


活動預告:香港迪士尼樂園度假區 將於2024年6月9日至7月7日期間為 唐老鴨 舉行90週年派對慶祝活動|Event Teaser: Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Celebration At Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

Disney, HKDL ,活動預告,香港迪士尼樂園度假區將於2024年6月9日至7月7日期間為 唐老鴨 舉行90週年慶祝活動, Event Teaser: Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Celebration At Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

迪士尼經典角色 唐老鴨(Donald Duck)一向人氣十足,更將於今年6月9日迎來90週年大日子!香港迪士尼樂園度假區 為隆重其事,將於2024年6月9日至7月7日期間舉行一連串唐老鴨90週年派對慶祝活動,首日更會特別呈獻「唐老鴨90週年慶祝派對」。

1934年,唐老鴨 於華特迪士尼動畫《Silly Symphonies》當中一部短片《The Wise Little Hen》中粉墨登場,以喜愛高談闊論、喜怒無常卻會友善對待每位粉絲及堅决果斷的獨特個性,吸納大批忠實粉絲。今年更適逢唐老鴨的90週年大日子,他期待與粉絲於 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 一起慶祝。

身為六月之星的 唐老鴨,更廣邀粉絲以其經典造型作為靈感,時尚穿搭入園一起慶生,讓樂園每個角落都充滿著他的朝氣!為讓粉絲可以齊齊「潮」住慶生,樂園更獨家推出日本牛仔拼布潮牌 FDMTL 以 唐老鴨 為主題的精品潮玩時尚系列及主題美食,讓大家投入全城慶祝氣氛!

Disney's iconic character Donald Duck has always been immensely popular, and this year he will celebrate his 90th anniversary on June 9, 2024!  To commemorate this milestone, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort will host a series of Donald Duck's 90th Anniversary parties from June 9 to July 7, 2024, with a special 90th Anniversary Celebration Party for Donald Duck on the first day.

Donald Duck made his debut in the Walt Disney animated short "The Wise Little Hen" from the "Silly Symphonies" series in 1934.  Known for his chatty, temperamental yet friendly and determined personality, Donald Duck quickly gained a loyal fanbase.  This year, as he celebrates his 90th anniversary, Donald Duck is excited to join fans at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort for the festivities.  As the star of June, Donald Duck invites fans to dress in his classic style and celebrate with him, bringing his energetic spirit to every corner of the Park!

To make the celebration even more fashionable, the park has launched an exclusive collection of Donald Duck-themed items in collaboration with the Japanese denim brand FDMTL, featuring trendy apparel and themed cuisine.

Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Celebration Party On June 9

於2024年6月9日生日正日,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 將特別呈獻「唐老鴨90週年慶祝派對」,米奇老鼠、米妮老鼠、黛絲等「迪士尼朋友」將齊齊登上奇妙夢想城堡舞台,輪流為 唐老鴨 送上心意。一眾好友除了準備好生日蛋糕外,更邀請台下粉絲一同亮起手機,為生日蛋糕點上最暖心的「燭光」,於配上生日蛋糕主題的立體光影投射下,一起為 唐老鴨 製造難忘驚喜時刻。

On June 9, 2024, the park will host a special "Donald's Quacktastic Surprise!" Party.  Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, and other Disney friends will join Donald on the Castle of Magical Dreams stage to offer their heartfelt wishes.  Fans are invited to light up their phones to create a heartwarming "candlelight" for Donald's birthday cake, making for a memorable celebration. 

多個驚喜互動時刻寵粉  意想不到唐老鴨造型等你集齊
Surprise Interactions and Unique Donald Duck Appearances

於2024年6月9日至7月7日期間,唐老鴨 將穿梭於不同主題園區及酒店,以多個驚喜造型跟大家見面,包括以狩獵者打扮乘坐木筏橫越探險河,又會化身冒險家驚喜現身於「森林河流之旅」附近與粉絲互動;更會搖身一變「探險世界」裝束,跟世界鼓手即興表演,一同盡興狂歡。準備好於「幻想世界」的「夢想花園」中,尋找穿上春夏服飾的 唐老鴨,還有波利尼西亞風、運動風、星級大廚,以及更多意想不到的唐老鴨造型現身於度假區內,等你集齊合照!

From June 9 to July 7, 2024, Donald Duck will appear in various surprise outfits across different themed lands and hotels.  Look for him in a hunter’s outfit on a raft in Adventureland, as an explorer near the Jungle River Cruise, or in other unexpected costumes like Polynesian, sporty, or chef attire. Fans can collect photos of all these unique appearances!

寵粉的 唐老鴨 更會邀請已悉心打扮的粉絲們,以別開生面的互動形式,齊齊參與「唐老鴨生日大街舞步」。當「小鎮廣場」響起歡樂的音樂,唐老鴨 會請粉絲尾隨其後,學習獨特鴨式舞步,扭扭腰、擺擺尾,環繞「小鎮廣場」巡遊留影,以活力舞姿感染整個「美國小鎮大街」!身穿皇家禮服的 唐老鴨 將於「幻想世界」隨時出巡,隨行手持 唐老鴨 主題旗幟的侍從更會沿途邀請大家向他行禮,粉絲記得向他送上生日祝福。

Donald will also invite fans to join the "Donald's Birthday Duckling Dance" at Town Square.  When the music starts, follow Donald and learn his unique dance moves, spreading energy and joy throughout Main Street, U.S.A. Donald will also parade in royal attire in Fantasyland, with attendants inviting fans to greet him and offer birthday wishes. 

