


Assemble! One Year of Avengers: Endgame - Top 5 MCU Moments

"There was an idea, called the Avengers Initiative, to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more.  See if they could work together when we needed them to fight the battles we never could."

"And there came a day unlike any other, when Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat.  On that day, they became The Avengers."

This bold idea helps to shape the Marvel Cinematic Universe, superhero movies become something more than a franchise.  People witnessed many great moments across 23 MCU films.  These built memories and captured the core essence of 80-year Marvel comics history and superhero characters.

The invincible armored Iron Man.  Thor, prince of thunder.  The incredible Hulk.  Captain America, the First Avenger.

After the first ten-year of Marvel Studios, Avengers Endgame became a landmark in this journey.  To celebrate this one year birthday, we share our favorite top 5 moments in this fruitful franchise.

5. Avengers Assemble (Avengers: Endgame 2019 April 25, HK: April 24)

One Year of Avengers Endgame, top moments, Marvel Cinematic Universe, assemble, the avengers 2012
One Year of Avengers Endgame, top moments, Marvel Cinematic Universe, assemble, the avengers 2012

The famous quote from Marvel comic (First appearance in Avengers #10 by Stan Lee, Don Heck and Dick Ayers - came from Thor) finally appeared in Avengers: Endgame.  The team assembled for the first time in "The Avengers" 2012 (May 4, HK: April 26), a truly marvelous moment.

4. Open your eye (Doctor Strange 2016 - world premiere in Hong Kong on October 13, released in theaters on October 27, US: November 4)

One Year of Avengers Endgame, top moments, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Strange 2016

An introduction to the multiverse.  Ancient one shows Dr Stephen Strange that there are many intangible things to discover.  This galvanized Strange to become the next sorcerer supreme.

3. We are Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy 2014 August 1, HK: July 31)

One Year of Avengers Endgame, top moments, Marvel Cinematic Universe, groot, guardians of the galaxy 2014

One of the pivot points of the Guardians for the Galaxy.  Groot sacrificed himself to save everyone in the team.  The bond between the Guardians was strengthened.

2. Hey everyone - Spider-Man with Captain America's shield in Airport sequence (Captain America: Civil War 2016 May 6, HK: April 27)

One Year of Avengers Endgame, top moments, Marvel Cinematic Universe, spider-man captain america shield, airport civil war 2016

For the first time ever, the appearance of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Spidey joined Iron Man to stop Captain America from helping Bucky to escape.  This scene marks the beginning of Spider-Man in the world of the Avengers.

1. I am Iron Man (Iron Man 2008 May 2, HK: April 30)

One Year of Avengers Endgame, top moments, Marvel Cinematic Universe, iron man

This scene embarked on the sage journey. 

What is your top 5 MCU moments?  Tell us your thoughts below.

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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: Assemble! One Year of Avengers: Endgame - Top 5 MCU Moments
Assemble! One Year of Avengers: Endgame - Top 5 MCU Moments
One Year of Avengers Endgame, top moments, Marvel Cinematic Universe, groot, guardians of the galaxy 2014, Captain America, Spider-man, iron man
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