


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2019年新春團拜 及 宣佈加推全新「一家義」計劃


新年行善 結集家庭力量 善心由細儲起

Family Volunteers Encouraged to “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day”

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort launches scheme and co-creates guidelines with Agency for Volunteer Service to foster family volunteerism
Early planting the seeds of love and care among kids

(左起)華特迪士尼樂園及度假區亞太區總裁及董事總經理 馬凱澤、財政司司長 陳茂波香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 楊善妮義務工作發展局總幹事 鍾媛梵

(From left) Michael Colglazier, president and managing director, Asia Pacific, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts; Financial Secretary Paul Chan; Stephanie Young, managing director of HKDL; Flora Chung, Chief Executive Officer of AVS


On the first day of the Chinese New Year (CNY) today, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) launched a new scheme fostering family volunteerism, as part of the successful “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day” (GADGADD) program. More than 10 NGOs and corporations have been invited to join the scheme through Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS) which encourages families to do voluntary work together. Once families achieve targeted service hours within a designated period, they will be given park tickets in appreciation of their volunteer work.

        新一年訂立新大計,香港迪士尼特別邀請近100名來自鄰舍輔導會離島婦聯的家庭義工代表,在大年初一到樂園慶祝新春及支持「一家義」計劃。財政司司長 陳茂波 也親臨擔任主禮嘉賓,來自大澳佛教筏可紀念中學的得獎醒獅隊,更為樂園賓客獻藝,送上新年祝福。

HKDL invited about 100 family volunteers from the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council and the Outlying Islands Women’s Association to celebrate CNY at HKDL today and support the launch of the scheme. Financial Secretary Paul Chan was the guest of honor at the ceremony. An award-winning lion dance team formed by students from the Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College in Tai O performed to share new year blessings with guests.

新任香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 楊善妮,首次在農曆年向賓客和傳媒拜年。

Stephanie Young, the new managing director of HKDL, joined the CNY celebrations to meet with guests and the media.


“HKDL strives to serve the local community and collaborate with different organizations to launch various social services projects. For example, the “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day” program encourages the public to do voluntary work, accumulating more than 14 million volunteer hours,” said Chan. “This new scheme fosters family volunteerism, and strengthen family cohesion to help each other in the society. Additionally, the Disney VoluntEARS formed by cast members of HKDL are also dedicated to community services for the needy in the society, promoting creative talent among the youth and environmental protection work.”

        自 2010 年開始,香港迪士尼推出「迪士尼賞義工行動」,並與義務工作發展局合作邀請各團體及義工參與,每個參與的義工凡完成10小時義工服務時數,即可獲贈樂園門票,以嘉許他們的貢獻。活動推出近十年以來,每年吸引600至800間服務團體及機構參與,香港迪士尼已經捐贈約45萬張樂園一日標準門票支持相關計劃。

In 2010, HKDL launched the “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day” program and AVS helped to invite different organizations and volunteers to join. Every volunteer who completes 10 hours of service is rewarded with a complimentary one-day admission ticket to HKDL in appreciation. The program has been running for almost 10 years, with about 600 to 800 NGOs and corporations participating each year. HKDL has donated more than 450,000 one-day administration tickets to support the program since.


The new “Family Volunteerism” scheme aims to encourage family members to do voluntary work together. A family needs to contribute only a total of eight hours of volunteer work collectively to get a complimentary one-day ticket. For a family of four, for example, each member can do two hours of voluntary work to reach that goal. Each family must have at least two members taking part in the scheme.

結集家庭力量    關懷社區
Fostering family volunteerism to build a caring society

(Right hand side) The Fung’s family encouraged their daughter Sin-ying to do voluntary work since she was three years old.


The Fung’s family encouraged their daughter Sin-ying to do voluntary work since she was three years old, including flag-selling, tree planting, social performance, elderly visit, family story time etc. Whenever possible, they would accompany their kid to do volunteer work together. To them, the time is well spent for not only being together but also a good lesson for the kid. “As a parent, we should set an example and teach the next generation the importance of caring for the society and the underprivileged. The ‘Family Volunteerism’ scheme helps encourage parents to bring along their kids and contribute to voluntary works for the community,” Mrs. Fung said.


The eight-year-old Sin-ying, now in primary three, has been joining the story book session organised by HKDL since she was young. And now, she will visit the elderly and share stories with them. Mrs. Fung said Sin-ying learnt how to share and build up her confidence through voluntary work. Sin-ying got to visit HKDL through taking part in “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day,” and met her favourite Minnie Mouse after helping others.

        義務工作發展局總幹事 鍾媛梵 表示:「現今家庭非常着緊子女的成長發展,讓子女更早接觸義工服務,不但提供了良好品德教育的機會,更讓他們學會包容、接納和體諒他人,同時可以讓子女培養人際溝通 技巧,提升解難能力。更重要的是,義工服務為一家人提供充滿樂趣的家庭時光,有意義地互動、分享、建立社交聯繫和傳承正面價值觀。」

Flora Chung, Chief Executive Officer of AVS, said, “Nowadays, many parents worry about the development of the children. Allowing the kids to do voluntary work at an earlier stage will be a good civic education opportunity to them. They will learn to be charitable and considerate, as well as build up communication and problem-solving skills. Most importantly, voluntary work allows a family to work as a team, have some fun and meaningful time together, enhance their social network and foster positive values.”

持續貢獻香港    回饋社會
Bringing Disney magic to the community

        新任香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 楊善妮,首次在農曆新年向賓客和傳媒拜年。

Stephanie Young, the new managing director of HKDL, joined the CNY celebrations to meet with guests and the media. She thanked AVS for sharing the same belief with HKDL, actively promoting voluntary work and co-creating the guidelines with HKDL to foster family volunteerism.


“Chinese New Year is a time for reunion, bonding and spreading goodwill. I am very glad that HKDL has a tradition of marking the opening of CNY with a meaningful cause to give back to the community,” said Young. “I am very happy that HKDL can play a part as a catalyst to encourage family volunteering, and am sure this will become a new trend under the concerted efforts of all our partners.”


Every year, HKDL welcomes more than 100,000 underprivileged community members to visit the park by donating tickets through its Community Involvement Program. The resort also continued to promote inclusion and societal happiness through programs such as “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day,” as well as the “#SaveFoodGoViral Boot Camp,” which created social media campaigns to promote food conservation. HKDL also collaborated on Hospital Play, which supports children’s play programs at Princess Margaret Hospital, and recognized secondary students who made remarkable contributions in volunteering through the “We Did It!” initiative. The Disney VoluntEARS team also contributes more than 7,000 hours of skills and services a year. HKDL will continue to contribute to the society.

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© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2019年新春團拜 及 宣佈加推全新「一家義」計劃
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2019年新春團拜 及 宣佈加推全新「一家義」計劃
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