


聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》|Hong Kong Disneyland presents the first-ever in-park live orchestra performance “A Magical Nighttime Symphony” by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》, Hong Kong Disneyland , A Magical Nighttime Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

夢寐以求的白色聖誕即將在 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 出現!由2021年11月19日起至2022年1月2日,香港迪士尼的日與夜將會充滿著漫天飄雪,為你實現在冬日雪國過聖誕的願望。

2021年12月3日及4日更有加倍驚喜。香港迪士尼樂園 將首度呈獻《香港迪士尼.香港管弦樂團.奇妙交響夜》,以瑰麗動人的「奇妙夢想城堡」為舞台,在星空下演奏迪士尼經典樂章及聖誕名曲,譜奏奇妙一夜。屆時,米奇老鼠和一眾迪士尼朋友更會隆重登場,為賓客帶來一場奇妙交響樂盛宴。賓客更可以參與《香港迪士尼.奇妙交響夜》大抽獎*,贏取樂園門票及參與奇妙交響樂盛宴。

From November 19, 2021 to January 2, 2022, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort will be filled with magical white snow day and night, giving guests the opportunity to enjoy a memorable Disney Christmas experience.

On December 3 and 4, 2021, the resort will present the first-ever live orchestra performance “A Magical Nighttime Symphony” by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (The HK Phil) in front of the majestic Castle of Magical Dreams. The HK Phil will be joined on stage by Mickey Mouse and other beloved Disney Friends as they perform classic Disney and Christmas songs for a unique magical symphony experience. As part of the excitement, the resort also announced today the launch of the “Hong Kong Disneyland Presents: A Magical Nighttime Symphony” Giveaways (“Lucky Draw”*).  Hong Kong residents will have the chance to win a park ticket and be one of the few to enjoy this magical Christmas event.

《香港迪士尼.香港管弦樂團.奇妙交響夜》 – 首個於「奇妙夢想城堡」的交響樂團表演

A Magical Nighttime Symphony with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》, Hong Kong Disneyland , A Magical Nighttime Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》, Hong Kong Disneyland , A Magical Nighttime Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra


2021年12月3及4日 晚上7:45,香港迪士尼樂園將會首度與香港管弦樂團(港樂)同台呈獻奇妙交響樂盛宴。香港迪士尼漫天飄雪的星空,將洋溢著撼動人心的音符,為每位賓客譜奏奇妙一夜。

來自香港管弦樂團的樂師,都為這場獨一無二的音樂盛宴盛裝登場。當嘉賓指揮 趙增熹 的指揮棒一揮,為時45分鐘的《香港迪士尼.香港管弦樂團.奇妙交響夜》正式開始,為歡慶聖誕添上動人色彩。

As the sun sets and dusk arrives, the Castle of Magical Dreams will shine with dazzling lights together with festive Christmas adornments at the park.

At 7:45 PM on December 3 and 4, 2021, Hong Kong Disneyland will present a magical symphony in collaboration with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra for the very first time. The starry skies of Hong Kong Disneyland will be filled with snow and accompanied by beautiful music, making it one of the most memorable evenings ever.

Conductor Chiu Tsang Hei will take the stage with musicians from the HK Phil. A flick of the baton, and the HK Phil will soar to life for the 45-minute symphony in true festive spirit.

Artist Concept Only
聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》, Hong Kong Disneyland , A Magical Nighttime Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》, Hong Kong Disneyland , A Magical Nighttime Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

身穿魔法師裝束的 米奇老鼠 會率先隆重登場,隨後兩位迪士尼公主與女王 - 安娜女王愛莎女王亦將現身一同歡度聖誕。米奇老鼠將與一眾好友,包括米妮老鼠唐老鴨黛絲高飛 穿上全新聖誕服飾加入,分享佳節祝福,預祝大家聖誕快樂!

Expect Sorcerer Mickey in his special costume, followed by two Disney royals, Queen Anna and Queen Elsa joining the stage. Mickey’s best friends, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Goofy, will also appear in their brand-new holiday costumes to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

香港迪士尼樂園音樂總監 夏思捷 更會以客席鋼琴家身份參與表演,與香港管弦樂團同台演奏多首為人熟悉的迪士尼歌曲,包括《A Whole New World》、《Frozen Heart》,以及一系列經典聖誕歌曲,如:《Joy to the World》和《Jingle Bells》等,為賓客帶來前所未有的視聽享受。另外,「奇妙夢想城堡」特有的噴泉會配合管弦樂韻舞動起來,聖誕雪花亦伴隨冬季曲目緩緩飄下,讓全場所有賓客陶醉在星空下,享受極盡視聽之娛的晚上。

Popular Disney songs will include "A Whole New World," and "Frozen Heart,” alongside Christmas classics like "Joy to the World" and "Jingle Bells," for a magical Christmas live musical performance featuring the guest pianist Ceejay Javier, music director, entertainment & costuming, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. As the enchanting music rings through the night sky, the castle’s magnificent water fountains will dance in step to the music. All the while, snowflakes will gently cascade to the ground, perfecting the festive spirit of the season in a night of beautiful harmony.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 莫偉庭(Michael Moriarty)表示:「我們很期待樂園與香港管弦樂團攜手為賓客創造這次難忘的體驗。這將是一個升級的奇妙演出,匯聚了城堡迷人的夜景、美妙的交響樂、深受大眾喜愛的迪士尼歌曲和故事等。我們亦會把歡樂帶到社區,希望能夠透過音樂為賓客帶來難忘的迪士尼白色聖誕體驗,締造窩心的回憶。」

“We are very excited working with the HK Phil, the flagship orchestra of our city, it brings all the magical elements together here in Hong Kong Disneyland: the spectacular night view of the Castle; high-quality orchestral live performances, and beloved Disney songs and stories. It’s our pleasure to bring the magic back to the community with a very special white Disney Christmas experience.” Michael Moriarty, managing director, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort said.

港樂行政總裁 霍品達先生 道:「音樂將大家聯繫在一起,港樂十分興奮能將現場音樂帶到音樂廳外,並與香港迪士尼樂園一起為香港社區創造這些奇妙時刻。」

Mr Benedikt Fohr, Chief Executive of the HK Phil added: “Music connects people, and the HK Phil is thrilled to bring live music outside of the concert hall and to create these magical performances with the Hong Kong Disneyland for the Hong Kong community.”

分享「A Disney Christmas」的愉悦!大抽獎送出門票免費欣賞奇妙交響樂盛宴
Sharing The Happiness with Exciting Giveaways




In the season of sharing, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is giving away 400 park tickets for the “Hong Kong Disneyland Presents: A Magical Nighttime Symphony with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra” as part of a special lucky draw**. Hong Kong residents can register online from November 9 to 15, 2021 to enter the lucky draw.  Other guests can also enjoy this symphony outside the reserved viewing area (required ticket or Magic Access membership card to enter the park).

Hong Kong residents holding a valid Hong Kong identity card, a Hong Kong birth certificate with recent school handbook issued by a local school, or other legal documents with photo identification can participate in the lucky draw by registering online. Participants who have successfully registered will receive an email notification with a reference number confirming their participation in the lucky draw. 

Result will be announced on November 19, 2021. For details, please visit the Hong Kong Disneyland website.



* Trade Promotion Competition License No.: 55174

** Each winner will be entitled to a 1-Day park ticket with an event wristband for reserved viewing area for the show


To further share the happiness and love with people in need at the community, the resort will also give 150 tickets to the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired and the Hong Kong Society for the Blind, who will participate in the "Community’s Got Talent” performances during the Christmas period.

A Disney Christmas 2021

聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》, Hong Kong Disneyland , A Magical Nighttime Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

今年,香港迪士尼「A Disney Christmas」中,迪士尼朋友的歡笑聲、奇妙魔法、漫天飄雪、濃濃的聖誕音樂體驗,配以升級的 #Eatertainment 滋味娛樂體驗和一系列全新節日禮品的商品,為賓客送上夢寐以求的白色聖誕。現在就為的冬日雪國之旅開始計劃,留下最璀璨聖誕回憶!

The all white “A Disney Christmas” awaits you, with your favorite Disney pals, Christmas magic, snowflakes, amazing musical entertainment, upgraded #Eatertainment, and shop-till-you-drop gift options. Time to plan now, and make your Christmas the most memorable ever!

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》|Hong Kong Disneyland presents the first-ever in-park live orchestra performance “A Magical Nighttime Symphony” by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》|Hong Kong Disneyland presents the first-ever in-park live orchestra performance “A Magical Nighttime Symphony” by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
聖誕音樂盛演預告:香港迪士尼樂園 首度呈獻 《香港迪士尼 ‧ 香港管弦樂團 ‧ 奇妙交響夜》, Hong Kong Disneyland , A Magical Nighttime Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
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