


香港迪士尼辦「迪士尼明星運動學堂」霹靂舞工作坊支持青少年追夢|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy” To Fuel Youth’s Sporting Dreams

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

2024 巴黎奧運會已於7月26日開幕,當中新增的霹靂舞比賽項目更備受全球矚目。為帶動奧運熱潮,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 與「奧夢成真計劃」及 香港基督教服務處 合作,於7月27日首次在園區內舉辦「迪士尼明星運動學堂」。

The 2024 Paris Olympic Games kicked start on July 26, and the newly added competition, breaking, has attracted global attention.  To bring the Olympic fever to Hong Kong, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) in cooperation with the Sports Legacy Scheme and Hong Kong Christian Service, host “Disney All-Star Sports Academy” for the first time on Jul 27.

一班本地及少數族裔學生,更在奧夢成真教練兼中國香港霹靂舞代表隊成員的指導下,在香港迪士尼大展舞技,迪士尼大明星 米奇老鼠 更驚喜現身,與學員一同跳霹靂舞。

A group of students including local and ethnic minority groups, guided by a coach of SLS from the Hong Kong, China breaking team, showcased their dancing skills at HKDL on July 27.  The grand finale featured a surprise appearance by Mickey Mouse, who joined the students for an energetic breaking session.


Breakdance Workshops for Local and Minority Students
Mickey Mouse Breaks Out Dance Moves to Spread Olympics Excitement Among Youth

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

在剛過去的星期六(7月27日),香港迪士尼 與「奧夢成真計劃」聯同 香港基督教服務處 邀請剛剛完成霹靂舞學堂的一眾學生到樂園内展示學習成果,共有100名學生和家長出席活動。學堂邀請身兼奧夢成真教練及中國香港霹靂舞代表隊成員 張麗怡(Ivy Cheung),為本地及少數族裔的弱勢學生舉行霹靂舞工作坊。

Last Saturday (July 27), HKDL and the SLS collaborated with the Hong Kong Christian Service to invite students to showcase their learning result from the breaking workshop – led by Ivy Cheung, a coach of SLS from the Hong Kong, China breaking team – at the park. A total of 100 students and parents attended the event.

活動由 香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使 謝承恩(Beyan)和珮芷善(Gisele)主持,她們表示奧運熱潮是一個非常好的時機,鼓勵公眾認識和參與運動,希望今次三方的合作,能激發青少年對霹靂舞以至延伸對其他運動的興趣,支持本地體育發展。

The event was hosted by HKDL Ambassadors Beyan Tse and Gisele Abejero, who both shared how the Olympic Games present an excellent opportunity to encourage public awareness and engagement in sports.  They hope that this collaboration between HKDL, the SLS and the Hong Kong Christian Service will spark in youth a passion for breaking and, in turn, other sports as well, fostering the development of sports in Hong Kong.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth


Before the workshop began, the Hong Kong, China breaking team showcased their impressive skills.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

Ivy 即場示範和教授基礎舞步,一陣熱身過後,更傳授一些較複雜的技巧。

Ivy began the event by guiding participants to learn basic breaking moves.  Following a warm-up session, she progressed to more intricate breaking techniques.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

一眾學生更會與 米奇老鼠 一起向觀眾表演,展示他們的學習成果。是次計劃希望激發兒童對這個運動項目的興趣,培育新星和支持本地運動發展。

Students performed to the audience together, with Mickey Mouse to show off their learning achievements.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth
左起(From Left):Ayan Muhammad 穆德仁、Ivy Cheung 張麗怡、Anna Lau 劉安娜

參加計劃的12歲本地學生 劉安娜(Anna)本身有學習中國舞和拉丁舞,透過工作坊首次接觸「更型格」的霹靂舞,收穫了不少「新招」,例如雙腳交錯踏地的 Top Rock。她形容:「霹靂舞的舞步較多變化,可自由創作不同的組合,考驗身體能力之餘更有空間發揮創意。今次能與幾位朋友在香港迪士尼進行霹靂舞表演,甚至與 米奇老鼠 同場演出,亦成為我的一個美好暑假回憶。」她亦希望未來在香港會有更多資源支持霹靂舞發展。

Anna Lau, a 12-year-old program participant with prior experience in Chinese and Latin dance, experienced the “trendier” street dance breaking for the first time through the workshop. She learned various new moves, including the “Top Rock,” which involves crossing one's feet while stepping.  “Breaking has more varied moves and allows for free creation of different combinations,” she said.  “It challenges your physical abilities while giving you room to be creative. This performance opportunity at HKDL with my friends, and even performing with Mickey Mouse, will be a wonderful memory of my summer vacation.”  She also hopes for more resources in Hong Kong to support the growth of breakdancing in the future.

今年12歲、巴基斯坦籍的學生 穆德仁(Ayan),對於能參與表演同感興奮:「這是我第一次到訪香港迪士尼樂園,就已經有這樣難得的機會,與 米奇老鼠 在台上一同跳舞,非常難忘!」

Ayan Muhammad, a 12-year-old student from Pakistan, expressed his excitement at participating in the workshop: “This was my first time visiting HKDL and I already had the amazing opportunity to dance with Mickey Mouse on stage.  It was truly unforgettable!"

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

有近七年霹靂舞經驗的 Ivy 曾出戰不同比賽,除了不斷挑戰自我力求做出更好成績外,她亦有另一個目標 — 將霹靂舞宣揚至更多人認識:「霹靂舞原本是一種街頭表演舞蹈,我希望藉著霹靂舞成為今屆奧運比賽項目,以及今次與香港迪士尼的合作,讓更多小朋友和年輕人認識這個舞種,培育他們的興趣。」

Ivy, with nearly seven years of breaking experience, has competed in various competitions.  While she always worked to improve her skills and achieve the best results, she also dreamed of introducing breaking to a bigger audience.  “Breaking originated as a street performance dance,” she said.  “With its debut as an Olympic sport and through this collaboration with HKDL, I hope to introduce this dance form to more children and young people, fostering their interest for it.”

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth

香港迪士尼 與「奧夢成真計劃」自2022年起合作舉辦「迪士尼奧夢明星運動學堂」,為近300名來自香港基督教服務處和香港小童群益會的基層兒童和青少年提供由本地精英運動員進行的專業體育訓練,包括單車、滑板、乒乓球等項目。

HKDL, in collaboration with the SLS, has held the “Disney All-Star Sports Legacy Academy” since 2022, providing professional sports training conducted by local elite athletes to nearly 300 underprivileged children and teenagers from the Hong Kong Christian Service and the Boys & Girls Clubs Association of Hong Kong. The initiative offers training in various sports, including cycling, skateboarding, and table tennis.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼辦「迪士尼明星運動學堂」霹靂舞工作坊支持青少年追夢|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy” To Fuel Youth’s Sporting Dreams
香港迪士尼辦「迪士尼明星運動學堂」霹靂舞工作坊支持青少年追夢|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy” To Fuel Youth’s Sporting Dreams
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園, 迪士尼明星運動學堂, 霹靂舞工作坊, 支持青少年追夢, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Hosts Breaking Workshops With “Disney All-Star Sports Academy”, Youth
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