


闊別三年,跑步盛事強勢回歸!「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY健康程式全力支持」 明年3月開跑! 🌟 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND – AIA VITALITY健康程式全力支持」2023載譽歸來




Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2023 – Presented by AIA Vitality Returns Next March with the Celebration of Disney 100 Years of Wonder

Guests will be able to run through the iconic archway of the Castle of Magical Dreams

Registration Opens from November 28, 2022

🏃‍♀️ 闊別三年,「香港迪士尼樂園 10K Weekend」再度開跑!各位大小賓客、跑步好手或新手將可於2023年3月18至19日期間,在度假區以充滿個人特色的迪士尼造型參與城中最奇妙的「香港迪士尼樂園10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY健康程式全力支持」跑步盛事。賽事由2022年11月28日起至2023年1月6日接受公眾報名,賓客可經官方網站的活動專頁[] 報名參加。

🏃‍♂️ The official 10K Weekend at Hong Kong Disneyland is back after three years!  Runners of all ages and abilities are welcome to don bright Disney looks to race around the resort from March 18 to 19, 2023 during the “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2023 – Presented by AIA Vitality”Public registration [] will be available from November 28, 2022 until January 6, 2023.


Magic Access Early Bird Offer registration will be available from November 21 till 24, 2022.  Members may refer to Magic Access Member Site for registration access.  This offer is subject to Terms and Conditions. Each Magic Access Member may use this offer once to enroll in the races — limited quota available, first come first served.  All the Day Run Offers do not include any Hong Kong Disneyland Park admission tickets.  Any enrolment after the Magic Access Early Bird Offer period will be based on the original price.

Disney Friends Will Be Dressed In All-New 100th Anniversary Outfits For The Running Fest!

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

為慶祝 華特迪士尼公司 邁向100週年,今屆活動將充滿百般驚喜。賓客不僅可以跑遍七大主題園區,更可以首度穿過「奇妙夢想城堡」的拱門,盡情享受貫穿樂園多個迪士尼故事景點的跑步路線。最盛大的「迪士尼朋友」打氣陣容已準備就緒,會驚喜現身為跑手打氣!「迪士尼朋友」更首次以全新「奇妙一百年」主題服飾參與打氣陣容!

This year's event will be filled with many magical surprises to celebrate Disney 100 Years of Wonder in honor of the 100th Anniversary of The Walt Disney Company.  Guests will be able to run through not only the several different lands in the park, but also the iconic archway of the Castle of Magical Dreams, making it a first-of-its-kind running experience.  It is also the very first time Disney characters will be dressed in all-new 100th anniversary outfits for the running fest.

樂園亦將會捐出活動的部份收益予 香港傷殘青年協會(傷青會),繼續推動多元及共融的文化,亦鼓勵殘疾人士一起參與這場奇妙的跑步盛事。

The party welcomes everyone — as part of the park’s charity collaboration with the Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth (HKFHY), wheelchair participants and people with disabilities will also have a chance to enjoy the race in the midst of magic together. Hong Kong Disneyland will donate a portion of the proceeds from the event to the HKFHY in supporting the inclusion and diversity.

Disney 100 Years of Wonder Themed Runner Packs

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

今年活動選手包以迪士尼「奇妙一百年」為主題,當中包括:樂園與官方指定服飾及鞋履贊助 SKECHERS 攜手設計的一系列賽事主題T恤、號碼布、號碼布扣及主題口罩等,而完成賽事的選手更可獲得以閃亮白金色為主色調的獎牌,極具收藏價值。

In celebration of Disney 100 Years of Wonder, guests will be able to take home centenary-themed runner packs, which include a Disney-themed running tee designed by the official apparel and footwear sponsor SKECHERS, a race bib, bib buttons and a themed mask.  Guests will also receive a medal upon completion of the race.  All of these Disney100 themed items in the celebration’s signature color are highly collectible.

🌟 每位成功報名參加的健兒將會獲得:

  1. 主題T恤 一件
  2. 主題獎牌連掛繩(於完成賽事後派發)
  3. 主題號碼布及號碼布扣
  4. 主題口罩
  5. 主題電子證書

🌟 每位成功報名參加「米奇與好友兒童跑」的小健兒將會獲得:

  1. 主題T恤 一件
  2. 主題獎牌連掛繩(於完成賽事後派發)
  3. 主題號碼布及號碼布扣
  4. 主題口罩
  5. 主題電子證書
  6. 主題貼紙
  7. 入場手帶參加兒童遊樂區的活動(每名合資格賓客於兒童遊樂區內,在任何時候皆必須由一名家長或年滿 18 歲之法定監護人陪同及照顧。)

🌟 Every participant successfully registered will receive:

  1. Event T-shirt
  2. Event Medal & Lanyard (Collection upon race completion)
  3. Event Running Bib and Running Bib Button
  4. Event mask
  5. Event e-certificate

🌟 Every participant successfully registered in “Mickey & Friends Kids Races” will receive:

  1. Event T-shirt
  2. Event Medal & Lanyard (Collection upon race completion)  
  3. Event Running Bib and Running Bib Clips
  4. Event mask
  5. Event e-certificate
  6. Event sticker
  7. Wristband to access to Kids Zone with One accompanied adult (age 18 or above)


Event sticker (“Mickey & Friends Kids Races”)

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland


「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

「迪士尼朋友」將首次以全新「奇妙一百年」主題服飾參與打氣陣容!「蜘蛛俠」、「蟻俠」與「黃蜂女」等一班超級英雄以最快速度來到「Marvel 超級英雄10公里跑」,支持跑手挑戰自己的目標時間;胡迪、巴斯光年、翠絲 與 牧羊女寶貝 會於「彼思好友5公里跑」現身,為你注入玩具老友的友情力量,作為一路向前的動力;Duffy 與一班萌友包括 LinaBell 將於「Duffy與好友3公里跑」登場,以歡樂氣氛為你打氣;米奇與好友穿上運動服,一同參與合家歡的「米奇與好友兒童跑」為小小跑手打氣,小跑手更可於兒童遊樂區嬉戲暢玩,盡情放電!

It is also the very first time Disney characters will be dressed in all-new 100th anniversary outfits for the running fest.  On the “Marvel Super Heroes 10K” mission, Spider-Man, Ant-Man and The Wasp can be found along the route to supercharge runners’ spirits.  Pushing guests forward with the power of friendship, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie and Bo Peep will appear in the “Pixar Pals 5K.”  Spreading joy with every step, Duffy and Friends — including their newest friend LinaBell — will appear in the “Duffy and Friends 3K.”  Adding smiles to every stride, Mickey and Friends will put on their finest sportswear to join the little runners in the family-friendly “Mickey and Friends Kids Races.”

Marvel 超級英雄10公里跑

Marvel Super Heroes 10K

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

賽事路線圖(Route map)^

「鐵甲奇俠」、「蜘蛛俠」、「蟻俠」與「黃蜂女」等一班超級英雄以最快配速來到「Marvel 超級英雄10公里跑」,支持跑手挑戰自己的目標時間。「Marvel超級英雄10公里跑」(比賽組)為香港田徑總會合辦賽事,成績將可納入香港排名,讓賽事更具意義!

Iron Man, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and The Wasp will run the 'Marvel Super Heroes 10K' mission. The event is co-organized by the Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association and the results of the Marvel Super Heroes 10K will be recognized in the Hong Kong rankings (Only for Race group)!



  • 早上6:15 - 早上8:45比賽組
  • 早上7:15 - 早上9:45 歡樂組

套票價格:港幣$ 620



Race Date: March 19, 2023 (Sunday)

Race Time: 

  • 6:15 AM - 8:45 AM (Race Group)
  • 7:15 AM - 9:45 AM (Fun Group)

Package Price: HK$ 620

Participant must be 16 years old or above (on the day of event).

Package includes 1 Disney-themed running tee, a bib button and a themed mask.

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

參加者完成賽事後,可於終點獲得「Marvel 超級英雄10公里跑」 獎牌連掛繩。

Participant will receive a Marvel Super Heroes 10K medal with lanyard at finish line upon race completion.

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

成績公佈及電子證書:當日「Marvel超級英雄10公里跑」(比賽組)賽事完畢後, 大會將把該項賽事勝出名單張貼於會場中心之活動資訊板。而所有賽事參加者可於當日賽事完畢後下午3時開始可以瀏覽相關連結 3月18日賽事 / 3月19日賽事查閱個人成績及時間。參加者亦可於2023年3月20日上午9時開始至2023年5月31日瀏覽上述連結下載證書。

Result and E-Certificate: List of the Marvel Super Heroes 10K (Race) winners will be announced and displayed on the result board in the Event Center after the race. Participants please click Mar 18 Races / Mar 19 Races to view the full results from 3:00 PM of the event day and download the e-certificate(s) from 9:00 AM March 20, 2023 till May 31, 2023.

香港田徑總會繼續成為「香港迪士尼樂園 10K Weekend 2023 - AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」活動的合辦伙伴。「Marvel 超級英雄10公里跑」(比賽組)的優勝者更可獲得豐富獎品!賽事將分為四個年齡組別(男子組/女子組):16–19 歲、20–34 歲、35–44 歲及45歲或以上。每個組別最快完成賽事的首三位健兒將會贏得以下獎品:


  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店國賓廳《仙履奇緣》主題套房或國賓廳「魔雪奇緣」主題套房住宿一晚
  • SKECHERS HK$1,000購物禮劵一張 及 SKECHERS鞋劵一張(1 份)


  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店翠樂庭餐廳自助午餐(2位)
  • SKECHERS HK$1,000購物禮劵一張(1 份)


  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店華特餐廳半自助午餐(2位)
  • SKECHERS HK$500購物禮劵一張(1 份)

The Hong Kong Association of Athletics Affiliates Limited continues to be the co-organizer for this year’s “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2023 – Presented by AIA Vitality”. Wonderful prizes await runners of “Marvel Super Heroes 10K (Race Group)”! Runners will be separated into four age categories (male / female): aged 16 to 19, aged 20 to 34, aged 35 to 44 and aged 45 or above, and the top three runners in each category will be awarded with the prizes below:


  • One night hotel accommodation in Kingdom Club Cinderella Suite OR Kingdom Club Frozen Suite at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel
  • One Skechers HK$1,000 shopping voucher and One Skechers Footwear Gift Voucher (Qty:1)

1st Runner-up:

  • Lunch Buffet for 2 persons at Enchanted Garden Restaurant, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel
  • One Skechers HK$1,000 shopping voucher (Qty:1)

2nd Runner-up:

  • Semi Lunch Buffet for 2 persons at Walt's Cafe, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel
  • One Skechers HK$500 shopping voucher (Qty:1)



^ 圖像僅作說明用途,未必代表真實賽事路線的位置或狀況, 主辦方保留因應情況需要而更改賽事路線任何部分的權利,恕不另行通知。

All Entries are not transferable. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration ends on January 6, 2023.

Schedule information are provided for your reference only and may subject to change.

^ Images are for illustration only and may not represent the location or condition of the race route.  The organizers reserve the right to change any part(s) of the race route without prior notice if circumstances require.


Pixar Pals 5K

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

賽事路線圖(Route map)^

胡迪、巴斯光年、翠絲 與 牧羊女寶貝 會於「彼思好友5公里跑」現身,為你注入玩具老友的友情力量,作為一路向前的動力。

Pushing you forward with the power of friendship, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie and Bo Peep will appear in the 'Pixar Pals 5K' run.



套票價格:港幣$ 620



Race Date: March 18, 2023 (Saturday)

Race Time: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Package Price: HK$ 620.

Participant must be 14 years old or above (on the day of event).

Package includes 1 Disney-themed running tee, a bib button and a themed mask.

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland


Participant will receive a ' Pixar Pals 5K ' medal with lanyard at finish line upon race completion.

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland



^ 圖像僅作說明用途,未必代表真實賽事路線的位置或狀況, 主辦方保留因應情況需要而更改賽事路線任何部分的權利,恕不另行通知。 

All Entries are not transferable. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration ends on January 6, 2023.

Schedule information are provided for your reference only and may subject to change.

^ Images are for illustration only and may not represent the location or condition of the race route.  The organizers reserve the right to change any part(s) of the race route without prior notice if circumstances require.


Duffy and Friends 3K

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

賽事路線圖(Route map)^

Duffy 與一班好友包括 LinaBell 將於「Duffy與好友3公里跑」登場。

Spreading joy with every step, Duffy and Friends—including LinaBell—will show up in the “Duffy and Friends 3K” jaunt.

比賽日期:2023年3月18日(星期六) 或 3月19日(星期日)


  • (星期六)早上7:30-早上9:00及早上8:20 - 早上9:50;
  • (星期日)早上8:15 - 早上9:45

套票價格:港幣$ 620



Race Date: March 18 (Saturday) or March 19, 2023 (Sunday)

Race Time:

  • (Saturday) 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM; 8:20 AM – 9:50 AM
  • (Sunday): 8:15 AM – 9:45 AM

Package Price: HK$ 620

Participant must be 3 years old or above (on the day of event).  Participant who is aged below 12 must be accompanied by a Participant aged 18 or above.

Package includes 1 Disney-themed running tee, a bib button and a themed mask.

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

參加者完成賽事後, 可於終點獲得「Duffy與好友3公里跑」獎牌連掛繩。

Participant will receive a “Duffy and Friends 3K” medal with lanyard at finish line upon completion.

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland



^ 圖像僅作說明用途,未必代表真實賽事路線的位置或狀況, 主辦方保留因應情況需要而更改賽事路線任何部分的權利,恕不另行通知。 

All Entries are not transferable. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration ends on January 6, 2023.

Schedule information are provided for your reference only and may subject to change.

^ Images are for illustration only and may not represent the location or condition of the race route.  The organizers reserve the right to change any part(s) of the race route without prior notice if circumstances require.


Mickey & Friends Kids Races

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

賽事路線圖(Route map)^


Adding smiles to every stride, Mickey and Friends will put on their finest sportswear to join the little runners in the family-friendly “Mickey and Friends Kids Races.” Plus, little runners can release energy at the Kids’ Zone throughout the day.

比賽日期:2023年3月18日(星期六) 或 3月19日(星期日)



套票價格:港幣$ 367

參加者於活動當天年齡必須為5歲或以下 。


Race Date: March 18 (Saturday) or March 19, 2023 (Sunday)

Race Time: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Separate starting times)

Race distance is approximately 200 meters.

Package Price: HK$ 367

Participants must be 5 years old or below (on the day of event).

Package includes 1 Disney-themed running tee, a bib button, an A4 sticker and a themed mask.

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

參加者完成賽事後, 可於終點獲得「米奇與好友兒童跑」獎牌連掛繩。

Participant will receive a “Mickey & Friends Kids Races” medal with lanyard at finish line upon completion.

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland





^ 圖像僅作說明用途,未必代表真實賽事路線的位置或狀況, 主辦方保留因應情況需要而更改賽事路線任何部分的權利,恕不另行通知。 

This race will not run into the Park.

One adult companion is allowed to join the “Mickey & Friends Kids Races” for each entry.

All Entries are not transferable. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration ends on January 6, 2023.

Schedule information are provided for your reference only and may subject to change.

^ Images are for illustration only and may not represent the location or condition of the race route.  The organizers reserve the right to change any part(s) of the race route without prior notice if circumstances require.



「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

* 以上賽事資料正等待政府審批,賽事安排或會因為政府之要求而更改。


^ 未年滿12歲的參加者必須由一名18歲或以上參加者陪同參與。

* The above race information has been submitted for Government’s approval; arrangement maybe changed in accordance with Government’s requirements.

** Magic Access Early Bird Offer registration will be available from November 21 till 24, 2022. Members may refer to Magic Access Member Site for registration access. This offer is subject to Terms and Conditions. Each Magic Access Member may use this offer once to enroll in the races — limited quota available, first come first served. All the Day Run Offers do not include any Hong Kong Disneyland Park admission tickets. Any enrolment after the Magic Access Early Bird Offer period will be based on the original price.

^ Participants under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a participant aged 18 or above.


Inclement Weather Arrangement:





The Event will be cancelled if tropical cyclone warning signal no.3 or above, and/or red or black rainstorm signal is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory at the cut off time.

In all other inclement weather scenarios not specified above, the Organizers may in their sole discretion delay, suspend or cancel the Event, any Race and any ancillary entertainment activities and facilities. Such scenarios include without limitation thunderstorm warning and/or 10LM lightning warning hoisted after the cut off time; and damage or obstruction to facilities, venue or route caused by inclement weather prior to the Event. Announcements concerning delay, suspension and cancellation will be published on the Event official website.

Please pay special attention to the weather report during the 16-hour period before the Race start time as it may indicate whether tropical cyclone warning signals, or red or black rainstorm signals are likely to be hoisted. Please also follow the updates on the Event official website closely regarding the status of the Event.

No refund of entry fee or other compensation will be provided if the Event, any Race and any ancillary entertainment activities and facilities are delayed, suspended or cancelled due to inclement weather.


Transportation Arrangement:


There will be temporary traffic arrangements at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Sunny Bay on both event days.  Participants are advised to get access to the race venue by MTR or Special Bus Service. Special Bus Service only available to Pixar Pals 5K participants and Marvel Super Heroes 10K participants, who have purchased the bus ticket in advance. Participants must present the ticket when boarding.  Hong Kong Disneyland Car Park will open early for the event.


Details Of Pick-Up Locations* For The Special Bus Service

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland


(*The pick-up location may change due to unforeseen circumstances.)

Dress Up in Disney Outfits for The Fun Run

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

入園前各位跑手除了練跑作好準備,即日起可於樂園網上商店 [] 預購迪士尼主題服飾,與家人好友配搭好具迪士尼特色的參賽造型,投入這場跑步盛事。活動期間,大家可以穿上SKECHERS跑鞋,用大會指定攝影及影像產品Fujifilm 捕捉珍貴時刻。 參加者亦可於報名專頁訂購「香港迪士尼樂園 10K Weekend 2023 - AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」活動的特別版限量徽章。

Begin your preparations today by pre-ordering Disney-themed outfits via the resort's online store [].  Choose a matching outfit for friends and family and then get ready to run and have lots of magical fun.  During the event, gear up with the official apparel and footwear sponsor Skechers, capture precious moments with the official imaging sponsor Fujifilm.  In addition, participants can order a range of limited edition pin created specially for “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend 2023 - Presented by AIA Vitality” on the dedicated event registration web page.

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

Exclusive Offer For Accommodation and Tickets For Runners

「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland

如想有更暢快的賽事體驗,提早預訂「Chill ·住·跑」10K Weekend住宿套票,除可於選手包換領點經特快通道領取選手包,於賽前一晚更可入住「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」作充分休息。賽事當日,享用房內安排好的「跑手早晨輕食」,加加油,充充電。出發時,你可乘坐來往酒店至會場中心的免費接駁巴士快速抵埗,作好熱身,並於優先起跑等候區起步,盡享猶如頭號種子的待遇參賽。賽後,返回酒店享用10K跑手自助餐祝捷會,好好獎勵自己,回味這場充滿快樂滋味的跑步派對。

For the most magical race experience and better performance, book the 'Stay. Get. Set. Go.' 10K Weekend and Hotel Package in advance. Don’t forget to pick up your runner’s pack via the express lane at the Runner’s Pack redemption spot, prior to the event. The night before the race, you can take it easy before your big day at Disney Explorers Lodge. And then wake to a 'Runner’s Breakfast Pack' meticulously prepared for you. After fully charging your body, you can take the free shuttle bus from the hotel to the Event Center and arrive with plenty of time to warm up without stress. You’ll also be first group to start the race as a spot is reserved for you at the first row waiting area. What’s more, you can return to the hotel to enjoy a “Time to Feast” Buffet at Dragon Wind.

每位成功登記參賽的跑手,可以優惠價格預訂「Chill ·住·跑」10K Weekend住宿套票或酒店住宿, 於2023年3月17日至3月18日入住迪士尼探索家度假酒店。優惠期由即日起至2023年2月28日,你可透過指定網頁預訂客房(網址將於成功報名後的確認電郵內顯示)

Runners who have successfully enrolled may enjoy hotel offer (room only or room bundled package for Two Guests) in Disney Explorers Lodge from March 17 to 18, 2023. Make your reservation from now until February 28, 2023. Booking will be available through a runners-only website (the link for booking is exclusive to registered participants, accessible from the confirmation email).

參賽的賓客另可以優惠價選購1張參加者門票,以港幣$545及港幣$409購買樂園標準門票及小童門票。 為使盛事氣氛更熾熱,各參賽健兒更可以港幣$699(標準)或港幣$524(小童)選購最多4張「親友同行」打氣門票,讓家人與好友齊齊親臨樂園,為他們竭力打氣,一同分享跑步的樂趣!

Participants can also enjoy the exclusive offer of a Participant Ticket at only HK$545 for a general admission ticket and HK$409 for a child ticket. To encourage participants to bring along their own cheering team, each participant may buy up to four spectator tickets at HK$699 for a general admission ticket and HK$524 for a child ticket and enjoy being cheered on by friends & family!


Terms and conditions apply.


Register online from November 28, 2022 to dive into a one-of-its-kind running experience at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort!

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區

© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 闊別三年,跑步盛事強勢回歸!「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY健康程式全力支持」 明年3月開跑! 🌟 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名
闊別三年,跑步盛事強勢回歸!「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY健康程式全力支持」 明年3月開跑! 🌟 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名
「香港迪士尼樂園 10K WEEKEND 2023 – AIA VITALITY 健康程式全力支持」 明年3月載譽歸來, 2022年11月28日起接受公眾報名, Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland
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