上海迪士尼樂園《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」於2023年12月20日正式對外開放,當中的主題遊樂設施「瘋狂動物城:熱力追蹤」(“Zootopia: Hot Pursuit”)讓賓客能夠登上巡邏警車無軌載客工具,與 朱迪(Judy Hopps)和 阿力(Nick Wilde)* 一同參與追捕壞蛋 咩小姐(Dawn Bellwether)* 的行動。
Zootopia opened to the public on December 20, 2023. The main attraction “Zootopia: Hot Pursuit” invites guests on a wild police chase in one of Officer Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde’s cruisers, all in pursuit of Dawn Bellwether and her gang to track down Gazelle.
上海迪士尼度假區 於2023年12月24日下午6時多發佈重要通知,指出此遊樂設施目前暫時停止運作,且於今天內不再重新開放。
An important announcement was issued by Shanghai Disney Resort on the evening of December 24, 2023, around 6 p.m., stating that the attraction is temporarily out of service and will not reopen within the day."
到了晚上9時多,上海迪士尼度假區 再發佈重要通知,指出此遊樂設施「恢復營運時間待定」。
Later, at around 9 p.m., Shanghai Disney Resort issued another crucial notice indicating that the attraction “is temporarily out of service until further notice”.
事件據悉是有孩童為了撿東西而在載客工具行駛期間跳車,導致孩童遭另一台車撞倒,造成這此緊急停駛,讀者可 按此 查看轉載內容。
The incident reportedly occurred when a child, attempting to retrieve an item, disembarked from a moving vehicle and was struck by another vehicle in operation, leading to the abrupt cessation of services. Readers can access further details by clicking this link to view the shared content.
* Nick Wilde 內地譯名:「尼克」;Dawn Bellwether 內地譯名:「壞綿羊」
2023年12月25日 - 更新內容:
Update On December 25, 2023:
上海迪士尼度假區 於2023年12月25日早上8時半多發佈重要通知,表示遊樂設施將於今日上午起恢復運作。
An important announcement was issued by Shanghai Disney Resort on the morning of December 25, 2023, around 8:30 a.m., confirming the resumption of operations for this attraction starting this morning.
Shanghai Disney Resort