


上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典|The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort
上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)於2023年12月19日舉行開「城」慶典,慶祝全球首個《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」的開幕。 賓客將可到訪這個遠近聞名的哺乳動物大都會,感受故事中「每個動物都有無限可能」的氣氛。 

On December 19, 2023, Shanghai Disney Resort celebrated the opening of the world’s first Zootopia-themed land at Shanghai Disneyland with a spectacular event befitting a mammalian destination where anyone can be anything. 

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort

華特迪士尼公司行政總裁 羅伯特 ·艾格(Bob Iger)表示:「100 年來,華特迪士尼公司 用跨越年代和地域的卓越故事講述為觀眾和粉絲帶來歡樂、震撼和啟發。 備受歡迎的迪士尼動畫製作室電影《優獸大都會》* 持續收穫世界各地粉絲的喜愛,尤其是在中國。優獸大都會是一個以開創性的全新方式打造的、精彩紛呈的新園區,我們很興奮能夠讓 上海迪士尼度假區 的賓客來到這裡沉醉於他們喜愛的故事,邂逅他們深愛的角色。 」

“For 100 years, The Walt Disney Company has been entertaining, thrilling, and inspiring audiences and fans through exceptional storytelling that transcends generations and geographies,” said Bob Iger, CEO of The Walt Disney Company.  “Our popular Zootopia film continues to delight fans across the globe, especially in China, and we’re excited to give guests at Shanghai Disney Resort the chance to interact with the stories and characters they love in innovative new ways when they visit this spectacular new land.”

* 內地譯名:《瘋狂動物城》;台灣譯名:《動物方城市》

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort
Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort

這座以 華特迪士尼動畫製作室^ 大獲成功的電影《優獸大都會》* 為靈感打造的動物之都,融入了迪士尼尖端前沿的技術創新和經久不衰的創意,將迪士尼的故事敘述推向又一全新高度。

Based on the hugely successful Walt Disney Animation Studios' film, Zootopia, the land is a celebration of new heights reached in storytelling made possible only through Disney’s groundbreaking innovation and creativity.

^ 內地及台灣譯名:華特迪士尼動畫工作室

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort

在開幕慶典後的傳媒分享活動上,當迪士尼體驗主席 戴明哲(Josh D’Amaro)向來自全球各地的媒體嘉賓分享公司在主題園區開幕之際的最新願景時,威大狼(Duke Weaselton)** 驚喜現身。 這部電影中巧舌如簧的黃鼠狼,展現了「華特迪士尼幻想工程」如何運用尖端前沿的技術,將耳熟能詳的迪士尼故事和角色栩栩如生地呈現在賓客面前。

At a media sharing session after the opening ceremony, Duke Weaselton, the smart-mouthed weasel, made a surprise appearance when Josh D’Amaro, Chairman of Disney Experiences, shared the vision and mission of the company with media guests from across China and around the world.  Duke represents the cutting-edge technology adopted by Walt Disney Imagineering to bring familiar Disney stories and characters to life.

** 內地及台灣譯名:威斯頓公爵

到了晚上,園方更在「優獸市」和「奇幻童話城堡」前,為主題園區舉行 開「城」派對。

To commemorate this milestone moment, a Grand Opening Party was held as night fell in front of the Enchanted Storybook Castle and the city of Zootopia at Shanghai Disneyland.

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort


Zootopia will officially open to the public on December 20, 2023.

Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort

Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典|The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort
上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典|The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort
Disney, SHDL, SHDR, WDI, 上海迪士尼度假區《優獸大都會》主題園區「瘋狂動物城」開「城」慶典, The Grand Opening Celebration For The Zootopia-Themed Land At Shanghai Disney Resort
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