


Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening Nov 21, 2020
香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡將於2020年11月21日揭幕


Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening 香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡 揭幕

香港迪士尼樂園 「15周年奇妙慶典」將於11月21日正式展開,全新「奇妙夢想城堡」同時揭幕,同場加推聖誕活動 A Disney Christmas,讓賓客投入雙重節慶!

Starting November 21, 2020, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort will celebrate its' 15th-anniversary magical milestone with the opening of the Castle of Magical Dreams, a reimagined castle in the park.  The resort will also kick-off  "A Disney Christmas" special event on the same day to bring even more happiness to guests.

Table of Contents

    網上倒數迎接周年慶典 Virtual countdown to the 15th anniversary launch

    為與全城一同慶祝這歷史性的奇妙時刻,樂園將於11月6日起,一連15日於香港迪士尼樂園官方網站及樂園的 Instagram 帳戶(@hkdisneyland) 一同倒數迎接周年慶典,誠邀世界各地的賓客一同分享興奮「15周年奇妙慶典」的喜悅。

    To celebrate this historic milestone, the resort is launching a 15-day countdown to the 15th anniversary celebration from November 6 on the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort official website.  This virtual countdown to the launch will also be available on the resort’s Instagram account (@hkdisneyland), inviting guests from all around the world to join in the celebrations.

    Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening 香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡 揭幕




    全新「奇妙夢想城堡故事展」將會帶領賓客踏上一趟探索之旅,親歷城堡創建背後的故事,了解迪士尼幻想工程團隊從設計至完工的奇妙過程。展覽將與賓客分享城堡概念與設計、創新建築技術、往後陸續推出的娛樂體驗等 。故事展更聯同華特迪士尼動畫製作室及彼思動畫製作室共同創作,為樂園賓客細訴多位迪士尼公主與女王的動人故事。




    To mark the grand transformation occasion in Disney history, guests can visit the “Building a Dream: The Magic Behind a Disney Castle” exhibition.  Embarking on a visual journey that goes behind the magic; Discovering the Walt Disney Imagineering process of reimagining the beloved castle; Gaining insights into the transformation from concept and design development, to the innovative building techniques, interpretation of the Disney Princesses and Queens’ stories in partnership with Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios, and upcoming entertainment offerings. 

    Starting the same day, a special “Glimpse into the Magic” tour of the Castle of Magical Dreams will be available to guests.

    This tour allows guests to venture through the castle with audio narration from local celebrity and Disney fan, Karena Lam.

    “It’s a very immersive tour which allows guests to appreciate the architectural designs of the towers, turrets, domes, spires and finials, and see how their various colors, icons, patterns, and cultural features were inspired by the Princesses and Queens,” Lam shared after experiencing the tour.

    Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening 香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡 揭幕

    Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening 香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡 揭幕

    「奇妙夢想城堡」華麗登場 見證夢想高飛

    全球獨一無二的「奇妙夢想城堡」Castle of Magical Dreams 象徵著勇氣、希望和無限可能,鼓勵賓客追尋夢想。城堡最高的尖塔更存放了迪士尼朋友、賓客等心願,見證夢想高飛! 早前在城堡華麗變身期間,香港迪士尼邀請了一些賓客、演藝人員、社區夥伴和米奇老鼠等迪士尼朋友,以「奇妙夢想心願卡」形式,分享心中的夢想與願望。香港迪士尼隨後將收集得來的心願卡收藏在夢想寶盒中,並存放於城堡最高的尖塔,象徵著變身後的城堡凝聚大家心願,香港迪士尼亦將繼續承載著真誠的願望和夢想。

    When the reimagined castle opens to the public, guests will finally embody the full excitement of the Castle of Magical Dreams.  The first of its kind in Disney’s history that makes the opening truly special.  Not only will it be a living centerpiece of Hong Kong Disneyland, but it will also act as a shining beacon of courage, hope and possibility to all guests.  Guests will be able to admire these features both up-close and afar!

    Early on, the resort invited guests, cast members, community partners and Disney friends, including Mickey Mouse, to share their own dreams and wishes on “magical dream cards.” as part of the castle’s magical transformation.

    These cards were collected in a treasure chest and lifted to the top of the tallest tower in the castle.  This act symbolizes the rebirth of the castle through the power of everyone’s aspirations, ensuring that the heart of the resort will always be filled with hopes and dreams.

    「奇妙夢想城堡」由13個迪士尼公主和女王經典故事啟發建成, 為賓客帶來前所未有的奇妙體驗。城堡上每座城塔和尖頂都分別融入每位迪士尼公主和女王的故事特色。細看之下,豐富的顔色、標誌、圖案和裝飾的細節, 體會新城堡多元共融,同時又和諧協調的獨特設計概念。

    Taking inspiration from the 13 stories of beloved Disney Princesses and Queens, the design of Castle of Magical Dreams has incorporated several special elements.  The towers and spires of the castle embrace iconic patterns, textures, colors and ornamentation unique to each story.

    Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening 香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡 揭幕



    為慶祝「15周年奇妙慶典」, 樂園將為迪士尼粉絲送上小驚喜。 11月21日入園的賓客有機會於入園時免費獲發15週年生日襟章乙個,數量有限,送完即止。

    Since its grand opening, Hong Kong Disneyland has been a place where countless dreams have come true, and even more dreams will become a reality in the years to come.

    To celebrate the park’s 15th birthday celebration, guests can gather even more joy and wonders at the entrance of the park with a limited edition 15th anniversary-themed button, which will be distributed to guests from November 21, while supplies last.


    由2020年11月3日至30日,「奇妙處處通」的舊會員可享限時「奇妙處處通」再次入會優惠,以八五折 * 購買年票,同時更可獲贈美食餐飲,以及指定精美商品各一份。 詳情可瀏覽香港迪士尼樂園度假區官方網站

    * 此優惠只適用於2020年10月3日或之前到期之「奇妙處處通」會籍。此優惠不適用於現有「奇妙處處通」會員、購買長者「奇妙處處通」會員卡、購買「奇妙處處通」禮券、續期或升級現有的「奇妙處處通」會員卡,以及以即日樂園門票升級至「奇妙處處通」會員卡。

    Special limited-time “Magic Access” Re-join Offer

    From November 3 to 30, 2020, lapsed Magic Access members can enjoy a limited-time “Magic Access” Re-join Offer * which entitles eligible guests to a 15 percent discount on the membership price, with one complimentary food and beverage item and one complimentary merchandise item.  For details, please visit the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort website.

    * This “Magic Access” Re-join offer is only applicable to Magic Access memberships which expired on or before October 3, 2020. This offer is not applicable to senior Magic Access Membership Card purchases, existing Magic Access members, Magic Access membership renewals, Magic Access certificates or ticket upgrades.

    Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening 香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡 揭幕


    1) 在到訪樂園前7日內,預先在香港迪士尼的入園預約網站,購買門票及預約到訪日期。「奇妙處處通」會員也須於到訪前預約,並可優先在到訪前8日內預約。

    2) 在進行網上入園預約過程中,須作出健康聲明。

    3) 抵達香港迪士尼樂園時,須通過體溫檢測,否則不能進入園内。

    4) 到訪樂園時,須佩戴口罩,在餐飲處所內飲食期間除外。


    Hong Kong Disneyland asks for guests’ understanding of and compliance with the following requirements when the park reopens. Guests must:

    1) Purchase their tickets in advance and reserve a visit up to seven days in advance of their visit online via the Hong Kong Disneyland reservation website. Magic Access members must also make a reservation prior to visiting, but can enjoy the benefit of reserving eight days in advance.

    2) Make a required health declaration as part of the Hong Kong Disneyland reservation process.

    3) Undergo temperature screening procedures upon arrival. Guests with elevated temperatures cannot be admitted. 

    4) Wear a mask during their visit, except when enjoying food and beverage at catering premises

    These measures will continue to be reviewed as the situation evolves and will be adjusted as necessary.

    Sharing the magic:



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    Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening Nov 21, 2020 香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡將於2020年11月21日揭幕
    Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening Nov 21, 2020
    香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡將於2020年11月21日揭幕
    Hong Kong Disneyland Castle of Magical Dreams Opening 香港迪士尼樂園 奇妙夢想城堡 將於11月21日正式揭幕,同場加推聖誕活動A Disney Christmas。網上倒數15周年奇妙慶典,更有「奇妙夢想城堡故事展」、「奇妙夢想城堡導賞之旅」。
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