


華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)正式收購 21世紀霍士(21st Century Fox)

華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)美國東岸時間2019年3月20日 晚上12時02分 正式收購 21世紀霍士(21st Century Fox)*,兩大知名企業合併後將為全球消費者帶來前所未有的優質內容和傑出人才,並且匯聚更豐富的內容。是次收購包括21世紀霍士電影製作、電視製作 及 國際電視等業務,迪士尼 將繼續發展更具吸引力的高品質內容和娛樂項目。


“This is an extraordinary and historic moment for us — one that will create significant long-term value for our company and our shareholders.”

“Combining Disney’s and 21st Century Fox’s wealth of creative content and proven talent creates the preeminent global entertainment company, well positioned to lead in an incredibly dynamic and transformative era.”

—— Robert A. Iger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
         華特迪士尼公司行政總裁 羅伯特.艾格先生


另一方面,著名媒體 Variety 更分享到 羅伯特.艾格先生 向公司員工發出的便條,全文內容如下:

I’m proud to announce the acquisition is complete and 21st Century Fox is now part of the Walt Disney Company. I’d like to welcome our new colleagues, and thank employees on both sides of the deal for your patience and perseverance as we worked through the lengthy acquisition and regulatory process.

As you know, Disney has never been short on ambition. We’ve never been satisfied with the status quo, and our vision for this transformative era is our boldest yet. We are rapidly transforming our company to take full advantage of evolving consumer trends and emerging technology in order to thrive in this new and exciting time.

Our acquisition of 21st Century Fox was driven by our strong belief that the addition of these great businesses, brands, franchises and talent will allow us to move faster, reach farther and aim higher, especially when it comes to building direct connections with consumers.

I wish I could tell you that the hardest part is behind us, that closing the deal was the finish line rather than just the next milestone. What lies ahead is the challenging work of uniting our businesses to create a dynamic global entertainment company with the content, the platforms and the reach to deliver industry-defining experiences that will engage consumers around the world for generations to come.

We’ve spent the past year exploring the new opportunities and synergies generated by bringing our two legendary companies together. Leaders across both organizations have worked closely together to understand how to best unlock this potential and unleash innovation and creativity to generate long-term growth. We’re confident in our integration strategy and in our ability to execute it effectively; and we’re inspired and energized by the new possibilities.

Our integration process will be an evolution, with some businesses impacted more than others. We’ve made many critical decisions already, but some areas still require further evaluation. We may not have answers to all of your questions at this moment but we understand how vital information is, and we’re committed to moving as quickly as possible to provide clarity regarding how your role may be impacted.

Having been on both sides of numerous acquisitions during my career, I have deep appreciation for how this one impacts everyone involved, on both a personal and professional level. I understand the challenges, and I ask for your continued patience in the days to come as we combine this collection of great assets to create the world’s premier entertainment company.


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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)正式收購 21世紀霍士(21st Century Fox)
華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)正式收購 21世紀霍士(21st Century Fox)
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