Shanghai Disney Resort Opens First Out-of-Town Retail Store in Neighboring Suzhou
A diverse collection of the resort’s merchandise products unlocks the magic of Disney’s unique shopping experience
上海迪士尼度假區商店 蘇州奕歐來店 於今天盛大開幕,成為度假區在上海以外開設的首家零售商店。這座全新的上海迪士尼度假區商店將迪士尼的神奇體驗延續到毗鄰上海的江蘇省 蘇州市,為臨滬地區的更多顧客帶來備受歡迎的度假區經典商品和樂趣無窮的互動式娛樂購物體驗,成為全家共享的理想購物地之選。
Shanghai Disney Resort’s first retail store outside the city of Shanghai welcomed its first guests today in Suzhou. The new Suzhou Village Shanghai Disney Resort Store treats shoppers to a dynamic assortment of the resort’s popular merchandise in a fun, family-friendly environment. By expanding into Suzhou, Shanghai Disney Resort is bringing the magic of its unique retail offerings to even more people and is further helping guests to create special memories that will last a lifetime.
Located at No. 35 in Suzhou Village, the Suzhou Village Shanghai Disney Resort Store offers guests the immersive Disney ambiance and entertainment experience that the resort is so well known for. Inside the store, signature Disney touches add life to the already exquisite interior design. While shopping, guests will find themselves enthralled in the wonderful worlds of iconic Disney characters and stories, and delight in a wide range of the resort’s merchandise collections.
上海迪士尼度假區商店 蘇州奕歐來店 出售的主題商品包羅萬象,為顧客提供了豐富的選擇 500餘種 商品涵蓋了服裝,飾品,家居用品,紀念品等在內的諸多類別,呈現了豐富的 迪士尼 和 迪士尼·皮克斯*角色和故事,包括米奇、米妮、《賽車總動員》#、《冰雪奇緣》**、《玩具總動員》^、迪士尼公主等。遊客還可將上海迪士尼度假區獨家開發和設計的商品收入囊中,例如以度假區備受歡迎的景點為主題而設計的商品以及將迪士尼元素和中國文化完美相融的「復古上海」系列商品。
The Suzhou Village Shanghai Disney Resort store offers over 500 different products, ranging from apparel and accessories to home goods and souvenirs that all feature a variety of beloved Disney and Disney•Pixar characters and stories, including Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Cars, Frozen, Toy Story, and Disney Princesses. Guests visiting the store will embark on a fun and magical journey filled with exclusive resort merchandise - from unique attraction-themed collections to the vintage Shanghai collection.
During the opening period, guests can enjoy a variety of special offers, including exclusive gift bags containing some of the resort’s most popular and eye-catching products, as well as a complimentary sticker to take home and commemorate their visit.
上海迪士尼度假區商店 蘇州奕歐來店 是上海迪士尼度假區在度假區外開設的第三家,上海以外開設的第一家主題商店,前兩家商店位於上海虹橋國際機場2號航站樓內。自去年開業以來,兩家商店深受來往於上海的旅客的青睞,受到了顧客高度好評。
The Suzhou Village Shanghai Disney Resort Store is the third Shanghai Disney Resort store to carry the resort’s merchandise products outside the resort. The other two stores are located at Terminal Two at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. Since opening last year, the two stores have been a huge hit with visiting guests from around the world.