上海迪士尼度假區 以傳統歡慶儀式喜迎豬年
Shanghai Disney Resort Celebrates the Year of the Pig with a Traditional Chinese Ceremony

正月初一,上海迪士尼度假區以特別的中國傳統瑞獅點睛儀式開啟吉祥豬年。上海迪士尼度假區總經理 郭偉誠(Philippe Gas)與米奇和米妮一起為兩隻瑞獅點睛,與遊客和度假區演職人員一起喜迎農曆豬年第一天,並恭祝遊客和演職人員新春如意,吉祥好運。
Shanghai Disney Resort celebrated the first day of the Year of the Pig this morning with a traditional Chinese eye-dotting ceremony - bringing fortune and prosperity to guests at Shanghai Disneyland. Joined by Mickey and Minnie, Philippe Gas, general manager of Shanghai Disney Resort, dotted the eyes of two lions, awakening them for the New Year and spreading good luck and cheer to resort guests and Cast Members.

這是上海迪士尼度假區自2016 年開幕後,連續第三年舉辦新春特別慶典,與來自五湖四海的遊客共同開啟農曆新年,慶祝這個重要的節日。
The Chinese New Year tradition, hosted earlier today, marked the third time that the resort has celebrated this important Chinese festival since opening in 2016, and was enjoyed by guests from near and far.
Chinese New Year occupies an important place in the hearts of Chinese people, and is the main time of year for families and friends to reunite and celebrate together. Throughout the entire Chinese New Year period, until February 19, Shanghai Disney Resort invites guests to rekindle the childhood magic of this traditional time with our spectacular holiday-themed Disney entertainment, special menus at our restaurants, and vast array of festival shopping options, amidst vibrant Chinese New Year decorations that celebrate Chinese customs and help create fun new memories for families and friends of all ages.

在十二朋友園,小豬儲蓄罐 “火腿” 為主題的壁畫四周佈置了喜慶的節日裝飾,遊客也可在此與豬年的主角——“火腿” 合影留念。
Guests can also take pictures with celebratory decorations centered around Hamm from the Disney•Pixar Toy Story films.