumes feature neckerchiefs. The recent special arrangement for the skippers at Hong Kong Disneyland ties in with this theme.
The addition of the neckerchief is currently featured only in the official thematic content mentioned above. The "Jungle River Cruise" Skippers' costume remains unchanged at this time.
🚢🗺️🧭 廷伸分享(Read More):
- 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫
- The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection Added To Hong Kong Disneyland's Jungle River Cruise
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort