


「迪士尼之泉」第一階段重開 | Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

座落在 華特迪士尼世界度假區「迪士尼之泉」(Disney Springs)綜合娛樂購物區於2020年5月20日起進行第一階段重開,並維持有限度運作。

Disney Springs has begun a phased reopening with a number of shopping and dining locations starting from May 20, 2020 

「迪士尼之泉」(Disney Springs)
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

New ground signage for maintaining physical distancing
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs


New ground signages will help guests maintain physical distancing while queueing to enter the store.
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

New Health and Safety Reminders
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs


Signage at Disney Springs reminds guests of new health and safety protocols in place when the shopping, dining and entertainment district reopens May 20, 2020.
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

New directional signages
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs


New directional signage at Disney Springs helps direct guest flow throughout the shopping, dining and entertainment district to better facilitate physical distancing.

New hand-washing station
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs


Guests can clean their hands using a new hand-washing station installed at the shopping, dining and entertainment district.  Guests are encouraged to wash their hands frequently while visiting Disney Springs.

Friendly Reminder
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

✨ Welcome back! ✨
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs

Walt Disney World Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「迪士尼之泉」第一階段重開 | Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs
「迪士尼之泉」第一階段重開 | Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs
Disney, Disney Parks, WDW, Walt Disney World Resort, 迪士尼之泉, 第一階段重開, Welcome Back: the Phased Reopening of Disney Springs
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