在 上海迪士尼度假區 於今天正式開啟5歲生日慶典之際,4月8日也標誌着度假區的另一個重要里程碑 —— 十年前的今天(即2011年4 月8日)華特迪士尼公司 和 上海申迪集團 共同為 上海迪士尼度假區 破土動工,這一具有歷史意義的里程碑標誌著中國大陸第一座迪士尼度假區的建設正式啟動。上海迪士尼度假區 是中國迄今在現代服務業領域規模最大的中外合資項目之一。
As Shanghai Disney Resort launches its 5th Birthday Celebration today, April 8 also marks another significant milestone for the resort. Ten years ago, on April 8, 2011, The Walt Disney Company and Shanghai Shendi Group celebrated the historic groundbreaking of Shanghai Disney Resort. As one of the largest Sino-foreign joint venture projects in the service sector in China’s history, and the most ambitious overseas project for The Walt Disney Company, Shanghai Disney Resort’s groundbreaking marked the start of construction on the first Disney resort in mainland China.
在雙方股東、政府、「演藝人員」以及其他人的共同努力下,歷時五年多,上海迪士尼度假區於2016 年6月16日盛大開幕。
With over five years of joint efforts from both shareholders and the local government, as well as from the hundreds of thousands of partners, contractors, vendors, construction workers, community participants, Cast Members, and many more, Shanghai Disney Resort celebrated its Grand Opening in June 2016, and has gone on to become one of the world’s most visited tourism destinations.
The Walt Disney Company and Shanghai Shendi Group, its joint venture partner, broke ground on Shanghai Disney Resort on April 8, 2011.
Extensive site formation work was completed on the Shanghai Disney Resort site and the project moved into the construction phase on April 26, 2012.
A flag standing on the construction site, indicating where the world’s tallest and largest Disney Castle – Enchanted Storybook Castle – would eventually stand.
2015 年5月19日,一枚璀璨奪目的金色尖頂在「奇幻童話城堡」八座塔中最高一座的頂端安裝就位,標誌着城堡順利封頂。這枚尖頂的頂端是一朵金色的中國名花:牡丹。花朵下方,一簇簇「迪士尼神奇之星」從中心圓桿向天空四射綻放,意在喚起人們的樂觀精神 ——「只要擁有信念,再加上一點魔法,就能讓夢想成真」。
The castle topped out on May 19, 2015, with the installation of a remarkable golden finial atop the tallest of the castle’s eight towers. The finial features a golden peony - the flower of China - atop a cascade of Disney stars shooting out towards the heavens from the central spire, evoking the optimism that, with belief and a little magic, dreams really can come true.
上海迪士尼度假區 於2015年7月發佈度假區的創意細節,並通過介紹度假區的等比例模型,揭曉其主要遊樂項目、娛樂演出、餐飲、酒店及其他休閒娛樂設施的眾多亮點。
The castle topped out on May 19, 2015, with the installation of a remarkable golden finial atop the tallest of the castle’s eight towers. The finial features a golden peony - the flower of China - atop a cascade of Disney stars shooting out towards the heavens from the central spire, evoking the optimism that, with belief and a little magic, dreams really can come true.
上海迪士尼度假區 於2015年10 月21日至24日舉辦首輪大型社會招聘活動,為度假區2016年的盛大開幕做準備。
Shanghai Disney Resort hosted the first of a series of job fairs on October 21-24, 2015, as part of an extensive recruitment campaign in preparation for the resort’s Grand Opening.
上海迪士尼度假區 於2016 年6 月16日盛大開幕。時任華特迪士尼公司董事長兼行政總裁 羅伯特.艾格(Bob Iger)與數千名特邀來賓、各界名流及相關政府代表共同慶祝了這座獨一無二的度假目的地的盛大開幕。
Shanghai Disney Resort celebrated its Grand Opening on June 16, 2016. Bob Iger, then chairman and chief executive officer, The Walt Disney Company, celebrated the opening of the one -of-a- kind vacation destination with thousands of distinguished guests, celebrities and Chinese officials.
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Shanghai Disney Resort