


香港迪士尼「魔法保姆樂『童』行」活動・Mary Poppins 將正面信念送給病童、照顧者、家人及醫護人員


沿途支援危重病家庭    守護珍貴的親子相處時光 

Children’s Palliative Care Foundation’s 1st Anniversary
in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort: “A magical celebration of Children”

Supporting seriously ill patients and caregivers to create precious family moments


For children with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses, their treatment is often a long and arduous journey. Their caregivers, including parents, family members and healthcare professionals often face endless challenges and selflessly devote their time and energy to providing the best care for these patients. Since the inauguration of the Children’s Palliative Care Foundation (CPCF) last year, it has served around 60 families with children suffering from life-threating and life-limiting illnesses, working closely with professional healthcare teams in hospitals. It provides palliative care for young patients so they can return home soonest to live a full and happy life at home.  


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) invited patients and families of 13 palliative cases for a two-day visit to the park and a one-night hotel stay, giving the families an opportunity to spend some quality time together and have an unforgettable weekend at HKDL. It was the first time for many of the participating families to visit Disney together, meaning they cherished the opportunity very much.

         兒童紓緩服務基金管治委員會會長 余漢才屯門醫院兒童及青少年科顧問醫生/香港兒童紓緩學會主席 李澤荷醫生、香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 楊善妮 更到場現身支持這別具意義的活動,連同多位醫護人員、基金委員會成員及「迪士尼義工隊」等,為患病兒童及其家人注入正能量。

Chairman of the Governance Committee of CPCF, Mr Edward Yu, alongside Chairman of the Hong Kong Society of Children's Palliative Care, Dr Rever Li and Managing Director of HKDL, Ms Stephanie Young, joined the event. A number of CPCF staff, as well as foundation committee members and Disney VoluntEARS were there lending a hand to bring more positive energy to the children and their families.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 楊善妮 相信,迪士尼的故事觸動不同世代人們的心靈,希望同樣可以鼓勵病童及其家人。她表示:「魔法保姆 Mary Poppins 抱着積極態度面對人生,教導小朋友如何從生活細節中克服困難;義工隊聯同一班幕後團隊悉心製作,以別出心裁的手法分享 魔法保姆 的成功秘訣,希望把正面、樂觀的信念送給照顧者、家人及醫護人員,並藉此向他們的無私付出致敬。」

Ms Stephanie Young said she believes Disney’s timeless stories have touched the hearts and lifted the spirits of many generations, and hopes to bring comfort to sick kids and their families during difficult times: “Classic Disney character Mary Poppins, for example, always has a bright smile and positive attitude. She teaches children how to overcome challenges and how to have a positive attitude to change your mindset and create a more joyful and happy life. The Disney VoluntEARS program hopes to reinforce the positive beliefs among patients as well as their caregivers and family members, and to pay tribute to their selfless dedication and strength,” Ms Young said.

        兒童紓緩服務基金管治委員會會長 余漢才 感激香港迪士尼樂園,為這些家庭於療養路途上提供一個喘息的機會,令他們更積極面對生活上的挑戰:「香港每年約有二百個兒童因病死亡,人數雖比成年人少,但他們患重病卻是為整個家庭帶來深遠的身心影響。基金致力協助這些家庭渡過一個又一個的生活難關,但亦需要熱心的大眾與基金努力,就如保姆一樣幫助照顧者,共同維護病童的生活質素。」

Mr Edward Yu said he appreciates HKDL for offering a respite for caregivers in their long journey fighting chronic illnesses: “Around 200 children die from diseases every year in Hong Kong. It is a small number as compared to adults, but the impact on the families both physically and psychologically is beyond our imagination. We are devoted to helping these families in need to overcome their hurdles every day. The CPCF also needs support from the general public to stand with us and support caregivers, so we can work together to enhance the life quality of life of these young patients,” Mr Yu said.


Tan is a two-year-old boy who just celebrated his birthday this July, and was born with multiple congenital anomalies. He suffers from Pierre Robin Syndrome, Microphthalmos, Microtia, and more. His mother, Mrs Yeung, has to look after him at 24/7 to prevent the dislodgement of his tracheostomy tube. She said taking Tan out is a luxury for them: “I am worried that when he is in a crowded place he might have a medical emergency or get infected. Every time we go out, I have to carry a first aid kit and heavy life-support machines, and always need someone to assist me. That is why it is not easy for us to have a normal family outing. But this time I have the help from the CPCF nurses and the volunteers from HKDL, so I’m very relieved that our whole family can have an enjoyable weekend outing at the park and stay in a hotel. This will leave me with many loving fond memories.” Mrs Yeung said.

重點投入關愛病童 宣揚樂園的奇妙歡樂
Bringing Disney magic to the community and sick kids


HKDL has always been committed to Hong Kong and the communities it serves, and caring for sick kids is one of the ways the resort delivers on that commitment, such as supporting them to make their dreams come true, arranging hospital visits with Disney VoluntEARs and beloved characters, as well as arranging hospital play services where they can experience new entertainment offerings. Recently, HKDL joined hands with the Children’s Cancer Foundation to bring that magic to the community, by providing creative toys and learning equipment to the new community service center at So Uk Estate in Kowloon. Meanwhile, the Disney VoluntEARS program hopes to arrange volunteers to visit the service center or create Disney storytelling events every quarter, to deliver comfort and inspiration to families with children facing serious illness.


HKDL’s park and resort hotels place a strong emphasis on offering a variety of services and barrier-free designs for guests with disabilities. In park for instance, there are Chinese and English Braille guides and audio guides available for rental. The three resort hotels also have a select number of accessible rooms which are well equipped for each and every guest. Each of these elements ensures that those facing diversity still have the opportunity to enjoy the magic of Disney and have as smooth an experience as possible.

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© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼「魔法保姆樂『童』行」活動・Mary Poppins 將正面信念送給病童、照顧者、家人及醫護人員
香港迪士尼「魔法保姆樂『童』行」活動・Mary Poppins 將正面信念送給病童、照顧者、家人及醫護人員
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