


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 迎港珠澳大橋首發團 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort welcomes HZMB inaugural tour

發揮毗鄰口岸優勢 輕鬆暢玩奇妙旅程

Hong Kong Disneyland welcomes HZMB inaugural tour
Premium location off landing point as magical journey begins

       港珠澳大橋首日通車,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 今早聯同廣東省拱北口岸中國旅行社組織首發團,率先經大橋到訪度假區,感受「快行慢玩」度假新體驗。香港迪士尼樂園度假區 距離大橋口岸僅僅10分鐘車程,大橋開通將有助度假區進一步拓展廣東省西部地區市場的策略。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDLR) today welcomed its first “Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge” (HZMB) inaugural tour jointly arranged with China Travel Service Gongbei Port Guangdong on the first day of the bridge’s operation. Located within 10 minutes’ drive from the Hong Kong Port of the bridge, HKDL is well positioned to further expand its reach into the western Guangdong region as the HZMB commenced operation.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 專程到珠海陪同首發團訪港,以及在港珠澳大橋香港口岸,迎接50名來自珠海的居民,並邀請他們參與在樂園內舉行的歡迎儀式。

Samuel Lau, managing director of HKDL, traveled to Zhuhai to accompany the inaugural tour to Hong Kong, and greeted 50 guests from Zhuhai at the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF). The tour was welcomed in a ceremony at the resort.

劉永基 表示:「港珠澳大橋通車,大大拉近了廣東省西部與香港迪士尼的距離。賓客隨時都輕鬆起行,享受香港迪士尼獨一無二的奇妙體驗。我們會充分利用毗鄰大橋口岸的地利優勢,加強推廣,讓香港迪士尼成為粵西地區居民出遊度假的首選目的地。」

“The opening of HZMB brings the western Guangdong region closer to HKDL. Guests can set off any time to enjoy the unique, magical experience at HKDL. We will fully leverage our geographical advantage of being located near the HKBCF and strengthen our promotions, positioning HKDL as a top travel destination for guests from the western Guangdong region,” said Lau.

過橋即達香港迪士尼 大小輕鬆同行
Convenient vacation spot right across the bridge


The 50-guest inaugural tour gathered in Zhuhai this morning, and it only took 45 minutes for them to clear immigration and arrive at the HKBCF. The group proceeded directly to HKDL, and received a warm welcome from Mickey and Minnie Mouse as they arrived at the resort.

        一早已計劃參與首發團的付志紅,得知通車日期後隨即報團。她與兩位好友,各自帶同自己女兒,一行六人在珠海出發,經大橋到 香港迪士尼樂園度假區付志紅表示:「我們自己本身都是好朋友,3個小朋友又年紀相若,平時都會相約一起去玩。今次經港珠澳大橋到香港迪士尼,全程即使帶著小朋友都比較輕鬆,亦較以往坐船,足足節省了兩個小時,可以有更多時間在樂園遊玩。」

Fu Zhihong, who had planned to join the inaugural tour, signed up immediately when the opening date of the HZMB was confirmed. Fu and her two good friends, each bringing their daughters, visited HKDL as a group of six from Zhuhai via the bridge. “We are close friends and the three kids are about the same age, so we travel together all the time. This time, traveling to HKDL via the HZMB, was much easier even with the kids. We saved two hours compared to when we had to travel on the ferry, and that gave us much more time to enjoy the resort.”

善用交通配套及大嶼山旅遊資源    迪士尼推多元化旅遊組合
Diversified travel options with Lantau’s tourism resources

       大橋連接香港大嶼山香港迪士尼樂園度假區 積極與區內各個景點合作,互相配合發展,期望產生更大的協同效應。度假區已聯同昂坪360推出1日連玩套票,1日旅程享受兩種體驗,以及其他優惠。

With the HZMB connecting to Lantau in Hong Kong, HKDL actively collaborated with neighboring attractions to achieve synergy in attracting visitors. HKDL and Ngong Ping 360 jointly launched a one-day ticket combo that offered both experiences in one day, as well as other discounts.


Starting from today, the resort and China Travel Service Gongbei Port Guangdong jointly launched a special package that included a cross-border bus trip on the HZMB and park ticket at a discounted price of RMB499 (limited at 100 sets). A two-day package including a park ticket, hotel stay and round-trip transportation was also launched at RMB1,398 up, giving Guests more flexibility to plan their itineraries.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 同時全面提升交通配套及貼心服務。除了大橋上有24小時穿梭巴士,以及香港口岸人工島設有最快每10分鐘一班的B5專線巴士直達香港迪士尼樂園度假區外,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 亦加強與內地多個城市的交通接駁,在樂園入口開出的直通跨境巴士路綫,將由現時連接17個內地城巿,陸續擴展至27個。

At the same time, HKDL extended its comprehensive transport support and heartfelt service. Apart from the 24-hour shuttle bus service on the bridge and the B5 bus route operated between the HKBCF and HKDL as frequent as every 10 minutes, HKDL will enhance its transportation service with multiple mainland cities, expanding the cross-boundary direct bus services departing at the resort entrance from 17 to 27 mainland cities.

        繼上月於廣深港高鐵西九龍站開設全新客務中心後,香港迪士尼樂園度假區香港口岸人工島上,也將再增設客務中心 。

Following the opening of the Guest Service Center at West Kowloon Station last month, HKDL will open another guest service center at the HKBCF.

More magic to come with seasonal events and expansion projects

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 亦為賓客送上源源不絕的精彩節目,包括由11月15日起,帶來充滿傳統氣息的「A Disney Christmas」聖誕活動,今年更會在節慶期間慶祝米奇老鼠90週年!而緊接2019年新春,樂園將呈獻各項熱鬧喜慶的農曆新年的慶祝活動,把幸福喜氣傳遞給每一位賓客。

The magic and mesmerizing experience at HKDL continued to grow. Starting from November 15, HKDL will present the most authentic Christmas ever with A Sparkling Christmas. The 90th anniversary of Mickey Mouse will also be celebrated during this seasonal event, followed by more joy and luck with the festive celebration for Chinese New Year in 2019.

       另外,香港迪士尼樂園 正展開為期六年的擴建計畫,Marvel主題遊樂設施「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」將於2019年3月開幕,這將會是繼「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」後,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 推出的又一全新Marvel主題遊樂設施。屆時,大熱電影《蟻俠2:黃蜂女現身》中兩位主角保羅活特伊雲祖蓮莉莉都將在香港迪士尼這項互動遊樂設施中亮相。而 香港迪士尼樂園 的地標—城堡,亦正進行華麗變身,將與13位迪士尼公主一同為賓客創造更精彩、更嶄新的娛樂體驗。

As the park continued its six-year expansion project, Marvel-themed attraction “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!” will debut in March 2019. It will be HKDL’s second Marvel-themed attraction following Iron Man Experience. Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly, the stars of the Ant-Man and The Wasp movie, will also appear in the interactive attraction. The HKDL castle, currently under transformation, will bring guests an all-new entertainment experience with 13 Disney Princesses.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 迎港珠澳大橋首發團 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort welcomes HZMB inaugural tour
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 迎港珠澳大橋首發團 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort welcomes HZMB inaugural tour
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