The refurbishment of Plaza Inn was completed at Hong Kong Disneyland. This week, the Imagineers added 12 reversed glass gilded art pieces, which featured the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. Some of the stars are closely associated to the park too!
The story of Plaza Inn:「廣場飯店」的外觀猶如二十世紀初的維多利亞式建築,內部設計更融合中美文化。來自美國的主人家夫婦在「美國小鎮大街」經營旅店,他們非常喜愛環遊世界,經過多次周遊列國後,被中國的異國情調深深吸引,因而決定將充滿特色的中國菜餚引入美國中西部。這對夫婦把旅店變成了一家中菜飯店,迎合中西部睦鄰中喜愛接受新事物的賓客。
Plaza Inn's exterior shares similarity with the 21st-century Victorian buildings. The American owners of an inn were avid globetrotters, they fell in love with exotic China so much during their travelings. They decided to introduce the exotic Chinese food to the Midwest. After some time, they turned the inn into a Chinese restaurant, catering to those with adventuresome tastes among their reserved Midwestern neighbors. The restaurant gained its' popularity and attracted new customers around the globe.
The owner couple is keen on sharing their passion for the Chinese culture with fellow residents of Main Street. They installed twelve reversed glass gilded art pieces that feature the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, in the artful style of papercutting, a traditional folk art in China.
鼠 Rat:味王 Remy
牛 Ox:保哥局長 Chef Bogo
《優獸大都會》 Zootopia
虎 Tiger:樂雅 Rajah
兔 Rabbit:朱迪 Judy Hopps
《優獸大都會》 Zootopia
龍 Dragon:木須 Mushu
蛇 Snake:珠珠 Juju
《公主與青蛙》The Princess and the Frog
馬 Horse:汗馬 Khan
羊 Goat:嘉利 Djali
《鐘樓駝俠》The Hunchback of Notre Dame
猴 Monkey:阿拔 Albert
「迷離莊園」 Mystic Point
雞 Rooster:喜喜 Heihei
狗 Dog:幸運仔 Lucky
「灰熊山谷」Grizzly Gulch
豬 Pig:豬包 Pua
Before reimaginating, the interior designs of Plaza Inn was inspired by the 1998 animated movie Mulan. The Imagineers kept the beam decoration of Mushu in this restaurant.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort