適逢迪士尼100週年 和 香港迪士尼樂園18週年,獨一無二的 華特・迪士尼與米奇老鼠銅像「創夢家」於今天(2023年10月15日),在「奇妙夢想城堡」及「灰姑娘旋轉木馬」之間正式揭幕,標誌着 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(香港迪士尼)歷史上的一個重要里程碑,同時展開 香港迪士尼 實現夢想的新篇章。「創夢家」不但向 華特‧ 迪士尼先生(Mr. Walter Elias Disney)的遠見精神致敬,亦展示了深受喜愛的 米奇老鼠 作為希望、勇氣、創意和無限未來的象徵。這個銅像是為了紀念華特的熱忱和突破創新的精神,以創造一個讓父母和孩子暢快共聚的主題樂園。迪士尼迎來首個100年,我們期待見證下一個100年。
To commemorate 100 years of Disney and Hong Kong Disneyland’s 18th anniversary, the one-of-a-kind Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse Statue “Dream Makers” will be unveiled on Oct 15, 2023, marking a very special milestone in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort’s history as we set forth on the next chapter of making dreams come true. “Dream Makers” pays tribute to Walt Disney’s visionary spirit, showcasing the beloved Mickey Mouse as a symbol of hope, courage, imagination, and a world of possibilities. It is dedicated to Walt’s creative genius and perseverance, representing his dream of creating a place where parents and children can share joyous moments together. Disney has come a long way in its first 100 years, and we look forward to the next 100!
「只要世界仍有想像力,迪士尼樂園永遠沒有完工之日。」 –– 華特.迪士尼
“Disneyland will never be completed, as long as there is imagination left in the world.” –– Walt Disney
“Dream Makers” Statue Fireside Chat
「創夢家」銅像 揭幕儀式
"Dream Makers" Statue Unveiling Moment
Commemorative Short Video
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort