


上海迪士尼度假區 2019年新春節慶活動預告

上海迪士尼度假區 開啟新春節慶,為傳統年俗體驗更添神奇

Shanghai Disney Resort Celebrates Chinese New Year with a Magical Take on Traditional Customs and Experiences
The resort welcomes guests to rediscover their childhood excitement and fall in love with the Chinese New Year holiday all over again

        吉祥豬年將至,上海迪士尼度假區 已準備就緒,邀遊客共享帶有迪士尼獨特神奇與歡樂的豐富新年習俗,慶賀新春佳節。 2019年1月19日至2月19日,貫穿整個農曆新年期間,上海迪士尼度假區 將沉醉在喜氣洋洋的新春節日氛圍中,為各年齡層的遊客帶來難忘的佳節體驗,與家人好友在重溫傳統習俗的同時留下新穎而又難忘的美妙回憶。度假區為各地遊客準備了一系列精彩紛呈的特色賀年活動,包括充滿新春主題的娛樂演出、為新年特別設計的美食佳餚 和 琳瑯滿目的年貨商品。

Shanghai Disney Resort is ready to usher in an auspicious Year of the Pig and help guests rediscover the joy of this much loved holiday by celebrating Chinese traditions with a special touch of Disney magic. Throughout the entire Chinese New Year period, from January 19 to February 19, 2019, the resort will offer guests an unforgettable Chinese New Year experience, with abundant offerings and activities that will celebrate Chinese customs and create fun new memories for families and friends of all ages. From new seasonal entertainment, to exclusive new merchandise, food and beverage delights, and beyond, Shanghai Disney Resort is offering an exciting and magical Chinese New Year experience for guests from near and far.

        節日期間,度假區將推出一系列全新的娛樂演出和季節特別活動,為上海本地和來自全國和世界各地的到訪遊客送上新春的歡樂。其中的一大亮點是首次推出的「2019 農曆新年煙花慶典:愛與光的寄語」,這項特別演出將在特定日期的「點亮奇夢:夜光幻影秀」之後呈現。新年祝福將被投影在樂園標誌性的「奇幻童話城堡」之上,絢麗多彩、姿態萬千的全新新春焰火則將翩翩起舞、再次點亮夜空。今年,上海迪士尼樂度假區 還將首度為「年夜飯”帶來全新選擇,遊客可在除夕或正月初一攜家人在 上海迪士尼樂園酒店 共享充滿迪士尼神奇的團圓年夜飯。

The wide range of new shows and seasonal offerings across the resort will delight both local guests and those travelling to Shanghai from around the country and overseas. Underlining the celebrations this year will be the incredible “Chinese New Year 2019 Firework Celebration: A Feast of Love and Light”. On select evenings, special Chinese New Year fireworks will light up the night sky, and the hearts of guests, as beautiful colors and shapes dance overhead. Plus, for the first time ever, this year’s guests can bring the entire family to enjoy an unforgettable reunion dinner in the resort’s Shanghai Disneyland Hotel on February 4 and 5 - celebrating one of the country’s most important traditional meals while surrounded by breathtaking Disney magic.

Experience Magical Chinese New Year Customs with Every Step at Shanghai Disney Resort

       家家戶戶張燈結彩是迎接新年的傳統習俗,1 月19 日至2 月19 日,上海迪士尼度假區也將換上農曆新年主題的裝飾——色彩鮮亮的米奇燈籠、喜氣洋洋的中式春聯、爭相競豔的花環花卉和鮮豔亮麗的剪紙裝飾,不一而足。整個度假區到處都將洋溢著紅火喜慶的色彩,農曆新年的熱鬧旋律縈繞耳畔,為賓客打造節慶體驗。

Echoing the time-honored tradition of decorating homes for the New Year, from January 19 through February 19, Shanghai Disney Resort will be decked out in festive décor to create an enchanting New Year atmosphere for guests, complete with vibrant Mickey lanterns, Chinese couplets, floral garlands, peach flowers, paper decorations, and more. Shades of red and gold will be seen throughout the park, the resort, with Chinese New Year melodies completing the immersive New Year experience.

