


「森林小天地」加設預購入場證安排|Paid Admission Pass Option Available For “Playhouse in the Woods”

Disney, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL, World of Frozen,  香港迪士尼樂園, 魔雪奇緣世界, 森林小天地, 預購入場證, Paid Admission Pass Option Available For “Playhouse in the Woods”
賓客除了可在入園後以先到先得形式免費領取「迪士尼預約等候卡」外,現在更可在入園前以港幣$129預購「森林小天地」入場證(“Playhouse in the Woods” Admission Pass),確保可於指定時段到訪 安娜 與 愛莎 的童年秘密基地1次,跟這對皇室姊妹和 小白 一同投入嶄新、互動的戲劇體驗中,攜手發掘與自然之靈的連繫!

While you can obtain a Disney Standby Pass upon park entry, on a first-come-first-served basis, you may secure your access by purchasing a “Playhouse in the Woods” Admission Pass at HK$129 prior to your visit.  This ensures you can visit Queen Anna and Elsa at their childhood hideaway at a designated time (one-time admission) and immerse yourself in a novel and engaging theatrical experience as you discover your connection to the elemental spirits.


  1. 只需於已選擇之表演場次開始前10分鐘到達「森林小天地」入口,並於入口處出示你的入場證,即可進入「森林小天地」,恕不接受逾時入場。
  2. 每一張入場證只供持有人進入已選擇之表演場次一次。
  3. 入場證並不包括進入樂園之門票。賓客必須持有入場證有效日期當日之有效門票方可進入樂園及使用入場證。
  4. 「魔雪奇緣世界」的入口或會間歇性地實施人流控制。持有有效的「森林小天地」迪士尼預約等候卡或入場證的賓客,請在指定返回時間於「魔雪奇緣世界」入口向「演藝人員」出示其預約等候卡以優先進入園區。 

  1. Present your Admission Pass at the entrance at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the selected show session. Late entry may not be allowed.
  2. Each Pass allows one-time entry to the selected show by the passholder only.
  3. All guests are required to make the reservation with valid tickets or membership cards before visiting the Park.  Park visit reservation of each type of ticket or membership card is subject to a limited quota.  Reservations will not be accepted once the respective quota is full.
  4. Access control is occasionally implemented at the entrance of World of Frozen.  Guests with valid Disney Standby Pass or Admission Pass for “Playhouse in the Woods”, please approach Cast Members at the World of Frozen entrance for priority access to the area during the designated return time. 

「森林小天地」入場證 - 購買頁面截圖

Screenshots for purchasing the “Playhouse in the Woods” Admission Pass

Disney, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL, World of Frozen,  香港迪士尼樂園, 魔雪奇緣世界, 森林小天地, 預購入場證, Paid Admission Pass Option Available For “Playhouse in the Woods”

Disney, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL, World of Frozen,  香港迪士尼樂園, 魔雪奇緣世界, 森林小天地, 預購入場證, Paid Admission Pass Option Available For “Playhouse in the Woods”

Disney, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL, World of Frozen,  香港迪士尼樂園, 魔雪奇緣世界, 森林小天地, 預購入場證, Paid Admission Pass Option Available For “Playhouse in the Woods”

Disney, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL, World of Frozen,  香港迪士尼樂園, 魔雪奇緣世界, 森林小天地, 預購入場證, Paid Admission Pass Option Available For “Playhouse in the Woods”

About “Playhouse in the Woods”

來到在這間位於「阿德爾森林」深處的小屋,與重回舊地的 安娜 與 愛莎 結伴投入嶄新、互動的戲劇體驗之中,成為故事中的一角。這對皇室姊妹將走到你的眼前,讓你近距離見證 愛莎 施展嘆為觀止的冰雪魔法,攜手發掘與自然之靈的連繫!

Deep in Arendelle Forest, you will be joined by Anna and Elsa in a novel and engaging theatrical experience where you play a part the story.  As the royal sisters step forth and into your midst, you will witness Elsa's ice magic first hand and discover your connection to the elemental spirits.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「森林小天地」加設預購入場證安排|Paid Admission Pass Option Available For “Playhouse in the Woods”
「森林小天地」加設預購入場證安排|Paid Admission Pass Option Available For “Playhouse in the Woods”
Disney, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL, World of Frozen, 香港迪士尼樂園, 魔雪奇緣世界, 森林小天地, 預購入場證, Paid Admission Pass Option Available For “Playhouse in the Woods”
Disney Magical Kingdom Blog
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