獨有時尚潮流  以唐老鴨靈感造型穿搭慶生
Fashionable Celebrations With Donald Duck-Inspired Merchandise

為讓你一身時尚穿搭入樂園慶祝,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 推出多款全新唐老鴨主題商品,當中包括粉絲必搶系列,由樂園與日本人氣潮牌 FDMTL 獨家推出 唐老鴨 主題的時尚精品,將 藍染(Indigo)與 襤褸(Boro)等傳統日本技藝,巧妙融入 唐老鴨 的經典形象之中,為其深入民心的藍調賦予嶄新演繹。從外套、襯衫、T恤、手提袋、斜孭袋等,讓粉絲將 唐老鴨 型格穿搭上身。多款設計實用兼型格時尚的單品包括 摺扇、雨傘、保溫瓶、10" 收藏搪膠模型 等,誓將引領生活潮流! 

樂園同時亦推出全新唐老鴨90週年紀念主題系列,從經典動畫場景襯衫、藍白水手T恤、經典貝雷帽、精緻配飾等,讓你輕鬆配出 唐老鴨 主題造型,齊齊踏上慶祝旅途!多款小巧飾物更綴以獨特 唐老鴨 90週年標誌,成為每位「唐老鴨迷」的必備珍藏,將其歡樂氛圍帶返家中,紀念獨有珍貴時刻!

所有商品將於2024年6月1日起陸續於 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 正式發售,讓你為入園慶祝做好準備!

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is launching new Donald Duck-themed merchandise, including an exclusive collection with FDMTL, featuring indigo and boro techniques integrated with Donald Duck's classic image.  Fans can find jackets, shirts, T-shirts, bags, and more.

The park will also offer a 90th-anniversary commemorative series for Donald Duck, with items like classic animation-themed shirts, sailor T-shirts, berets, and accessories, all adorned with the unique Donald Duck 90th anniversary logo.

All items will be available starting June 1, 2024, so fans can prepare for the celebration!

唐老鴨特色主題美食   打卡慶祝滿分
Donald Duck-Themed Food Delights

大肆慶祝又怎能缺少豐富美饌?啟發自唐老鴨造型而創作的全新 唐老鴨 主題美食及特色甜點,於度假區各處待你發掘。唐老鴨 及 黛絲 的可愛造型雪條,讓你與摯愛於炎炎夏日,暑氣全消。於典雅維多利亞風格的「翠樂庭餐廳」享用豐盛自助餐,更可品嚐多款 唐老鴨 立體精緻甜品,包括「芒果香草奶凍」、「紅桑子朱古力慕絲蛋糕」等,留下美味回憶。

「大街市集」更限時推出「咖啡雲石蛋糕配芝士忌廉及菠蘿白朱古力撻」,以 唐老鴨 標誌性的藍帽子、可愛翹臀、紅煲呔及黃鴨掌趣緻呈現,香甜幼滑,是慶祝獨有時刻的必備美食!既是唐老鴨粉絲,亦是六月生日之星的你,更可到酒店餐廳以唐老鴨造型生日蛋糕慶祝!

Celebrate with delicious food inspired by Donald Duck, including themed snacks and desserts. Try Donald and Daisy-themed ice pops to cool down in the summer heat, or indulge in intricate Donald Duck desserts like mango vanilla panna cotta and raspberry chocolate mousse cake at the elegant Enchanted Garden Restaurant.

The Main Street Market will offer limited-time treats like "Coffee Marble Cake with Cheese Cream and Pineapple White Chocolate Tart," designed with Donald’s iconic blue hat, tail, red bow tie, and yellow duck feet.  Fans celebrating June birthdays can also enjoy Donald Duck-shaped birthday cakes at hotel restaurants. 

特色酒店體驗  延續歡樂氛圍
Special Hotel Experiences

於指定期間入住 迪士尼好萊塢酒店 的住客,將可參與主題手工藝體驗,親手製作 唐老鴨 與 黛絲 專屬襟章或精美毛巾。度假區酒店住客更可加購「唐老鴨生日慶祝房間驚喜禮」Donald Duck 90th Birthday “Oh, Boy! Oh, Boy!” Room Surprise,收獲唐老鴨90週年主題水杯、毛公仔、頭箍、匙扣等珍藏,將歡樂氛圍帶回家!

Guests staying at Disney’s Hollywood Hotel during the celebration period can participate in themed craft activities, creating Donald and Daisy badges or decorative towels.  Additionally, guests can purchase the "Donald Duck 90th Birthday 'Oh, Boy! Oh, Boy!' Room Surprise" package, featuring themed collectibles like cups, plush, headband, and keychains.

投入樂園慶祝風潮  共創珍貴回憶
Join the Celebration and Create Unforgettable Memories


Eligible Magic Access Members can receive an exclusive Donald Duck gift set starting June 9, 2024, to celebrate this special occasion.


The park will continue to celebrate other beloved Disney characters, creating more magical moments and unique memories for all guests!

^ 受條款及細則約束 

^ Terms and conditions apply.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 活動預告:香港迪士尼樂園度假區 將於2024年6月9日至7月7日期間為 唐老鴨 舉行90週年派對慶祝活動|Event Teaser: Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Celebration At Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
活動預告:香港迪士尼樂園度假區 將於2024年6月9日至7月7日期間為 唐老鴨 舉行90週年派對慶祝活動|Event Teaser: Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Celebration At Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Disney, HKDL ,活動預告,香港迪士尼樂園度假區將於2024年6月9日至7月7日期間為 唐老鴨 舉行90週年慶祝活動, Event Teaser: Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Celebration At Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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