        「米奇大街」將換上農曆新年主題裝飾,讓遊客從進入樂園的第一刻起就沉醉在喜慶歡樂的氛圍中。穿著全新節日服飾的米奇和他的朋友們,以及 達菲雪莉玫杰拉多尼星黛露 將在主題拍照區前與遊客合影留念高飛將裝扮成「財神」閃亮登場,為遊客們在新的一年增添更多活力和運氣。

Throughout the holiday season, Mickey Avenue will be covered in traditional holiday decorations designed to immerse guests in the festive experience from the moment they begin their holiday adventure at Shanghai Disneyland. Here, guests will also have the opportunity to meet Mickey Mouse and his pals, as well as Duffy, ShellieMay, Gelatoni and StellaLou dressed in their newest Chinese New Year costumes, and take pictures together in front of photo backdrops inspired by the New Year. Goofy will also make special appearances in his God of Fortune costume, bringing extra energy and excitement to the festivities.

        為迎接吉祥豬年、恭祝遊客來年萬事興旺,《玩具總動員》系列電影中憨態可掬的小豬「火腿」(Hamm) 將出現在度假區各處的主題裝飾中,送上新年的富足和好運。 “十二朋友園”將用金幣和春聯裝飾象徵豬年的生肖壁畫,為遊客創造別具一格的拍照場景。遊客還可以在奇想花園美麗的拱門和坐落於花園中心的豬年主題裝飾前與家人朋友合影留念,留下美好的節日瞬間。

To welcome in the Year of the Pig, and wish guests a prosperous year ahead, Hamm - the hilarious pig from the Toy Story films - will be featured throughout the resort, signifying luck and good fortune. In the Garden of the Twelve Friends, the pig zodiac will also be adorned with golden coins and red couplets, creating a special photo opportunity for guests. A beautiful archway and spinning centerpiece in the Gardens of Imagination will also help create happy holiday memories as guests pose for pictures with family and friends.

Disney Magic Adds Extra Fun to Chinese New Year Traditions
Ceremonies and performances are an important part of Chinese

節慶儀式和演出是春節傳統的重要組成部分。上海迪士尼樂園將在今年 1 月 25 日、26日,2月4日至10日每天,以及元宵節(2月19日)當日的“點亮奇夢:夜光幻影秀”表演後呈現全新“2019 農曆新年煙花慶典:愛與光的寄語”,以這一特別的方式辭舊迎新、慶祝佳節。

Ceremonies and performances are an important part of Chinese New Year traditions, and this year, to welcome in the Year of the Pig, on January 25 - 26 and every day from February 4 - 10 and on the Lantern Festival (February 19), the nightly showing of Ignite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light will be topped off with the Chinese New Year 2019 Firework Celebration: A Feast of Love and Light.


Each morning throughout the entire holiday season, guests can also witness a customary drum ceremony near the Storytellers Statue. Here, Mickey and Minnie Mouse will preside over a daily
performance that fills each day with good fortune and happy wishes. At special times throughout the day, Mickey and his pals will also gather in Celebration Square to celebrate the New Year with a special performance of Shanghai Swing. The entertaining dance moment features characters and dancers in vintage Shanghai-style costumes for a high-energy show that encourages guests to swing along.


The Wishing Garden will return this year as the Garden of the Twelve Friends undergoes a festive transformation into a special holiday-themed garden, with celebratory decorations centered on Hamm’s zodiac mosaic. Here, guests can write their New Year wishes down on wish cards - available in the Wishing Garden and at character meet and greet locations - then hang their cards in set locations around the garden area, sending out their hopes and dreams for a prosperous
year ahead.


This year, guests can also discover a special Chinese New Year carnival at the Wishing Star Market
in Disneytown, where they can continue their celebrations and shopping as they explore the diverse assortment of traditional Chinese snacks, and ornaments on display. In the center of the market, the Wishing Star Skating Rink will also provide fun skating experiences that guests of all ages will remember for years to come. The festive décor and charming photo locations throughout Disneytown will also give visitors another way to capture pictures and celebrate a prosperous Year of the Pig.

Enjoy Family Reunions with Favorite Festive Flavors at Shanghai Disney Resort

團圓飯由來已久是中國家庭一年中最重要的一頓飯。 2019 年 2 月 4 日(大年三十)和 2 月 5 日(正月初一),上海迪士尼樂園酒店仙履奇緣宴會廳將首次推出年夜飯套餐,為遊客帶來獨特的新年歡聚體驗。精心烹製的各式經典菜餚擺盤精美、寓意吉祥,遊客大飽口福之餘,還能大飽眼福。全家老小圍桌而坐,在享用豐盛晚宴之餘,小朋友們還可以體驗包餃子、剪紙、拉糖畫等傳統活動帶來的別樣樂趣。遊客輕鬆享用年夜飯的同時,還能在宴會廳收看春節聯歡晚會直播,共享其樂融融的團圓時光。

The reunion dinner is a longstanding tradition in Chinese culture, and isthe most important meal of the year for Chinese families. For the first time ever, on February 4 and 5, Shanghai Disney Resort will host special reunion dinners in the Cinderella Ballroom at the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel, delivering a signature experience for families and friends. Presented in customary style, the sumptuous dinner service will include dishes that not only taste delicious, but are also a feast for the eyes - with beautiful presentations and auspicious overtones. During the meal, children can take a break from the table to enjoy traditional paper-cutting activities, sugar painting, and can even try making their own dumplings. Guests will also be able to relax and enjoy a live screening of the Chinese New Year Gala on televisions throughout the ballroom.

上海迪士尼樂園酒店的盧米亞廚房將在2 月3日至10 日期間,推出新春自助餐盛宴,各式海鮮、燒烤、中西美食、新春主題甜品應有盡有,一次滿足每個人的口味。換上新春服飾的米奇、米妮和迪士尼朋友們的互動合影,也將為聚餐更添歡樂。

Lumière’s Kitchen in the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel will also host a Chinese New Year Feast from February 3 to 10. Their magnificent buffet will include a wide range of fresh seafood, meats, traditional Chinese and western dishes and a vast variety of New Year-themed desserts that are sure to satisfy. Throughout the meal, guests will also have a number of opportunities to take family photos with Mickey, Minnie and other Disney friends dressed in authentic Chinese New Year costumes.


In the park, Wandering Moon Restaurant is offering a new range of dishes and services for guests looking to satiate their Chinese food cravings. Starting this Chinese New Year, the restaurant will launch a brand new series of Chinese dishes for guests to enjoy, from roasted duck, to BBQ pork, to Mongolian beef, plum pork ribs with garlic, and a wide range of other delectable choices, perfect for every palate. Plus, a new table service is being introduced for those guests looking to enjoy a more full-service dining experience during their park visit.


This year, the Royal Banquet Hall will debut a festive family reunion tabletop feast fit for a King or Queen for the Chinese New Year holiday. Designed to pamper guests with royal courtesy and a dash of Disney magic, guests will experience fairy tale delicacies with friends and family, including golden crab seafood soup, special Mickey-shaped braised pork knuckle, braised flounder, and much more, all served within the magical realm of the Enchanted Storybook Castle.

小米大廚烘焙坊和帕帕里諾冰激凌也為遊客帶來了充滿迪士尼元素的西式甜品,包括 米奇紙杯蛋糕、藍莓芝士蛋糕配小金豬巧克力片、米奇玉桂甜甜圈配混合冰淇淋,造型別緻,趣味十足。全新推出的奇奇蒂蒂巧克力栗子串和芝士奶蓋紅豆湯,將為冬日遊園帶來更多暖意和甜蜜回憶。

Remy’s Patisserie and Il Paperino are also releasing a new selection of unique Disney dishes, including Mickey cupcakes and blueberry cheesecake topped with Chinese copper-shaped chocolates, and Mickey cinnamon donuts green tea and red bean ice cream. Chip & Dale’s Chocolate Chestnut Skewers and a red bean soup with a cheese topping, available elsewhere in the park, will also provide the perfect remedy for those looking to satisfy their sweet tooth during
the Chinese New Year season.

Bring the Magic Home and Share Best Wishes for a Prosperous Year Ahead



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區 2019年新春節慶活動預告
上海迪士尼度假區 2019年新春節慶活動預告
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