


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2018年「社區妙韻樂飄揚」繼續宣揚傷健共融

香港迪士尼樂園度假區 聖誕「社區妙韻樂飄揚」
延續迪士尼關愛病童精神   送上鼓勵與支持

Hong Kong Disneyland Christmas “Community Choir Sing Along”
Continues Disney’s care, encouragement and support for children patients

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 繼9月宣佈與香港兒童醫院合作,支持兒童醫院「童康服」計劃,協助即將投入服務的兒童醫院設計一系列病童住院服後,香港迪士尼將繼續透過不同渠道幫助病童,延續關愛病童及其家人的精神,在未來一年積極投入以關懷病童為目標的社區項目。在11 及12 月,香港迪士尼與9個社區團體合作,邀請超過300人參與「社區妙韻樂飄揚」的聖誕表演,當中包括多個病童及醫護人員組織。適逄今日亦是「國際復康日」,香港迪士尼與大家一起攜手支持病童,同時宣揚傷健共融。

Following its support for the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital to design clothing for children patients in the “Dress Well” project announced in September, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) continues its dedication to care for children patients and their families in various community projects in the coming year. In November and December, HKDL has initiated “Community Choir Sing Along” Christmas caroling in the park with the participation of more than 300 participants from nine local community choirs. Many of them are children patients and medical staff. To echo the International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3, HKDL hopes more people will show their support for sick children and inclusion of people with disabilities.

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 與九隊社區合唱團分享國際舞台,表演團隊將於月內指定日子在樂園「美國小鎮大街」的表演舞台上,獻上動人心弦的佳節樂曲,與來自世界各地的賓客一同分享共度佳節的喜悅,同時亦從表演中獲得一份認同及鼓勵。參與團隊包括由視障學童組成的「心光學校合唱團」、由患語言障礙小朋友組成的「庭恩兒童中心合唱團」,亦有由病童、家屬及醫護人員組成的「腎兒聲夢合唱團」及「生命小戰士會合唱團」等。

The participating community choirs will perform on the hub stage at Main Street U.S.A. on selected dates, delighting guests from around the world and sharing festive joy with enchanting Christmas carols while receiving recognition and encouragement at the same time. The performing groups include visually impaired students from Ebenezer School for the Visually Impaired, children with language impairment from Benji’s Children Choir, as well as KIDS’ Dream Choir and Little Life Warrior which brought together children patients, their parents and medical staff to showcase their singing talents.

陪伴病童成長 打破困惑
Overcoming challenges with loved ones

黃凱霖香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2019至2020年度 親善大使 梁紫瑩
Holly Wong Hoi-lam &Melody Leung, 2019/20 Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Ambassador


Holly Wong Hoi-lam, a primary five student from Ebenezer School for the Visually Impaired, suffers from congenital microphthalmia and retinal defect and is diagnosed with moderate low vision. Hospital visits have been part of her growing up as she has to visit the doctor regularly for medical consultations.


Holly’s mother has been her close companion since birth, accompanying her to countless medical treatments and consultations. Li recalled the anxious days, “Our daughter couldn’t open her eyes several days after birth, and we went on countless check-ups at maternal and child health centers and hospitals before we found that she was born with visual impairment. For the following few years, we had to take Holly in for medical check-up two to three times a week. She also has to undergo rehabilitation training.” Taking care of sick children could be stressful and dispiriting for parents and close family members, but to see them grow and evolve through the challenges is highly encouraging and satisfying.

        凱霖在家人悉心照顧及支持下,積極克服視力障礙,運用  僅存的視力努力認字。她更首次以合唱團小隊長的身份帶領其他患有眼疾的同學一起參加在樂園表演,「我一直很喜歡唱歌,會努力認字學歌詞。在每次合唱團練習時,我  都希望可以幫到身邊年紀較少,或者視力較差的同學,例如一起反覆地朗讀歌詞,協助他們記下歌曲內容,及幫助導師教同學伴隨音樂配合肢體動作。」由比較害羞被動的性格,透過參加合唱團,到能夠在香港迪士尼的舞台表演,凱霖亦慢慢變得更開心積極。

With her family’s care and support, Wong overcame her vision challenge by making good use of her remaining visual acuity to learn how to read. As the choir team primary section leader, this was Holly’s first time to perform at HKDL and lead a choir of members who are also visually impaired. “I love singing so much and I always try my very best to study the lyrics. I wish to help the younger or visually impaired teammates at every choir practice, such as reading out the lyrics repeatedly so they can recite the songs, or help the instructors teach the members to move according to the melody.” Wong said she was a happier and more positive person after joining the choir and performing at HKDL.

重點投入關愛病童    發揮迪士尼精神
Sharing Disney’s sprit with children patients

       作為香港的一份子,香港迪士尼一直關心社區需要,並秉承華特迪士尼公司致力關愛病童及其家人的傳統。除了在樂園內安排舞台予社區團隊發光發熱,香港迪士尼更走入社區,安排演藝人員及迪士尼朋友組成義工隊,於12 月18 及19 日到大口環根德公爵夫人兒童醫院基督教聯合醫院探訪,並送贈聖誕禮物予病童歡渡佳節,為他們在治療過程中送上鼓勵。

As a member of the local community, HKDL pays close attention to the needs of the society and strives to extend the Walt Disney Company’s tradition in caring for children patients and their families to Hong Kong. In addition to arranging for the local community choirs to showcase their talents at the park, HKDL also takes action to serve children patents in the community. A team of Disney VoluntEARS, formed by cast members and Disney friends, will visit children patients at The Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital at Sandy Bay and United Christian Hospital on December 18 and 19 respectively. The children patients will receive Christmas presents as a token of encouragement during their treatments.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2018年「社區妙韻樂飄揚」繼續宣揚傷健共融
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2018年「社區妙韻樂飄揚」繼續宣揚傷健共融
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