


[D23 Expo 2019] 香港迪士尼樂園「奇妙夢想城堡」(Castle of Magical Dreams)將於2020年隆重登場 .「雪嶺滑雪橇」(Wandering Oaken’s Sliding Sleighs)帶領賓客展開歷險

Hong Kong Disneyland Names its Transformed Castle the Castle of Magical Dreams

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區香港迪士尼)揭曉園內最具標誌性的擴建項目— 城堡 — 將正式命名為「奇妙夢想城堡」

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) is proud to officially throw back the curtain on the name of the park’s new centerpiece after undergoing a major transformation – the Castle of Magical Dreams.

        今年在美國加州舉行的 D23 博覽會,迪士尼樂園、體驗及消費品主席 包正博 公佈了城堡的新名字,同時展示最新建築模型及透露更多幕後的獨特設計細節。

At the D23 Expo 2019 in Anaheim, California, Bob Chapek, Chairman of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, unveiled the castle’s name, the latest concept artwork and some of the finer details behind the magic of the re-imagined castle.


This is the first time that an existing castle in a Disney park has undergone a transformation of this scale, in what is sure to be one of the most momentous, highly-anticipated unveilings at Hong Kong Disneyland.  The new thematic towers and spires are now in the process of being lifted into the skies and fitted into place onto the castle base.


The castle’s design is inspired by the stories from some of the most iconic Disney Princesses.  The re-imagined castle will pay tribute to each of these Disney heroines for pursuing their dreams.  The architectural elements embrace the characteristics of each heroine through the interpretation of colors, icons, patterns and cultural features, with uniquely designed towers, turrets and spires dedicated to their respective stories.  Guests will be able to recognize the individual elements inspired by their favorite Disney heroines, celebrating a sense of diversity, inclusion and unity.


With its scheduled opening in 2020, the castle will stand as a shining beacon of courage, hope and possibility, inspiring all who dare to dream big. In addition, there will be a brand new, breath-taking nighttime spectacular as well as a new daytime show, details of which will be unveiled at a later date.

Sneak peek at the Frozen-themed area

        樂園新階段擴建計劃另一重要項目,以賣座動畫《魔雪奇緣》為主題的全新園區亦將於2021年推出。《魔雪奇緣》新園區將繼城堡變身,及 華特迪士尼動畫製作室《魔雪奇緣 2》電影上映後盛大開幕。這將是全球迪士尼第一個以《魔雪奇緣》為主題的園區。

Another major installment for the park’s multi-year expansion is the creation of an entirely new themed area — and excitement is already building for the project dedicated to one of the most popular animated movies of all time.  Scheduled to open in 2021 after the castle transformation, the new Frozen-themed area follows the release of the upcoming Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Frozen 2 movie later this year.  The new area also happens to be the first-ever themed area based on the Frozen movies at any Disney park around the world.

       這個全新的主題區將位於「小小世界」及「反斗奇兵大本營」中間,賓客將可到訪 阿德爾冰雪王國,穿梭於美麗的冰雪村莊和冰川中,與 安娜公主、愛莎女皇、小白基斯托夫 等,一起參與滿載歡欣的「夏雪節」慶典,慶祝 安娜公主 捨身拯救 愛莎女皇 的愛的表現。賓客將可乘船遊覽 愛莎女皇 的冰雪皇宮,或與安娜公主探索鄰近茂密的森林。賓客更可在這全新的魔法世界裡,與自己喜愛的「魔雪奇緣」角色見面。最新披露了有關園區內兩項嶄新娛樂設施的更多細節,為賓客帶來奇妙驚喜。

The immersive area will be located between it’s a small world and Toy Story Land and will welcome guests into the world of Arendelle where they can wander through the snowy villages and icy valleys alongside Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff and more.  Guests will join the celebration of Summer Snow Day — a kingdom-wide festival that commemorates Anna saving Elsa with an act of true love.  Guests can enjoy taking a boat ride to Elsa’s Ice Palace or laughing with Anna in a cozy forest hideaway, and find plenty of opportunities to come face-to-face with their favorite Frozen friends.  Fans can now learn more about two of the area’s main attractions, which are sure to be a major hit with guests.


Wandering Oaken’s Sliding Sleighs introduces guests to shopkeeper Oaken’s infamous store, before they head out on a winding sleigh journey on a fun coaster through the forest and sparkling fjord in Arendelle. Guests will also see Olaf and Sven as they work together to pull the sleigh to the top of the lift.


But the excitement doesn’t stop there. Frozen fans can then immerse themselves in the Frozen Ever After experience, which allows guests to take in every detail of Elsa’s Ice Palace in an unforgettable journey on hand-carved boats from Arendelle’s royal dock.  And of course, the entire area will be full of themed food, beverages and merchandise dedicated to all things Frozen, making sure to leave a lasting impression.

Marvel 驚喜體驗陸續有來
More Marvel offerings on the way

        與此同時,香港迪士尼於今年推出了新階段擴展計劃中的項目「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」,繼續成為 Marvel 超級英雄宇宙的重心。賓客在參與香港迪士尼獨有的「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」後,更可在全新互動遊樂設施「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」,與「蟻俠」及「黃蜂女」並肩作戰,共同對抗敵人 Hydra。賓客更可參觀「史達科技展」中的「神盾局科技館」,體驗「神盾局」的創新研究及設計。香港迪士尼將致力於未來數年為全球 Marvel 粉絲帶來更多驚喜體驗。

In the meantime, HKDL continues to celebrate its latest major addition as part of the expansion in Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!  Guests have been thrilled to play their part in saving Hong Kong at the Iron Man Experience before heading next door to fight alongside Ant-Man and The Wasp against one of Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most notorious enemies, Hydra.  In what is evolving into a truly immersive hub for Marvel fans, the growing area at HKDL even offers guests a chance to visit the S.H.I.E.L.D. Science & Technology Pavilion to discover the very latest technologies being put to the test at Stark Industries.  Even more exciting Marvel offerings are in store in the coming years.

Disney D23 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: [D23 Expo 2019] 香港迪士尼樂園「奇妙夢想城堡」(Castle of Magical Dreams)將於2020年隆重登場 .「雪嶺滑雪橇」(Wandering Oaken’s Sliding Sleighs)帶領賓客展開歷險
[D23 Expo 2019] 香港迪士尼樂園「奇妙夢想城堡」(Castle of Magical Dreams)將於2020年隆重登場 .「雪嶺滑雪橇」(Wandering Oaken’s Sliding Sleighs)帶領賓客展開歷險
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