為慶祝 華特迪士尼公司 成立100週年,迪士尼 先後於英國、法國、澳洲和南非等地隆重呈獻多媒體音樂會體驗 ——《Disney 100: The Concert》,而這股音樂魔法將於2023年9月來到香港!
《迪士尼100週年紀念音樂會:香港站》(Hong Kong: Disney 100 The Concert)將誠意邀請大家一同重溫多首迪士尼經典電影金曲,電影作品包括:《仙履奇緣》(Cinderella)、《美女與野獸》(Beauty & the Beast)、《獅子王》(The Lion King)、《魔雪奇緣》(Frozen)、《魔海奇緣》(Moana)及《奇幻魔法屋》(Encanto)等。今次盛會由 香港交響管樂團(HKSW Symphonic Orchestra)現場演奏,及8位來自香港和美國的歌手現場演出,配合迪士尼原創動畫片段,為觀眾帶來視覺和聽覺的嶄新感受,打造一次夢幻的迪士尼音樂之旅!
Audiences from around the world are invited to celebrate a centenary of magical moments with Disney 100: The Concert. Get ready to join this celebration in Hong Kong this September!
Come to celebrate the 100th year of The Walt Disney Company. "Hong Kong: Disney 100 The Concert" is a multimedia experience that explores the wonder of some of the most inspiring film scores ever created. Become part of our world as the HKSW Orchestra and eight Hong Kong and USA based performers bring their own magic to songs you know and love from Cinderella, Beauty & the Beast, The Lion King, Frozen, Moana, Encanto and many more, while original Disney animated film clips are projected live on the big screen. Please be our guest for a magical, musical adventure just waiting to be discovered for the first time in forever!
- Sept 9:11AM / 4PM
- Sept 10:11AM / 4PM
3rd Floor, Star Hall, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong
購票資訊(Ticket Details):
購票網站(Ticketing Website):Trip.com
票價(Ticket Prices):HK $580 / $480 / $380 / $280
座位安排(Seating Plan):