今年12月,上海迪士尼度假區 將迎來 達菲(Duffy)的又一位新「萌」友——一隻長著鬆軟的長耳朵,擁有敏銳嗅覺,戴著廚師帽,喜歡發明創意食譜的黃色小狗—— 可琦安(CookieAnn)。從2019年12月26日起,賓客將能在 上海迪士尼樂園 的「米奇大街」上和 可琦安 見面,同時盡享以這位熱情洋溢的小狗為靈感設計的一系列主題商品和獨家美食飲品。
This December, Shanghai Disney Resort is celebrating the arrival of Duffy’s newest friend, CookieAnn, a yellow girl dog with long floppy ears and a sensitive nose, who enjoys coming up with new ideas and unique recipes by mixing together different things. Starting December 26, 2019, guests visiting Shanghai Disneyland will be able to meet and welcome CookieAnn on Mickey Avenue and enjoy a new line of themed merchandise, as well as exclusive food and beverage offerings inspired by this passionate chef.
一場為歡迎 可琦安 加入的特別儀式將於2019年12月26日在「故事家雕塑」前舉行,屆時可琦安將首次正式亮相上海迪士尼度假區,米奇和他的朋友們也將與 達菲、雪莉玫、杰拉多尼 和 星黛露一同出席。
To welcome CookieAnn, a special ceremony will be hosted at the Storytellers Statue on December 26, 2019, featuring Mickey and his friends together with Duffy, ShellieMay, Gelatoni and StellaLou, as CookieAnn makes her first appearance at the resort.
Shanghai Disney Resort