上海迪士尼度假區 將於今年夏天推出全新現場娛樂表演。 2024年6月3日至10月7日(除特別活動期間),位於 上海迪士尼樂園「探險島」的故事舞台將限時呈現全新演出——《節奏探險之旅》,在上演期間將對所有樂園賓客開放,無需額外購票。這場全新演出將讓賓客踏上一段世界音樂探險之旅,沉醉在融合不同音樂風格與獨特節奏、現場演出、以及深受喜愛的迪士尼故事和難得一見的「迪士尼朋友」的視聽享受中。 獨具匠心的演出設計也將讓賓客有機會在每次觀賞時收穫新的驚喜。
As Shanghai Disney Resort continues to bring new experiences for guests, and expands its magical entertainment offerings, a brand new limited-time live show, The Adventure of Rhythm, is coming to the Storyhouse Stage in Adventure Isle at Shanghai Disneyland. Set to open from June 3 to October 7, 2024 (except for special events), with no extra tickets needed, this new in-door live stage show will take guests on an adventurous musical journey around the world, combining different music styles with distinct rhythms, live performances, beloved Disney stories and rarely-seen Disney characters. The Adventure of Rhythm has also been uniquely constructed in a way that guests may experience new surprises each time they watch the show.
《節奏探險之旅》講述了一個原創故事:一群專注於研究世界各地的音樂和源自不同文化的樂器的考古學家興高采烈地來到「探險島」,與化身探險家的觀眾分享旅途中發現的精彩故事和獨特節奏。 伴隨着一首原創樂曲與迪士尼舞者、現場鼓手的精彩演繹,他們踏上了尋找「探險節奏」的旅程,賓客將「乘」着音樂的翅膀,身臨其境地感受發生在世界各地的或經典或現代的迪士尼故事。
The Adventure of Rhythm tells an original story of a team of archeologists who specialize in researching music, including instruments from cultures around the world, and who are thrilled to be in Adventure Isle to share their stories and rhythms from their travels with the adventurers in the audience. As the team set off on a journey to find the “Rhythm of Adventure” with an original musical number performed by the company of explorer dancers and live drummers, guests will be transported on the wings of music to a variety of classic and new Disney stories taking place at different corners of the world.
一百多年來,音樂是迪士尼故事敘述中一個關鍵因素,在塑造打動人心的角色方面發揮着至關重要的作用。 《節奏探險之旅》匯集地方特色音樂、大樂隊、嘻哈音樂、拉丁爵士和流行音樂等五種不同風格的音樂片段,多首源自倍受喜愛的 華特迪士尼動畫製作室* 電影《魔海奇緣》*、《花木蘭》、《木偶奇遇記》、《富貴貓》*、《獅子王》、《阿拉丁》、《無敵破壞王》和 彼思動畫製作室* 電影《熊抱青春記》* 的經典歌曲將會讓賓客沉醉於富有內涵的歌詞和優美動聽的旋律中。
- 華特迪士尼動畫工作室
- 《海洋奇緣》
- 《貓兒歷險記》
- 皮克斯動畫工作室
- 《青春變形記》
Music has always been a key element in Disney storytelling for more than 100 years and plays a major role in making the characters resonate across generations. The Adventure of Rhythm ties together a series of musical production moments reflecting five music styles: regional, big band, hip hop, Latin jazz and pop music. Some of the most memorable tunes from beloved Walt Disney Animation Studios films Moana, Mulan, Pinocchio, The Aristocats, The Lion King, Aladdin, Wreck-It Ralph, and Pixar Animation Studios’ Turning Red, will transfix the audience with compelling narrative lyrics and catchy melodies.
賓客在《節奏探險之旅》將有機會欣賞演出的不同版本, 演出所呈現的五種音樂風格中的每一種都對應着兩段不同的曲目和探險故事,而每一個故事又將由不同的「迪士尼朋友」來詮釋,他們的隨機組合將讓賓客每次觀看這個引人入勝的新演出時都能收穫不同的驚喜。
Guests may have the opportunity to see different versions of the show when each of the five music styles takes them on one of two adventures. Each adventure offers a different lineup of characters, providing guests with new surprises when watching this dazzling show.
演出中,那些被音樂旋律吸引來的、樂園裡難得一見的角色都將出現在賓客眼前。 賓客將被他們所傳遞出的積極樂觀的能量感染,體會到音樂就在你我心中,並無處不在! 根據探險路線的不同,賓客將有機會隨機見到他們喜愛的迪士尼朋友,包括 瑪麗(Marie)^、精靈(Genie)、阿拉丁(Aladdin)等,與他們共度一段歡樂的時光。
During the show, Disney characters, including those rarely seen in the park, whose stories are evoked by the musical tunes will come to life before guests’ eyes, delivering a message of optimism that music is in all of us! Depending on which path the adventure takes, guests will be able to enjoy heartwarming moments with some of their favorite friends, including Marie, Genie, and Aladdin.
Starting June 3, 2024, The Adventure of Rhythm is set to become a wonderful addition to park offerings for guests to enjoy during their summer visits and further enrich the guest experience during peak season. Guests of all ages will be immersed in the irresistible charisma of Disney songs and stories while freeing the music within their hearts.
Shanghai Disney Resort