


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅 


全新多媒體夜間城堡匯演將進一步推動 2022 年業務增長

Hong Kong Disneyland sees record high local attendance and
annual pass membership with the launch of
new Castle of Magical Dreams and daytime show

First-of-its-kind nighttime spectacular will drive additional visitation in 2022

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅

香港迪士尼樂園度假區(香港迪士尼)今日公佈 2021 財政年度業績。縱然營商條件嚴峻,樂園的本地賓客入場人次較上個財政年度增長 117%,而樂園年票「奇妙處處通」的會員人數亦較上個財政年度增長 55%,兩者同屬歷史高位。其中,本地青年入場人次創下歷史新高,而「奇妙處處通」學生會員人數亦較 2020 財政年度上升 132%。



Today, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) reported its business results for fiscal year 2021 (FY21). Despite adverse business and operating conditions, the resort’s local attendance grew by 117% year-on-year, while the Magic Access (annual pass) membership base expanded by 55% year-on-year, both at record highs. Local young adult attendance also hit a record high and the number of student Magic Access membership jumped 132% from FY20.

Over the past year, inbound tourism into Hong Kong has essentially remained at a standstill due to the ongoing travel restrictions imposed under the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the travel industry has continued to be hard-hit, meaning that the city’s tourism destinations including HKDL continued to face a challenging business and operating environment.

In FY21, HKDL’s theme park did not operate for around 40% of the calendar days taking into account the mandatory closure under the government’s anti-epidemic requirements as well as the business impacts brought on by the pandemic. Additionally, the resort’s hotels continued to run at an adjusted operating level.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅



In spite of these challenges, in FY21, HKDL’s total attendance rebounded to 2.8 million, up 64% year-on-year. Revenue for the year grew by 19% to HK$1.7 billion. Also, the resort’s mitigation efforts resulted in a decrease by 8% in costs and expenses, even though additional costs were incurred due to further preventive health measures, and the resort was able to maintain staff without any layoffs over the past two years. This is in addition to the 41% year-on-year decrease in costs in the prior year.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (“EBITDA”) for the year under review improved by 34% to negative HK$970 million. Net loss narrowed to HK$2.4 billion, which represented a 12% improvement compared to the prior year. After adjusting for the available capacity, the resort’s hotel utilisation rate was 77% in FY21, compared with 34% in the prior year.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅

Milestone offerings drives record highs for local attendance and Magic Access

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅

香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 莫偉庭 表示:「在2021財政年度,香港迪士尼竭盡所能保障『演藝人員』就業。全賴『演藝人員』的全情投入,保持堅韌靈活,我們得以繼續獲得賓客高度評價,本地賓客入場人次更錄得佳績。」他續指:「隨着入境旅遊未來逐步復甦,我們對前景保持審慎樂觀。我們的『奇妙夢想城堡』尚待境外旅客親身體驗,加上日間舞台匯演『迪士尼尋夢奇緣』以及即將登場的全新多媒體夜間城堡匯演『迪士尼星夢光影之旅』,將會成為推動本地及入境旅遊的重要支柱。」

“HKDL made deliberate efforts to preserve jobs in FY21, and thanks to our cast members’ dedication and resilience, we continued to deliver exceptional guest satisfaction and positive results with local guests,” said Michael Moriarty, managing director at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “We are cautiously optimistic in our outlook ahead of the future gradual resumption of inbound tourism. Our new Castle of Magical Dreams, which has yet to be experienced by guests from outside of Hong Kong, as well as our daytime show “Follow Your Dreams” and upcoming nighttime spectacular “Momentous”, will be key drivers for local as well as inbound visitation in coming years.”

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅

憑藉其廣受歡迎的故事及角色、全情投入的「演藝人員」及連串嶄新節目和體驗,香港迪士尼 具備有利條件,能受惠於未來市況改善及入境旅遊復甦。度假區將在今年稍後時間推出以「奇妙夢想城堡」為背景的全新夜間匯演「迪士尼星夢光影之旅」,及其他連串新體驗,提升樂園吸引力並帶動賓客到訪。香港迪士尼 會致力不斷審慎評估業務,包括疫情持續帶來的影響,並檢視其策略和擴建及發展計劃。 為確保流動資金得以持續支援營運,香港迪士尼 已按需要動用由 華特迪士尼公司 提供的周轉信貸,並將繼續密切監察營運流動資金情況,以應對未來挑戰。

With its beloved stories and characters, committed cast members and array of new guest offerings, the resort is well-positioned to benefit from the recovery of the local market and inbound tourism. The new nighttime spectacular “Momentous” will be launched later this year with the Castle of Magical Dreams as its backdrop, along with a host of other new offerings to enhance guest affinity and boost visitation. HKDL is also committed to continuously and prudently assessing its business, including prolonged impacts caused by the pandemic, and reviewing strategies as well as future expansion and development plans. To ensure adequate liquidity for continued operations, HKDL drew upon the revolver facility funded by The Walt Disney Company when needed and will continue to closely monitor its operational liquidity as the resort addresses the challenges ahead.

度假區持續遵守香港特區政府的最新要求,多方面嚴格執行相關健康及安全措施,包括人數限制、健康檢測、量度體溫、佩戴口罩、社交距離及加強清潔消毒。於2021財政年度末,93%度假區的全職「演藝人員」經已接種兩劑新冠疫苗,並將繼續符合包括「疫苗通行證」在內的最新法規要求。這些不懈的努力和有效措施獲得賓客信任和支持,並持續獲賓客高度評價。在2021財政年度,94%的受訪樂園賓客給予整體滿意指標為「極好」、「非常好」或「良好」; 另外,有97%受訪賓客更表示能夠在 香港迪士尼樂園 安心遊玩。

The resort has also continued to implement its health and safety measures after considering the latest guidance from government authorities, including capacity limits, health screenings, temperature checks, mask-on requirements, social distancing, and increased cleaning and sanitization. At the end of FY21, 93% of its full-time cast members had received two doses of vaccine and HKDL will continue to comply with the latest regulations including the vaccine pass requirements. This continued effort and measured approach has earned the confidence and trust from guests, and has received exceptional guest satisfaction ratings. In FY21, 94% of surveyed park guests said their overall experience was “excellent”, “very good” or “good” and 97% felt that their park visits were care-free.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅

擴展社區貢獻 推動多元公平共融
Expanded community contributions and diversity, equity and inclusion awareness drive

香港迪士尼持續致力將奇妙帶到社區,推動多元共融、人人享有平等機會的訊息。香港迪士尼早前與全港最大的共融樂團「True Colors Symphony」合作,與超過20位擁有不同背景、年齡及能力的樂手,重新演繹迪士尼經典歌曲「A Whole New World」。去年四月,正當大家居家抗疫,迪士尼義工隊與香港傷殘青年協會合製一系列影片,在迪士尼朋友的帶領下推廣健康生活,於多個社交平台發佈。

HKDL continuously strives to deliver magic to the community by advocating for inclusion and equal opportunities for all. In collaboration with the True Colors Symphony, the largest inclusive orchestra in Hong Kong, the resort created a special reinterpretation of Disney’s classic “A Whole New World” with more than 20 musicians from various backgrounds, ages and abilities. Additionally, in Apr 2021, when many were still at home due to the pandemic, Disney VoluntEARS produced a video series with the Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth featuring beloved Disney characters to promote active healthy living through multiple social platforms.


The resort also showcased its dedication to bringing comfort and happiness to the community once the pandemic situation in Hong Kong was under control. Close to 500 people, including children with hearing difficulties, design students and local families, were invited to a preview of the Castle of Magical Dreams before its official opening in Nov 2020. HKDL also resumed its signature “Community’s Got Talent” programme in May 2021 to provide a platform for various organisations to showcase their own talent to guests in the park.


Throughout FY21, HKDL continued to explore innovative ways to fulfil children’s wishes and create special Disney journeys for young patients. One such example was the resort’s partnership with Josephine, a Wish Kid from Make-A-Wish Hong Kong, to design and produce a limited-edition jewellery collection for charity sale. The resort also produced a dedicated digital version of “Follow Your Dreams” for exclusive screening at the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, to help relieve the stress of young patients and their families.


In light of increasing demand for food assistance, a new meal box donation programme, “Disney Meal Box Express” was introduced in Jun 2021 with over 12,500 healthy and freshly-cooked meal boxes provided to local families. HKDL also continued to expand its surplus food donation programme with Foodlink Foundation to help local residents.


More recently during the fifth wave of the pandemic outbreak, the resort is launching new and enhanced community initiatives under three major pillars. These include the enabling of essential facilities; powering up the community with free online storytelling video series for families and kids, food and essential materials donations to ethnic minority and underrepresented families; as well as appreciation efforts for the dedication and professionalism of medical staff and other frontline workers.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅

香港迪士尼致力貢獻本港及社區。在過去16年的營運,度假區合共為香港經濟帶來高達約1,153 億港元增加值,相等於本地生產總值0.29%;亦累計創造274,200 個職位(以人工作年計算),為本港整體經濟帶來貢獻。在2021財政年度,香港迪士尼平均聘用約5,000名全職及逾1,200名兼職「演藝人員」,繼續成為本港在旅遊及家庭娛樂行業中最大的僱主之一。在過去16年,迪士尼義工隊合共為社區服務111,000義工時數。

HKDL is committed to contributing to Hong Kong and serving the local community. In the past 16 years of operations combined, the resort brought approximately HK$115.3 billion of value-added to Hong Kong’s economy, equivalent to 0.29% of Hong Kong’s GDP, and cumulatively created 274,200 jobs (in terms of man-years), benefiting Hong Kong’s overall economy. On average, HKDL employed around 5,000 full-time and over 1,200 part-time staff during FY21, remaining one of Hong Kong’s largest employers in the tourism and family entertainment industry. Over the last 16 years, Disney VoluntEARS served a total of 111,000 volunteer hours in the community.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2021 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Business Review, Momentous, 迪士尼星夢光影之旅
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