「迷離珍藏店」(商店位於 香港迪士尼樂園「迷離莊園」)
The Archive Shop (Shop located in Mystic Point at Hong Kong Disneyland)
About Albert:
在一次探險旅程中,亨利爵士 發現一隻小猴子被困在巨型的蜘蛛網中,無法動彈。他將猴子拯救出來,並為它命名為「阿拔」。由於對「阿拔」的不捨以及在當地熱帶風光的吸引下,亨利爵士 決定選址在此興建「迷離大宅」,並將這個小區稱為「迷離莊園」。
為收藏「冒險家・探險家學會」團隊在世界各地搜羅的藝術品和手工藝品,亨利爵士 興建了一座私人博物館──「迷離莊園」。而猴子「阿拔」亦已經成為他生命中的重要夥伴,經常陪著他一起探險。「阿拔」更憑着淘氣的個性,贏得一眾「冒險家・探險家學會」會員的歡心。
During an expedition, Henry Mystic discovered a young monkey entangled in the web of a monstrous spider. He rescued the monkey and named him Albert. Taken with Albert and the tropical locale, Henry decided to stay—christening the area Mystic Point and his home Mystic Manor.
Mystic Manor was built as a museum for the growing collection of art and artifacts gathered by members of Henry’s team, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.). And Albert, the foundling monkey, has become a key player in the life of Lord Henry, accompanying him on his adventures and charming members of the S.E.A. with his mischievous nature.
✨ 其他精選內容(Other Featured Story):
- 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫
- The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection Added To Hong Kong Disneyland's Jungle River Cruise
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort