


上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機|Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Airplane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

繼全球首個《優獸大都會》^ 主題園區「瘋狂動物城」在 上海迪士尼樂園 盛大啟「城」,上海迪士尼度假區 和 中國東方航空 於今天(2024年5月24日)共同揭曉了全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機 ——「迪士尼•瘋狂動物城號」。 這是度假區與其企業聯盟夥伴 中國東方航空 攜手推出的第六架迪士尼主題飛機。


Following the grand opening of Zootopia at Shanghai Disneyland, the world’s first land themed to the hit Walt Disney Animation Studios film, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines jointly unveiled a new Zootopia-themed airplane, the Disney•Zootopia Express, on May 24, 2024.  As part of its ongoing alliance with Shanghai Disney Resort, the airplane is the sixth Disney-themed aircraft to join China Eastern Airlines’ fleet.

中國東方航空 第六架迪士尼主題飛機
China Eastern Airlines’ Sixth Disney-Themed Airplane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

主題飛機的揭幕儀式於今天在上海一座特別設計的「瘋狂動物城機場」內舉行,讓受邀嘉賓提前感受這一瘋狂動物城主題的全新體驗。揭幕儀式上,上海迪士尼度假區和中國東方航空 的雙方領袖共同為這架全新的主題彩繪飛機揭幕,來自瘋狂「優獸市」* 的 朱迪 和 阿力** 也加入他們一起慶祝這個特別的時刻。



To commemorate the arrival of the new aircraft, an unveiling ceremony was hosted at a specially-designed Zootopia-themed “airport” in Shanghai, where invited guests got a first look at the new Zootopia-themed experience.  During the ceremony, executives from Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines were joined by Zootopia’s very own Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, who helped to celebrate this special occasion and unveil the new themed plane.

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

飛機的外形彩繪栩栩如生地描繪了《優獸大都會》動畫電影中備受喜愛的體型不一的動物角色,他們彷彿都被飛機高速行駛刮起的風吹了起來。「迪士尼•瘋狂動物城號」創新地使用了飛機塗裝貼花技術,成為 中國東方航空 首架呈現3D立體迪士尼角色圖案的主題彩繪飛機

The airplane design will take to the skies the excitement of the new land’s opening through its vibrant overlay on the exterior, showing fan-favorite characters from the Disney Animation film, large and small.  As it zooms across the sky, the Zootopia friends all become wind-swept from the speed of the plane.  Through the innovative application of a custom aircraft livery decal, the Disney•Zootopia Express has now become China Eastern Airlines’ first Disney-themed aircraft to feature three- dimensional images of Disney characters on its exterior.

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

旅客登上「迪士尼•瘋狂動物城號」後將會發現遍佈機艙內部的主題元素。 無論是為不同體型的哺乳動物量身打造的行李架圖案,還是印有新園區地圖、展現動物居民們最喜愛的城中地標的小桌板,都將讓旅客們在飛行途中盡享他們喜愛的《優獸大都會》角色的陪伴,並收穫靈感,為前往 上海迪士尼度假區 最新主題園區的奇妙旅程做好準備。

Onboard the Disney•Zootopia Express, the magic continues with themed elements throughout the entire interior of the aircraft, including images of luggage containers tailored for different-sized mammals, along with fold out trays featuring a map of Zootopia highlighting different characters’ favorite spots in the mammalian metropolis. Passengers will be able to enjoy the company of their favorite Zootopia characters during their flight while receiving endless inspiration to plan a trip to the resort’s newest land.

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

上海迪士尼度假區總裁及總經理 薛逸駿(Joe Schott)表示:「為慶祝全球首個也是唯一 一個《優獸大都會》主題園區的開幕,我們非常高興與 中國東方航空 合作推出『迪士尼•瘋狂動物城號』。 對於計劃前往 上海迪士尼度假區 體驗『瘋狂動物城』新園區的賓客來說,這架全新的飛機將為他們的旅程增添更多奇妙力量。今年是 東航 與 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手合作的第八年,包括這次新發佈的《優獸大都會》主題彩繪機在內,雙方已推出了六架東航『迪士尼彩繪機』,都是傳遞歡樂、 友善、真誠、信任的空中文化使者,為旅客提供一次次美妙的出行體驗。」

