香港迪士尼樂園 宣佈取消3公里「彼思好友夜跑派對」
Hong Kong Disneyland will cancel 3K “Pixar Pals Night Run Party”
(2019年10月17日 - 香港訊)鑑於本港可能出現交通受阻,香港迪士尼樂園度假區宣佈取消原定於11月2日晚上舉行的3公里「彼思好友夜跑派對」。已報名人士將會收到有關後續安排的電郵。
於2019年11月2日及3日舉行的 「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend 2019 – AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」日間賽事,包括「反斗奇兵10公里跑」、「玩轉腦朋友5公里跑」、「怪獸公司3公里跑」及「米奇與好友兒童跑」將如期進行。
A. 選手包
• 號碼布
• 號碼布扣
• 主題T恤
• 主題獎牌連掛繩
• 已訂購之商品 (如適用)
B. 一張可於2019年11月2日至2020年5月2日期間使用的一日標準門票
C. 樂園內指定餐廳之套餐一份
D. 福袋一份
詳情請參閱 https://x.hkdl.hk/NR19ARGTC。如有查詢,請電郵至HKDL.10Kweekend@hongkongdisneyland.com。
HONG KONG, October 17 2019 – In view of possible traffic disruption in the city, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort will cancel 3K “Pixar Pals Night Run Party” scheduled on the night of November 2. Participants will receive emails on the cancellation arrangements.
Meanwhile, “10K Weekend 2019 – Presented by AIA Vitality” all day races, including Toy Story 10K, Inside Out 5K, Monsters, Inc. 3K and Mickey and Friends Kids Races will all be held as scheduled on November 2 and 3, 2019.
In this connection, Night Run Participants will be offered with the following items as compensation:
A. Runner’s Pack:
• Race Bib
• Race Bib Clips
• Event T-shirt
• Themed medal with lanyard
• Pre-ordered merchandise, if any;
B, One (1) 1-day admission ticket to Hong Kong Disneyland Park, valid for one (1) visit during November 2, 2019 to May 2, 2020;
C. One (1) combo meal as an additional benefit will be included in the admission ticket; and
D. One (1) goodie bag
Or participants may choose a full refund.
The above compensation or refund plan only apply to runners who enrolled through Hong Kong Disneyland official website.
For more information, please visit http://x.hkdl.hk/NR19ARG. For inquiries, please email to HKDL.10Kweekend@hongkongdisneyland.com .
“Pixar Pals Night Run Party”
“Pixar Pals Night Run Party” Themed medal with lanyard