


香港迪士尼 與 膳心連 合辦「Cookie 與小廚師『盛』夏派對」(“Cooking with Cookie Summer Party”)剩食再造活動

Cookie 與小廚師「盛」夏派對
香港迪士尼膳心連合作   剩食再造活動
逾百基層家庭成員參與    主廚分享環保飲食貼士

“Cooking with Cookie Summer Party” Encourages Leftover Food Appreciation
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort collaborates with Foodlink to inspire over a hundred of parents and children in reusing surplus food

         在「Duffy 與好友」系列中,經常帶著一朵粉紅色蝴蝶結、熱愛烹飪的超人氣小狗 Cookie 在香港迪士尼樂園度假區(香港迪士尼)亮相一周年,今日聯同 160 名來自庭恩兒童中心的受助家庭和小朋友,包括有語言障礙的兒童及家庭,在 香港迪士尼酒店行政總廚 麥錦駒 及其餐飲團隊的指導下,參與香港迪士尼和慈善團體膳心連基金(膳心連)合辦的剩食再造活動 — 「Cookie 與小廚師『盛』夏派對」,與 Cookie 一同學習珍惜食物、減少浪費。

One of the most beloved and popular Disney friends in the Duffy and friends franchise — Cookie, who celebrates the first anniversary at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL), is always seen wearing her chef’s hat and is a big food lover. Today, she joined hands with 160 parents and kids from local charity Benji’s Centre, including kids with communication difficulties and their families, to join the “Cooking with Cookie Summer Party” as part of a special food appreciation project with charity Foodlink Foundation (Foodlink). Participants learnt about food appreciation and waste reduction with Cookie under the guidance of HKDL’s Executive Chef and the F&B team.

        環保與我們的生活息息相關,香港迪士尼一直致力保護環境,與不同團體合作,採取多項措施推動社區可持續發展,包括珍惜資源、減排減廢等,務求創造更美好的社區。香港迪士尼膳心連緊密合作,多年來,從度假區酒店的不同餐廳收集安全剩食,轉贈予有需要人士。今日的活動就讓大家一同發揮無限創意和想像力,善用剩食包括朱古力蛋糕碎,製作可愛的 Cookie 小蛋糕,香港迪士尼又邀請大家品嚐以剩食製作的美味自助午餐,與大家分享如何將剩食轉化為美食!

These days, environmental protection and waste preservation is becoming important in people’s daily lives. In line with this, HKDL is further committing to conserving the planet and helping those in need by collaborating with various partners to work together for the sake of the community, including cherishing resources and keeping waste to a minimum. Over the years, HKDL collaborated with Foodlink whereby safe-to-eat surplus food is collected from the restaurants of the resort’s hotels to be donated to those in need. Today, the participants used creativity and imagination to create lovely Cookie cupcakes, using safe-to-eat surplus food including chocolate end-cut cakes collected from the resort’s hotel restaurants. They were also invited by HKDL to enjoy a buffet lunch made from safe-to-eat surplus food afterwards, learning how to transform food waste to food grace!

香港迪士尼酒店行政總廚 麥錦駒
Executive Chef for Hotels at HKDL, Chef Mak Kam-kui

        香港迪士尼酒店行政總廚 麥錦駒,更即場分享大家環保飲食貼士:「在家中,大家都可以收集尚可食用的食材,輕輕鬆鬆將剩食轉化為美食,例如麵包可用來製作布丁、用水果配搭咖哩、經常剩下的白飯可作炒飯、魚骨和菜葉用來煲湯,健康又美味。家長更可以藉此作為親子活動,鼓勵子女珍惜食物和剩食再造!」

During the workshop, Executive Chef for Hotels at HKDL, Chef Mak Kam-kui, offered tips on how to regenerate domestic food waste: "Parents can collect safe-to-eat surplus food to regenerate food grace. For example, we can make bread pudding, fruit curry and fried rice, while fish bones and vegetables can be used to make delicious and healthy soup. Parents can use waste preservation as a way to create new, educational activities on food appreciation for kids," said Chef Mak.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 楊善妮

Stephanie Young, managing director of HKDL
makes cupcakes with kids using safe-to-eat surplus food

        今年六歲、就讀幼稚園的 鄭宇欣 小妹妹,早前參加由膳心連主辦、香港迪士尼贊助的「愛食物、不丟棄」填色比賽,並獲得金獎。她今日來到香港迪士尼,與迪士尼朋友 Cookie 一同參與剩食再造活動。宇欣指,平日在家中和學校,父母和老師都會教她珍惜食物的重要性,她表示:「平日吃飯時,我會『食幾多,夾幾多』;吃剩的白飯,媽媽第二日會用來煲粥,不會浪費;我們有時又會用剩食製作湯圓等小吃,今次在香港迪士尼學懂用剩食製作可愛的 Cookie 小蛋糕,可以回學校教其他同學仔!」

Zheng Yu-yan, a six-year-old kindergarten student, joined the event after winning the golden award at a recent food appreciation coloring competition organized by Foodlink and sponsored by HKDL: “Today, I learned how to make my own Cookie cupcakes using leftover food, and I’m excited to teach my classmates when go back to school!” She also said her parents and teachers teach her about the importance of food appreciation: “I never get too much rice in my bowl when I have a meal at home, and my mom will use any leftovers to make congee for another day. We also make refreshments using leftover food to reduce waste.”

膳心連基金營運總監 翁懿華 [右二]
Aurea Yung, Head of Operations at Foodlink Foundation [Right 2]

       膳心連基金營運總監 翁懿華 表示:「在香港,每日有 3,600 公噸食物被棄置於堆填區,其中只有1%被回收,造成浪費。膳心連基金的使命是為每位有需要的香港人提供有營養和健康的膳食,推動把『剩』食轉化為『盛』食,減少浪費。我們很高興香港迪士尼多年來的大力支持,在度假區的酒店餐廳收集優質剩食轉贈予有需要人士。我們希望將這個訊息帶到社區每一個角落,更多企業參與這項有意義的活動,讓更多大眾受惠,同時讓我們的社區少一點浪費、多一點珍惜。」

Aurea Yung, Head of Operations at Foodlink Foundation, said: “Every day, 3,600 tons of food waste are disposed of in landfills every day but only 1% of it is recycled. The vision for Foodlink Foundation is to provide healthy meals for those in need, and to promote turning food waste into food grace to help our environment. We are happy with the continued support from HKDL over the years, helping us collect surplus food from its restaurants and hosting events to help people learn how they can help. We hope these initiatives will bring a positive message to the community, prompting more companies to join us in promoting food appreciation and waste preservation.”

       2014 年至今,香港迪士尼一直與膳心連合作,從三間度假區酒店的餐廳收集安全剩食,轉贈予社會上有需要的人士,包括老人院、基層家庭及兒童等。多年來,合共收集超過 60 公噸食物、提供143,000 個膳餐。另外,『香港迪士尼義工隊』與膳心連攜手舉辦多個社區外展活動,例如烹飪班、兒童派對、愛包日、講座等,為低收入家庭、長者和復康人士等有需要人士創造歡樂,推廣環保和珍惜食物的訊息。

Since 2014, HKDL has collaborated with Foodlink to collect surplus food to distribute to those in need, including elderly homes, underprivileged families and children. Over the years, HKDL has collected over 60 tons of food, helping to create more than 143,000 meals. HKDL’s VoluntEARs program and Foodlink have together organized several community activities, such as cooking classes, children’s parties, talks and more. The partnership’s beneficiaries include the underprivileged and elderly from different districts to share happiness and the message of food appreciation around the town.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼 與 膳心連 合辦「Cookie 與小廚師『盛』夏派對」(“Cooking with Cookie Summer Party”)剩食再造活動
香港迪士尼 與 膳心連 合辦「Cookie 與小廚師『盛』夏派對」(“Cooking with Cookie Summer Party”)剩食再造活動
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