"We are thrilled to join China Eastern Airlines in celebrating the opening of the world's first and only Zootopia-themed land by launching Disney•Zootopia Express," said Joe Schott, President and General Manager of Shanghai Disney Resort.  "The new themed plane will be an extra touch of magic to passengers’ travels as it brings guests to visit Shanghai Disney Resort and experience the wonders of our newest land firsthand."  “This year marks the eighth year of collaboration between China Eastern Airlines and Shanghai Disney Resort. Together, we have launched six Disney-themed aircraft that are part of China Eastern Airlines’ fleet, including the newly unveiled Zootopia-themed airplane. All of these aircraft transport happiness, friendship, kindness and trust in the sky, bringing a wonderful travel experience to passengers,” said Wan Qingchao, Executive Vice President of China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd.

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

演員 吳彥姝,和音樂劇演員、歌手 阿雲嘎 繼去年12月以「瘋狂動物城榮譽居民」的身份加入新園區的盛大開幕後,今天也來到活動現場,成為首批登上全新主題彩繪飛機的嘉賓,感受獨特的空中體驗。

Also in attendance at today’s event were actress Wu Yanshu and musical actor and singer Ayanga, who joined the Zootopia grand opening celebrations last December as “Honorary Zootizens”. They were also invited to step onboard the new plane as the first guests to be immersed in this unique air experience.

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane

Zootopia-Themed Check-In Counters & Self-Service Check-In Kiosks

從 上海虹橋國際機場 出發的旅客也將有機會收穫更多驚喜。三十多個煥然一新的主題報到櫃檯和自助報到設備以及紀念版主題登機證將讓旅客從登機前就開啟這段特別的主題之旅。

Even more surprises await passengers as they depart from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. Thanks to more than 30 new Zootopia-themed check-in counters and self-service check-in kiosks, plus commemorative boarding passes, passengers will be able to start their unique journey before they even take to the skies.

Limited-Time Flight-Hotel-Park Ticket Promotion

為了協助賓客暢玩 上海迪士尼度假區,即日起至2024年6月4日,度假區將攜手 中國東方航空 限時推出包含機票、酒店和樂園門票的特惠套餐。套餐包括一晚 上海迪士尼樂園酒店 入住體驗和《優獸大都會》主題房佈置、「盧米亞廚房」自助早餐、上海迪士尼樂園 一日票、迪士尼尊享卡「瘋狂動物城:熱力追踪」,以及 一 份樂園美食兌換券三件。賓客可選擇在2024年6月1日至6月12日期間入住酒店,並於 2024 年 6 月 2 日至 13 日期間使用樂園門票入園遊玩。購買此套餐的賓客也將獲得從指定城市出發往返 上海 的東航機票。

To extend the magic of a trip to Zootopia and the rest of the resort, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines have also teamed up to offer a limited-time flight-hotel-park ticket promotion.  Going on sale from today until June 4, 2024, guests who purchase the promotional package will receive round-trip flight tickets departing from select cities to Shanghai. Guests will be able to use the offer from June 1 to 12, 2024, which will include a one-night stay at the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel where guests will stay in a transformed room with a Zootopia- themed overlay, Lumière’s Kitchen breakfast buffet, single-day standard Shanghai Disneyland tickets for park visits from June 2 to 13, 2024, Disney Premium Access for Zootopia: Hot Pursuit, plus one Park Dining Voucher Set of Three.

賓客可透過 中國東方航空 官方應用程式購買套餐並了解更多活動細則。賓客還可以透過官方應用程式上的「迪士尼專區」查詢到全部六架迪士尼主題飛機的相關資訊和未來三天的飛行路線,提前規劃行程。

Guests can purchase the package or find more information about the offer through the China Eastern Airlines official app.  Guests can also find a Shanghai Disney Resort brand zone page on the app, showing all six Disney-themed aircraft with their flight routes for the upcoming three days, allowing them to better plan their trips.

Shanghai Disney Resort|China Eastern Airlines



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機|Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Airplane
上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機|Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Airplane
Disney, SHDL, SHDR, 上海迪士尼度假區 攜手 中國東方航空 推全新《優獸大都會》主題彩繪飛機, Shanghai Disney Resort and China Eastern Airlines Launch New Zootopia-Themed Plane
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