From April 30 to May 3, 2020, the Enchanted Garden Restaurant at the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel will offer “all you can eat” lunch and dinner^. Guests will be able to enjoy lunch from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM or dinner from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. What’s more, enjoy special appearances by the popular Disney Characters from time to time and snap some photos of them from your table to capture the happy moment.
~ 「翠樂庭餐廳」午餐和晚餐放題 ~
~ Enchanted Garden Restaurant “all you can eat” lunch and dinner ~
- 午餐時段(Lunch):12:00 - 16:00*
- 價目(Price):成人 Adult - HK$350;小童 Child - HK$230+
- 晚餐時段(Dinner):18:00 - 22:00*
- 價目(Price):成人 Adult - HK$510;小童 Child - HK$330+
* 用餐時間為入座時間起兩小時計算
+ 另收一服務費(Subject to 10% Service Charge)
^ Magic Access Dining Benefits are applicable to this “All You Can Eat” lunch and dinner
查詢或訂座,請致電+852 3510-6000。
For questions or to make reservations, please call +852 3510-6000.
穿過華麗拱門和佈滿鮮花的走廊,走入維多利亞式庭園,寫意地品嚐各款亞洲及西式美食 (包括冰鎮海鮮丶凍盤及沙律丶精選刺身丶環球美饌丶中國風味丶亞洲佳餚丶兒童菜譜及甜品)。
Escape from reality, walk under an ornate wrought-iron archway and proceed through a trellised hallway flourished with magical vines and flowers. Arrive in a lovely Victorian setting and enjoy a cornucopia of delicious dishes, Asian and Western classics (e.g. Seafood on Ice, Cold Appetizers & Salads, Assorted Sashimi, International Cuisine, Chinese Flavors, Asian Specialties, Kid’s Meals and Desserts).
Entertain your taste buds and your imagination with yummy dishes at the Enchanted Garden Restaurant during the long weekend! Taste the magic of “all you can eat” inspired by cuisines from around the world. And for the grand finale, indulge in some sumptuous desserts, for a sweet happily ever after!
* 菜單上的菜式或會有所變動,恕不作另行通知。
* All menu items are subject to change without notice.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort