經典樂曲、傳奇演奏、華麗舞台,於 香港迪士尼樂園 交織出奇妙一夜。世界知名鋼琴家 郎朗 於昨天(2024年1月27日)首度踏上奇妙夢想城堡舞台,於星空下展現首屈一指的大師級琴藝,將耳熟能詳的迪士尼經典樂曲昇華。
受《迪士尼星夢光影之旅》中主題曲《Love the Memory》所啟發,郎朗 於今次的「迪士尼經典音樂Live」中,與客席指揮 趙增熹 及弦樂四重奏樂團攜手合作,配合令人嘆為觀止的舞台視覺特效包括立體光雕投影,以及迪士尼獨有的說故事方式,把古典音樂與迪士尼魔法結合,為賓客獻上扣人心弦的45分鐘現場演奏。
Iconic music, legendary musician, magical stage. For one exclusive night only, the world-renowned pianist Lang Lang presented a masterful musical performance at the Castle of Magical Dreams stage at Hong Kong Disneyland on January 27, 2024.
Inspired by the theme song "Love the Memory" from the nighttime spectacular "Momentous," Lang Lang leads guests on a lively journey through various iconic Disney melodies that hold a special connection to different stages of his life. Accompanied by beloved characters, gifted performers, and inspired visual effects, the acclaimed Lang Lang will work his magic on familiar Disney classic melodies under a starry sky for the first time ever in a not-to-be-missed 45-minute live performance.
整個演奏共呈獻15首經典迪士尼樂曲,包括來自 華特迪士尼動畫製作室《獅子王》的 《Can You Feel The Love Tonight?》與《魔雪奇緣》的《Let It Go》,以及《世界真細小》等。
The concert featured a total of 15 beloved classic tunes such as "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" from the Walt Disney Animation Studios film The Lion King, "Let It Go" from Disney Animation’s Frozen, "It's a Small World," and many more.
演奏歌單 ✨ SETLIST
郎朗 對是次演出成功表示十分興奮,並說:「在迪士尼樂園城堡前舉辦現場音樂會,是我一直以來的夢想。這一次,能夠登上香港迪士尼樂園的奇妙夢想城堡舞台,可以說是真正的夢想成真!迪士尼的故事以及音樂伴隨著我的成長,並啟發了我。透過迪士尼獨有的說故事技巧,相信這次音樂會可為觀眾帶來一個新角度去欣賞及接觸古典音樂。」
Lang Lang expressed his excitement about the concert, saying, "Having a live concert in front of a Disney castle has always been a dream of mine. I’m thrilled that my dream has come true last night at Hong Kong Disneyland! Disney's stories and music have played a significant role in my childhood and inspired my musical journey greatly. Through Disney's unique storytelling, I hope this show will offer the audience an innovative perspective to appreciate classical music."
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort