


【2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開 ✨ April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland】米奇與一眾好友十分期待與大家再次見面!|Mickey and Friends look forward to seeing everyone once again!

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland

Believe In Magic 心信奇妙!

香港迪士尼樂園將於 2022年4月21日 重新開放,歡迎賓客重遊這個世界上最歡樂的地方,讓夢想再次成真。樂園的每個細節都叫人想念,不論是「迪士尼朋友」的笑臉,「演藝人員」熱情的招待,「奇妙夢想城堡」的迷人景致,「美國小鎮大街」上賓客歡樂交談的笑聲,以至大街上撲鼻而來的米奇窩夫香味,都讓人急不及待要置身其中。奇妙大門即將再一次為你打開!正是時候相約好友一起到樂園放聲歡叫和盡情享受一系列香港迪士尼驚喜,米奇與一眾好友亦十分期待與大家再次見面。



所有賓客的入園預約將於 4月16日 中午12時正開始。「奇妙處處通」會員可於今天晚上9時開始於網上入園預約。所有賓客可於到訪前90日內在網上預約入園,過程中須作出健康聲明。

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland

Hong Kong Disneyland will reopen on April 21, 2022, and the magic of Disney is ready to welcome guests of all ages back to the Happiest Place on Earth! From the warm greeting of Disney friends and the hospitality of cast members, to the tummy-grumbling feeling when smelling Mickey waffles and the sound of giddy laughter all around Main Street, U.S.A., it’s time to reunite with loved ones as guests walk back through the park gates at Hong Kong Disneyland. Mickey and Friends look forward to seeing everyone once again!

Do not forget to visit Emporium in Main Street, U.S.A. to discover the new look too! Guests can see the new displays showcasing countless stylish and trendy products that add pixie dusts to the magical journey in the park. The new displays demonstrate a mix and match of Disney fashion, so go check them out, grab some hot pieces to create personal Disney style!

Reservations for all guests will open from 12:00 noon on April 16. Magic Access members can make their reservations starting at 9 p.m. today. All guests can make reservations up to 90 days prior to their visit and are also required to make a health declaration as part of their reservation process.

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland

“Vaccine Pass” Requirements

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland


Under the Vaccine Pass arrangements, all guests who enter or remain in the park and restaurants for dine-in are required to fulfil the “Vaccine Pass” requirements, unless exempted under the law. Guests should carry their COVID-19 vaccination record or Medical Exemption Certificate at all times and present it to cast members for inspection as required. The Vaccine Pass arrangements will be implemented in three stages. Please refer to for more information, such as dosage schedule for the Vaccine Pass.

“LeaveHomeSafe” mandatory at all catering premises and scheduled premises

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland


All guests (except specified persons) are required by law to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code using the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile application upon entering scheduled premises and catering premises for dine-in. Please refer to Health and Safety information on the official website for further details.

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland

Health and safety measures remain a priority

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland

樂園重開後會繼續參照政府及衛生部門的最新規例及指引,謹慎防疫,執行健康及安全措施如體溫檢測、佩戴口罩、社交距離、及加強清潔消毒。 香港迪士尼會配合政府最新指引,持續審視及調整樂園的營運及相關安排。

Upon reopening, the resort will continue with its health and safety measures including temperature screening, the wearing of face masks, social distancing, and increased cleaning and sanitization with reference to the latest regulations and guidance from the government and health authorities. Park operations and related arrangements will continue to be reviewed on an ongoing basis and adjusted as needed to take into account the latest government regulations.

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland

Make an online reservation for the visit


A five-day per week operation will remain in place, with the park closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays (except April 21, 2022, public holidays and special days designated by the resort from time to time) until further notice.

入園預約:所有賓客的入園預約將於 4月16日 中午12時正開始。「奇妙處處通」會員可於今天晚上9時開始於網上入園預約。所有賓客可於到訪前90日內在網上預約入園,過程中須作出健康聲明。

Park Visit Reservation: Reservations for all guests will open from 12:00 noon on April 16. Magic Access members can make their reservations starting at 9 p.m. today. All guests can make reservations up to 90 days prior to their visit and are also required to make a health declaration as part of their reservation process.


The park will also implement capacity control as required by government regulations. Guests are required to make their reservations with valid tickets* prior to arrival. Please refer to the Park Calendar for the latest park opening schedule.


Special arrangement for unused park tickets, date-specific products, hotel bookings & Magic Access memberships.

* 原於2022年1月7日至6 月14日期間到期 (包括該兩天在內)的樂園門票,其有效期將會延長至2022年6月15日,賓客請於延長有效期前使用該門票。

*For unused park tickets with expiry dates falling between January 7 and June 14, 2022 (both dates inclusive), the expiry date will be automatically extended to June 15, 2022. Guests can use the same ticket for entry before the extended expiry date.

Book an #Eatertainment dining experience

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland


Have you been missing the unique Disney dining experience? Remember you can reserve a table for the “Explorer’s Semi-Buffet” at Mystic Point, which is inspired by Henry Mystic’s adventures around the world. Guests can embark on a tasty adventure as they tuck into flavourful international cuisine, featuring exquisite ingredients from different countries and cultures around the world.


12:00 – 19:15 (最遲18:30入座)




迷離莊園 - 大冒險家餐廳

價格 (港幣)

成人$258 (網上訂座) / $283 (即場入座)

小童$168 (網上訂座) / $184 (即場入座)



Available Time

12:00 – 19:15 (last dine in by 18:30)


1 main dish, with appetizer, salad and dessert and beverage free flow


Explorer’s Club Restaurant, Mystic Point

Price (HKD)

Adult $258 net (online purchase) / $283 net (walk-in)

Child $168 net (online purchase) / $184 net (walk-in)


Guests can make reservations at from April 19, 2022

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland

Get Disney Premier Access to maximize the time in the park


Enjoy popular attractions and priority admission to reserved viewing areas for shows throughout the park with Disney Premier Access, which provides choice and flexibility for the magical day. Disney Premier Access provides priority access on 1 to 8 of the most popular attractions and one show.





















Disney Premier Access

One attraction

HKD 79 / guest

Three attractions

HKD 159 / guest

HKD 111 /  hotel guest

Eight attractions

HKD 329 / guest

HKD 230 / hotel guest

Eight attractions and one show

HKD 379 / guest

Booking Channel


Guests can choose the attractions including Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars, Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!, Mystic Manor, Iron Man Experience, Hyperspace Mountain, Orbitron, Mickey’s PhilharMagic, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Toy Soldier Parachute Drop and Slinky Dog Spin.


Guests can choose from two shows including “Follow Your Dreams” castle stage show and “Mickey and the Wondrous Book.”

與你最掛念的迪士尼朋友一同慶祝 創造更多奇妙時刻!
Celebrate special moments with our Disney Pals upon returning!

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland


Our Disney Pals could not be more excited to see all of our wonderful guests again!  They have prepared brand new surprises to celebrate special occasions, while creating precious memories along the way.  There will be double the fun too, as Disney Pals will be pairing up for selfies!  Guests will see Woody together with Bo Peep, Buzz Lightyear teaming up with Jessie, and Judy and Nick showing up together to say hello!


Speaking of special celebrations – where better to celebrate birthday than at the Happiest Place on Earth? Make this birthday the best yet with the enhanced “Grand Birthday Celebration Moment” with Mickey and Minnie at Main Street Train Station! Do not forget to capture the remarkable moments at the brand-new photo spots at Main Street, U.S.A and Toy Story Land for unforgettable memories.


Guests can also treat their taste buds to the brand new Disney #Eatertainment experience and enjoy the new Emporium-makeover shopping experience offering plenty of exciting themed goodies to take home.

- 圖像僅作推廣用途。所有賓客必須佩戴口罩及保持適當社交距離。

- Images are for marketing purposes only. All Guests must wear face masks and maintain appropriate social distancing.


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


編按(Editor's note):

.第一度暫停開放:2020年1月26日 至 6月17日(樂園暫停開放144天)

.第二度暫停開放:2020年7月15日 至 9月24日(樂園暫停開放72天)

.第三度暫停開放:2020年12月2日 至 2021年2月18日(樂園暫停開放79天)


.第度暫停開放:2022年1月7日 至 2022年4月20日(樂園暫停開放104天)

.Temporary Closure - First Time: January 26 to June 17, 2020 (Closed for 144 days)

.Temporary Closure - Second Time: July 15 to September 24, 2020 (Closed for 72 days)

.Temporary Closure - Third Time: December 2, 2020 to February 18, 2021 (Closed for 79 days)

.Special Arrangement: Closed on November 17 & 18, 2021 (In order to ensure the relevant Cast Members can complete the nucleic acid test sooner)

.Temporary Closure - Fourth Time: From January 7, 2022 to April 20, 2022 (Closed for 104 days)



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 【2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開 ✨ April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland】米奇與一眾好友十分期待與大家再次見面!|Mickey and Friends look forward to seeing everyone once again!
【2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開 ✨ April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland】米奇與一眾好友十分期待與大家再次見面!|Mickey and Friends look forward to seeing everyone once again!
Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland
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