Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) today announced the winners of the Disney Imaginations Hong Kong Design Competition 2024. This year, HKDL opened the competition to more institutions and cities in the Greater Bay Area as part of its commitment to nurture talent across boundaries, and for the first time, students with a creative flair from across any and all disciplines were encouraged to apply. This year’s challenge was centered around themes of sustainability and inclusion, with a focus on conservation. It invited participants to create an educational experience that showcases and helps preserve cultural heritage at risk of being forgotten.
冠軍隊伍 Lost and Found 從來自香港、廣州、珠海、深圳和澳門近 100 支隊伍、超過 300 名學生當中脫穎而出。冠軍隊伍將獲贈港幣 25,000 元現金獎勵,並獲資助到訪其他迪士尼度假區交流。他們更贏得 華特迪士尼幻想工程 的工作機會,於香港進行為期三個月的實習,與「幻想工程師」合作,聽取他們的寶貴經驗,此機會一直以來為多位歷屆得獎者打開了幻想工程事業的大門。
The winning team, Lost and Found, distinguished itself among almost 100 teams and more than 300 students from Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, and Macau. The team has earned a 2 HK$25,000 cash award, a familiarization trip to one other Disneyland Park for a learning exchange, and a three-month internship at Walt Disney Imagineering Hong Kong office, collaborating with Disney Imagineers who will share valuable insights. This opportunity has historically opened doors for many past winners to pursue an Imagineering career.
The "Disney Imaginations Hong Kong Design Competition" is part of "Disney Future Storytellers", the company’s initiative to empower the next generation of storytellers and innovators. Applications for Disney Imaginations Hong Kong Design Competition 2025 open in June 2024. More details will be announced soon.
Walt Disney Imagineering|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort